How does money mindset impact your content creation in business?
Money and business, of course our business can’t run without money. We know money can really have a significant impact on how we run our business and it really can have huge effects on our energy level, which of course has an impact on how we show up.
This could mean how we show up for our clients and customers and especially as entrepreneurs, how we show up in our content for our audience. The ideas we have and the level of creativity really can be impacted from the money mindset we have created.
Of course, I've had my own money experiences, but I have called in Money and Empowerment Coach, Alex Harvey on the podcast this week to take us through money mindset, how it can impact our business and the content we create - as well as how we can shift the mindset!
If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!
So, what Alex covered in the episode is of course, what is money mindset, how it impacts your business (and content) and what you can do to shift your mindset around money!
Listen below!
What is money mindset?
Money mindset is just that, it is a mindset around money. When you have a negative mindset around money, it can have a negative effect on your business, your life and the way you show up for your audience - especially if you use social media and content creation in your business.
As Alex mentioned, it is the lens through which you’re seeing money in the world. All the experiences you had as a child from your parents, from school and everything in between was unconsciously forming your mindset around money - even if you didn’t realise it at the time.
This formation now impacts how you see certain values in money. One person might be offering a course and depending on your money mindset will determine how you react to the price.
The same value could have different responses:
“Too expensive”
“Too expensive, but worth it”
“Too cheap, must be bad quality”
We all have a different story around money and it is up to us to try and reshift what we believe.
Examples of some of the most common thoughts:
“I can only make money from getting paid for a 9-5 job”
“No one will pay me for this role”
“I am not good with money”
To shift this mindset or to be aware of it, it is all about bringing more conscious awareness to it.
How does money mindset impact your energy to show up for your audience?
A poor (or even good) money mindset can impact the energy you have to show up for your audience.
When you have a positive relationship with money, the shift in your energy can be noticed in the way you show up from your audience on social media and for your clients.
Showing up with clarity and self-belief can help you give off a better experience for your audience (whether they have bought for you or not). It can also help you ask for a sale with confidence and instead of having this “get energy” (where you think you have to get money or the sale all the time) and you have confidence in just the value of what you offer.
When you do the work on the mindset around money, the pressure to make money can be lifted, which means you show up with authenticity, you have more energy around what you do (because you know the purpose behind it isn’t just money) and you build transformations for people!
Of course, this translates into the content you create.
How does money mindset impact the way we show up online and create content?
A money mindset and the beliefs around money are different for every entrepreneur. But when you are able to identify what they are and shift the mindset, it translates your energy (as mentioned) and has a direct impact on the content you create.
When you get out of this “I can’t give information and value away for free”, you learn to understand the importance of building trust and a bigger audience through the value you give for free in your content. Of course, there are some who give too much away for free (and that is a money mindset shift that needs to happen).
But it is finding the balance between the value you give in your content and prompting your offers, when it is time for people to pay you for the transformation.
When you do the work on your money mindset, this directly impacts the words you use in your content, your tone of voice and your body language when on camera creating videos for your audience. It is all translated in the content you create!
As Alex said, the more energy you have on what you offer and what your business can do for others, the more compelling your content will be. You won’t have these blockers stopping you from showing up and delivering the value!
What can entrepreneurs do to shift their money mindset?
So, of course, you want to show up with SO much energy for your audience. You want to attract your aligned client through the content you create and you want to have a positive relationship with money!
Here is was you can do to shift it (also take part in Alex’s free Ritual course here):
Write your money story - list an inventory of what it was like growing up and what your beliefs are around money
Take note of the words you tell yourself when you talk about money and try to reframe it
Identify your limiting beliefs and notice them when they come up
Think about the “Get to Give” mindset. You get to give XYZ to people to help them
Do the 5 whys. When something comes up, ask yourself why 5 times. For example “I am not happy with where my money is coming from”... why “well I don’t show up on social media and offer my services”... why “Because I am worried I will annoy people”... why “Well they might think I am being too spammy”...why and continue on that path
Track your money and know your numbers!! When you know your numbers it is easier to have a clearer mindset! Alex also has an amazing planner and tracker to help with this!
Where do you want your money to go
What are some actionable things people can do right now to make a shift in their money mindset when asking for sales or in content creation?
Okay, so once you have worked on your money mindset, how can this translate into your content?! Well here are some great tips to help you start using your content to promote your offers!!
Ask for the invitation to join the program - an invitation is a beautiful way to ask people into your business, it also might feel nicer to say or to write in your content
Sharing is selling - remember sharing your message is a form of selling!! If you want to learn more about conscious selling, check out this free conscious selling guide
Detach from the outcome - of course you want to have goals around your content, but you can also detach yourself from the outcome of your offering, that way you talk about it with more flow without the stress of not selling anything. Remember, this energy affects how you show up!
Be mindful of your blockers and remember it has an impact on your energy.
Money is just an energy exchange. The more you see it like that, the easier it is to show up with more infectious energy to help attract the audience of your dreams!!
My money mindset journey
Trust me, I can relate. My mission for 2020 was to work on my money mindset.
My money mindset was horrible! I started my business on Fiverr doing $10 press releases. I found it really hard to charge what I was worth when I was off the platform. It was NOT easy.
But, I knew I had to change my mindset because selling on social media was HARD and I never felt energy during a launch. So I read “Get Rich Lucky Bitch”, I wrote out my money story (I still do this from time to time, because there is ALWAYS work to do) and I booked in mentoring sessions with mindset coaches.
Here is some things I learnt:
New level new devil, you always have to do the work (but it is okay it gets easier)
Write down every day for a week: “The 15 reasons why XYZ” it could be “why my program will sell out” or “why I am good with money” or “why I am good at my job”. This helps a LOT
Identify the words you tell yourself around money and reframe - this requires being conscious
Track your money, know your income, know the ins and outs
Read and listen to resources to gain more knowledge on money, knowledge is power
The resources I love:
Of course there is always work to do, but it is all about making a start. Since I made the conscious effort to be better with my money, my energy has changed and every time I feel stress coming about money, I know how to reframe!
You can do the same and your content will thank you for it! When that energy is high vibes, the audience will come to you!
Final thoughts
Are you ready to shift your money mindset?
Trust me, it impacts a lot more in your business than you think!!
So, let’s recap for you
What is money mindset: it is the lens through which you see money and the impact it has on you and your energy/frame of mind
It impacts your content creation in a good or a bad way, depending on what your mindset is. If you have a good relationship with money than it shows in your energy, if you have a bad one, well it can be hard to create the content you love
How can you change your mindset: identify the problem and use action steps to get through the limiting beliefs you have around money, this takes time but it is worth it
If you found value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!