How to create a content channel as a side hustle or passion project

Content isn't just about putting words together or a video and posting it online. It allows us to be seen. To be heard and to share our passions with the world.

It allows space for conversation; to build connection and community. 

Business owners are given the inspiration they need to create on a topic they love and are passionate about, this then opens up so many opportunities!

So, how can we work towards finding this inspiration? Well, let’s explore how we can create online to build connections and community in this space. 

We are here to share with you how we do this, how you can never run out of ideas and how you can juggle multiple channels.

Let’s start with the channel you want to show up on

It’s important to first identify the channel and platform you want to create on (and of curse the topic as well). Find out what ignites your passion and what platform you love, this is always the best place to start: Is it blogging, podcasting, video, Instagram, or something else?

Blogging and podcasting have always been passions of mine, even before Content Queen I owned my blog and podcast about life and traveling! This is where I began showing up to start. 

If you aren't sure what channel you should show up on yet, we have the thing for you! The Content Queen content quiz is designed to point you in the right direction towards finding the right channel for you! Click here to take it!

Next, it’s time to find resources and people to guide you 

Look at the people around you who are doing what you want to do! This is your best way to learn from those who are successful. 

Don’t be hesitant to Google and research everything! Yep, everything! If you aren't sure, have questions or need guidance, Google is your best friend (as well as seeing what others in your field are doing).

And, as always, if you need extra support or guidance or don’t know where to start looking, we have the Content Queen membership with what you need. We have guides and resources all in one place for you to gain inspiration (and you can now get the 1st month for only $1)! Make sure to click here to learn more about it!

How can I juggle this with a full-time job?

Creating content for a business owner can be a huge task, so if you’re juggling this with a full-time job, there’s no need to struggle! There are definitely things to help you!

This is what you can do to make life a little bit easier:

  • Delegate if needed and outsource - this is more of an option if you have the money to invest, but definitely worth it in the long run if you find the right people. 

  • Find people who have the same passions as you and do it with them! Make sure these people are aligned with you and your goals. 

  • Have a project management tool to keep you on track and accountable (we love apps like ClickUp and AirTable

  • Schedule time in your calendar to create. Having set times to create the most of your content for the week will help get you in a rhythm of inspiration and give you time for your other responsibilities as well

  • Remember that this is like a mini part-time job. At times it can be tough, but having the right schedule and strategy in place will make it much easier. 

Build a community + connection 

The amazing thing about creating a content channel as a side hustle is that you can create community and connection with your target audience and others in the business as well. 

You can go into an online community of people who have podcasts, blogs, Youtube channels or any kind of online presence and chat to them about shared knowledge, ask questions or even get them on your channel to collab! 

You can also build a community around the topic you talk about in your content, people will relate and feel aligned with you being authentic and passionate about the topics and content you produce! The opportunities are endless!

Build business opportunities 

Remember that this side hustle can create amazing business opportunities for you. It can even turn into a full-time business if you want it to. You have the power to make an income out of it, you just have to put your mind to it and be confident!  

Believe it or not, Content Queen was a side hustle at one point! We had a passion project and made something out of it. 

Content Queen started as a small travel blog and podcast where I would share my experiences and stories about all the places I’ve been. Along with this, Fiverr was another side hustle! 

Creating content for other businesses then turned into content creating for Content Queen. Guess what, you can do the same!


HAVE the passion that is uniquely yours that can push you and find the message in that passion. 

You have to love what you’re doing and love the side hustle you have. It can be as niche as you want it to be, if you are passionate, it will come through. 

Be strategic, confident, organised, and inspired and you can do it!