How Content Queen creates content to market
Of course at Content Queen we create content. We have a strategy in place and we test, trial, and measure strategies all the time! But now it is time to share it all with you!
We are big believers in practicing what you preach so we want to do exactly that. We’re ready to share with you the ins and outs of how we create content at Content Queen, how we mapped out the process, the lessons we have learnt, and how you can implement something similar!
With 2022 just around the corner (I know, scary right?) This could be really helpful when reflecting on your own strategy and the actions you can put in place to make it better in the new year.
You can't learn unless you start, so let’s get into it!
The Strategy
The Content Queen strategy template is something we are all really proud of. It sets us up for success each year and keeps us accountable for the work we do daily, quarterly, and yearly! To give you a bit of a run-down, this is what it looks like
We have our core channel at the top, which is our Podcast, and the supporting channels follow this!
Social Media
With Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook all being our major supporting channels, we use the strategy to help repurpose the weekly themes/concepts on each platform. Then, throughout this, we add fun and promotional content to mix it up.
Email marketing
Within this tab, we map out what each email will include. For us, this rotates between 4 things: Promoting a current offer, telling a story, tips, and actionable steps, and lastly, something personal/sharing a blog. We find that this structure works really well to get the most out of repurposing content, promoting offers, and obtaining those all important website clicks!
The Content Themes
The content themes are important to give you inspiration and keep you on track each month. Especially with the endless amount of content being posted daily, it's good to plan this ahead to avoid overwhelm or the last-minute scramble. Here’s how we like to map them out:
We have a look at market research and note down what our audience is asking
We based it on what we are offering (the content is aligned to what is coming up in the business)
What consider what guests we want to have (podcast guests)
Usually, these are mapped out on the 15th of each month to make sure we’ve covered all bases and have enough time to organise the guests we need
The Buckets
Content buckets are the main source of our inspiration at Content Queen, they outline the roots of our content creation. The buckets we have acted as the key elements of what the business is all about - from these we can pull themes, concepts, ideas, and inspiration whenever we need it.
You can have a look at Content Queen’s buckets below!
The Pillars
Our content pillars are similar to our buckets in terms of where we can pull inspiration from. Showing up for clients means more than just providing them with your products or services. Offering your clients more information and more content is the extra level you can offer to be seen as a resource hub, that’s where the content pillars come in.
Content Queen works to four content pillars which include fun, education, information, and engagement. This is the way we split our themes and concepts for each week, alternating between them for our post ideas! If you’d like to learn more about the pillars, have a look at our blog where we go into more depth, here.
The purpose
It’s important to note down the purpose of your content before you even start creating it. Why? Because this provides you with purpose as well as giving your target audience direction to take when interacting with your posts.
For example, the different purposes of Content Queen’s content are to get email subscriptions, website taps, low-end offer purchases (this is done through upselling and email marketing), and retainers which are mainly through word of mouth marketing, but we also show ourselves as an expert and use connections to build high ticket clients
Have you thought of your purpose in your content?
What is working in our content?
Here are some of the things we’ve noticed that work really well in our content!
Blogs: Recently, through having a look at our Google Analytics, our blogs have become super successful. We’ve noticed traction on old blogs has been picking up as well as most of our website visits coming from there as well! So much so, we decided to take content Queen back to Pinterest and have been seeing some awesome results from there as well. This is why you should always be checking where your traffic is coming from and staying on top of your analytics, you never know what you’ll find out!
Instagram: In particular, using Instagram for educational content and connection building rather than just selling. This has worked wonders and has led us towards creating much more aligned and engaging content, which we love to see!
The process of the content goes like this
Want an insight into our process? We’ve got your back on that one too - here is a rundown of our creation process!
Mariah briefs the content a week prior
The team writes and creates the graphics
We post!
Yep, that’s it! After working on a content strategy, the work just flows like a well-oiled machine.
You can achieve this too!
Make sure you have dedicated days and remember that these things take time so be patient and don’t let perfectionism hold you back from getting into a good flow.
Map out the process now and set yourself up for success!
The lessons we have learnt from the strategy
Last but not least, we wanted to share with you the lessons we have learnt from using our content strategy to create!
Remember that Instagram has touch points, so work to these! (takes around 3 actions for people to land on your website)
Don’t ignore the insights and what the data is telling you
Calculate your time spent on content creation vs the reward you get from it - is it worth it?
Connection marketing is a big strategy
Collaborations are important to reach new audiences and expand your brand awareness
Remember what your business is on social media for… to be social! So connect, chat, reply, and like, it’s so important
Final thoughts
Remember it is about a test, trial, and measure! It has taken time to get this strategy in order and we will change when it is needed, however, it’s best to just start and get things going! If you need some guidance and are ready to start, make sure you download our FREE content strategy template here!
It’s time to commit, get on top of your content, and get ready for 2022, so start now!