Content Queen Mariah

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227: Ask yourself these FOUR questions to make content creation for your small business more intentional and impactful

No you didn’t start your business to be a content creator…

But that happens and then we are filled with information to help us to keep creating content but not also build a sustainable business at the same time.  

I believe there are 4 things that can help all business owners with content marketing so it is holistic and sustainable. 

They are the FOUR Queens that make up our current “I am/We are Content Queen” campaign and in this podcast episode we are summarising them for you AND giving you four key questions to guide you through each Queen! 

If you LOVED this episode, make sure you share this on your Instagram stories and tag us @contentqueenmariah. 



  • The FOUR questions to make content creation for your small business more intentional and impactful

  • How to create content as a business owner, not as a full-time creator 

  • How to build your digital footprint 

  • What you need to keep content marketing simple  


If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ @contentqueenmariah⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠!

Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕


This is episode 227, we're talking about the four things you need in content marketing to really help you as a small business owner.  Welcome to the content queen podcast. I'm your host, Mariah, entrepreneur, storyteller, digital nomad, creator of content bootcamp and founder of content queen. I'm here to teach you how to share your unique story, create content and market your business with strategy through the channels that work for you.

Each week I'll deliver a story to help you connect to a powerful strategy around marketing, business and content creation.  I'm also joined by amazing sellers and entrepreneurs who are here to share their own journey along with actual steps to help you take your business to a whole new level through amazing storytelling, powerful aligned marketing and content strategy.

Let's do it! hello gang i do sound a little bit more husky than usual because um  yeah i i COVID hit the household. I don't seem to be testing positive at all, but I do sound a bit husky. So I don't know. I've got something. Um, I feel fine, but my voice sounds a little bit husky.  So basically this is the last episode of the I Am We Are Content Queen campaign.

If you're joining new, there is a page in the show notes that you can check out and you can learn more about this campaign. But basically I have gone through these four  elements that make up content marketing and how to use them all together to become the content queen or king of your business. So this episode is really about each queen, but I want you to ask yourself four of the questions I'm going to share to help you make content creation for your small business more intentional and more impactful.

So  you can grab a pen. And write them down. Otherwise there will be a social media post dedicated.  But basically  I started this campaign  last year. I ran it once and it really came to me because  what was really happening in the content marketing space is there is a lot of noise. There is a lot out there and a lot of the people sharing noise have, you know, experience in terms of they're doing the things, but not of, not all there's lots, but not all have, um,  sharing the full picture of content creation and content marketing as a small business owner.

What happens is we are sold content creation as like you're an influencer,  but you,  Yes, you are an influencer in terms of you create influence, but you are also a small business owner trying to have impact through what you do and what you share and what you sell. So you're not this. Full time content creator.

You're a business owner. And a lot of the things that we're taught  is to help with like the full time content creation aspect.  And whilst life is content and you can spend years and days and hours creating great content.  You need to sort of make up the elements that help you as a small business owner.

So that you're not spending all your time  on these platforms that we don't really all have control over.  And. You're giving, giving, giving,  and  yeah, it's not always  giving that impact. It's not always super intentional or what happens is we think, Oh my God, I've got to create content. So we just post something for the sake of it because we've been told we have to show up.

So that's why I created this campaign and it's here to sort of help you, I guess, drown out the noise and create  what's going to work for you and your business.  And basically when you start to see content marketing holistically, then you can work on creating a sustainable business because content marketing is just one element.

of marketing and also just one tiny element of being in business. But we're sold to the fact that it's this, yeah,  be all and end all of our business, but it's just one part. So  I want to break it down first by sharing  queen,  the first queen, which is the queen in cards in a card deck.  So basically, if you think about it in a card deck, the queen is.

One card, and you've got multiple Royals and multiple other cards that can help you win poker or win blackjack or whatever game you're playing win Whatever game  so really it's about evaluating where content marketing sits and how it works in your overall business strategy  So the first question you can ask yourself is what is the vision for my business and what role does content marketing play?

To achieve this,  right? So you have to think about that and think about,  you know, do I have goals and plans for my overall business? And if you don't, the last episode, episode two to six will help you think about business strategy because business strategy is like  the start and then you've got all these other strategies that line under it  and marketing content.

Marketing is just one part.  Whilst it's the part that. Maybe people will first see you like they might first see your social media before they see your website or bits and pieces. It doesn't mean it's always a thing that you like, that's the only focus that you need. You know, you just have a social media page and you can start a business of course, but to make it sustainable and longterm.

You need the business strategy.  So that's the queen of cards, the first queen. So once you understand that, then you can move on to the next stage, which is the queen of chess. So the queen in the game of chess is strategic. So.  That's what you want to think about with your content marketing. Is it being strategic?

So then you can think about this question, which is what channels and content needs to be created to align with the business I want to create and the business goals that you have,  right? So once you've got that business strategy, you can start to work out where content marketing plays its role and then in what element, so what channels.

What type of content and how does that align to what you want to create in your business?  So basically this is the content marketing strategy.  Now I have a free workshop. If you want to learn the seven steps that I teach around content strategy, which isn't just,  you know, what post should I post here and when, and it's aligning everything together.

So I'll put that in the show notes and you can check that one out, but we also have an episode On strategy, uh, with the queen chess. And that is episode two to five. So all these episodes are on that landing page. We are content queen.  The third one is queen, the band. So I've talked about this before, if we think of queen, the band, um, they were very unique in their style of music and they really became known for.

So basically it's what do you want to be known for  and  the question that you can ask yourself on this is what is my story and what is my unique message that will help me be seen. We all have our own unique message. So first thinking about what you want to be known for and your story and just get everything out, just like write it all out, write it all out.

And then what you can do is you can start compiling all this information and it'll start to make sense But I think the first thing is just to dump everything down and out and get it out And then you can start to create pockets of content from there And then that starts to build What you want to be known for and if you do that over a long period of time with repetition It starts to really be like how many I've for years, have I talked about strategy and storytelling together  a long, long time,  not just five minutes.

Like you have to keep sharing what makes you unique. You have to keep moving forward. And if you truly believe in it, you know, with time, even if maybe someone's like, Oh, I don't know. Or that's interesting way of looking at it. You know, it starts to,  you know, you start to be known and seen for that. And then people  start to understand it.

It's like, for example, even. The story of Queen everyone was like, oh that music isn't gonna be anything or like no it's not the style people are looking for but then  The more the consistency with that and the more that they really believed in it  Everyone else did to. So you might have an abstract idea or  yeah, you might not be sure about like yourself or you might not fully trust, but if you keep sharing, you build that with time as well.

And then the last one is Queen B. So basically queen B is all about repurposing.  So then, um, that question,  That you can ask yourself is,  how can I take the strategy that I've built or the plan that I have and ensure that I can be seen in more places? So how can I build my digital footprint, even if it's a future task?

But if you get into the habit of thinking about how you can continue to reuse things, even if it's messaging, it's not necessarily like one specific piece of content  and keep reusing it. You can build your digital footprint. And then when you have a strategy that's working for you consistently, that's when you have the time to add more channels into your  suite of content.

That's when you can keep moving forward. Like I didn't start by posting on all the channels I am now. Actually, I did and I burnt out and then I. Stripped it right back. Um, but then, cause I didn't have a strategy. And then when I built the strategy, I could then add more channels  and then you can start, this is where, if you are ready to repurpose, you can start repurposing.

Sorry, because that when you're ready to outsource, you can outsource the repurposing.  And that's what some people do that, um, are like expert content creators in their business. And they're very familiar with content creation. They really enjoy it. They then outsource the repurposing.  So then they just have to create that one piece or a couple of pieces, and then they can see it go further.

So right now thinking about  one channel that you're on,  how could that become two in the future?  And make a little plan of how you can get there. Transcribed  But I think it comes back to once you have the strategy and the consistency, you start, it starts to get easier and you find more time,  but you really do have to follow it in that order.

You have to have the strategy to get there.  So this is going to be a short episode because, yeah, my throat is sore and I didn't want to talk for too long, but basically these four questions will be in A post on social media,  but ask yourself those questions. Start with the business strategy, build the content marketing strategy off the back of that, build your story and your messaging.

And then think about where it can kind of be spread far and wide. And it doesn't have to be that hard. You just have to understand  you, your time, how you create content and how your audience connects with that.  And whilst that takes time and it's not easy in terms of it doesn't happen overnight like that.

It doesn't have to be an overcomplicated process where we've got to be doing all these little tactics and things and they can come over time,  but you just got to learn that process of  the business goals and strategy, how my content plays to those goals.  Because this is what happens too, is you're often sold  A formula that's based off someone else's goal not yours.

So that's why it can be really hard for you to replicate as well  So then once you've got that then you can build your own uniqueness through your story and your messaging if you're not sure what that is right now  Just start writing or start recording or start thinking, start having open conversations with people in your community, business mentors, um, and start thinking about it and start, even if you're not sure yet, start a story bank and write out, you know, five year intervals of your life and write significant moments that happened.

You'll find something in that. There's so much magic in there. If you just set the intention to find your story and your unique messaging, once you have those three things.  Just spreading it far and wide  makes more sense. And then you start to see what you can repurpose and what you can reuse. Now I've shared resources on a lot of these things throughout this campaign.

So if you were on my email list, you would have gotten those all. So you just go back through the archives.  If you're new, you can join the email list. We will be sending out another email.  And if you want any of those resources, I'm going to do an email sharing all the resources we shared.  So we have, you know, repurposing guides.

We have looking at business plan, sort of high level. We have, um, storytelling formula guides. We've shared all that stuff. So if you've missed that, just send me a message, but I'm going to be sending all that out in this week's email.  So it was really short and sweet, but  that's what it can be. The process can be quite simplified.

It doesn't have to be super complex. And then with time and knowledge, you can add complexity to it. You can add  depth of knowledge and, and learn more. But just take it back to the basics because I think we get really overwhelmed with what we see on social media and tactics and things. It's just, it really can be simple.

And if you want that like strategy simplified, I share that in my workshop, which is free and that is in the show notes.  So  I hope that helps  and that you can really go forward with  just a little bit of knowledge on the basics. how you can get started because I know it can be really overwhelming and  it really does hold us back from doing anything really.

Um, so if there's just step one,  go back to thinking about your overall business plan, what you want to achieve and why. And there's a really good value shared in episode 226,  but the link is in the show notes to the page where all those episodes are there. If you just listen to those in a row, I think you'll get a really good grasp of it.

But be a content queen or king and remember that developing your strategy and story develops your business. Thank you so much for joining me today and being patient with my voice. Please don't forget to share this with all your business and entrepreneurial friends. You can do this by adding it to your Insta stories and tagging us at content queen Mariah or just tell them about it.

And if you rate and review on whatever platform you're seeing this on, it does help me get this message out there. But to continue to create these types of campaigns, give value, give freebies, all that stuff.  And if you follow us on Instagram or TikTok, you can let us know if there's any topics or questions that you have that you'd like us to address in the podcast.

And I will talk to you next week with a better voice and more value. Bye. 

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