How to create content with flow - blending the strategy with spirituality

What does being energetics have to do with business? This is probably what you are thinking right now. You don’t have to be spiritual to implement some of the practices you are about to read. 

These rituals can help you break away from stressful situations, they can help you find peace in the work you do and can give you some more self-awareness. Meditation, journaling or whatever outlet it is for you, can help give you the clarity you need to make huge choices in your business (and of course can help with the creative power you need with your content). 

Also, it allows you to connect to your intuition! When you connect to your intuition, it allows you to create the content that is original to you and your business.

So, if you aren’t “spiritual”, that is okay, but read with an open mind, and see what elements you can bring into your life and business.

What is spirituality? 

Now, this is a VERY loaded question. But, I have found a definition by The University of Minnesota that I really liked, so let me a legit copy and paste and credit them. 

“Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness”.

You know what, spirituality has a different meaning for everyone. People also have very different experiences with spirituality and use different tools and beliefs to practice what they believe works for them!

What it means to you, is what it means. How you practice and what feels good for you is exactly what it is. But being spiritual isn’t about ticking it off the “to-do” list. It is a state of being. When you become present to your experiences, it also helps you gain more clarity, which leads to more aligned choices and actions.

Spirituality looks at the use of tools including:

  • Oracle cards 

  • Crystals 

  • Energy healing 

  • Rituals (like meditation, journaling, breathwork) 

  • Gratitude 

  • Being present 

  • Setting intentions

There is no black and white way to practice spirituality - it is really your own journey. These are the things I’ve learned from Laetitia as she aims to help others live in alignment to their own spiritual practice.  

How does this relate to business and creating content? Well, when you have your own rituals and practices, it allows you to connect within. This deep connection helps you to gain clarity in your business and, of course, bring in the creative downloads you need to create compelling content for your audience (more on this soon). 

What is masculine and feminine energy? 

Everyone has both masculine and feminine energy - some just tap into one side more than the other. So think of it like yin and yang.

The masculine is more the action and the going where the feminine is the creative and the inspiration! For example, if you were on a walk or in the shower (nourishing your body) and you have an amazing idea for content creation - this is your feminine energy. 

Then, two days later you turn that idea into a podcast episode, a blog and some social media content, that is the masculine energy. 

Both of these are equally as important as the other. Without the idea you can’t create. 

Can you be more of one than the other? Of course, you can, but as long as you learn to accept the one you don’t use enough of, that is also important.

How does spirituality work with business?

So how does this all work into business? It all comes down to balance. If you are go, go, go all the time in your business and everything is about strategy, it will be hard for the right elements to come into your business. Why? Because you won’t be aware of them even if they hit you in the face. 

Trust me, I struggle with this too. I’m very strategy and masculine focussed. But when I learned to put the strategy in place and let it be, that is when things came into my business and the content creation that I never thought would have. It is all about being present to the opportunities that will come your way. 

Now being mindful and present takes work, it doesn’t happen overnight. That is why you need these tools and rituals to help you build on the mindfulness muscle. These tools also help you trust.

How can you implement rituals into your business?

These rituals? Need to be added into your life! As Laetitia mentions, rituals stands for: 

R - Repetition

I - Intention 

T - Time 

U - Unique 

A - Awareness

L - Love

They don’t have to be anything too dramatic, it can be as simple as being more mindful when making tea in the morning or doing a 5-minute meditation at lunchtime! 

Rituals are activities you do in your day to help you be more mindful, to help you draw in feminine energy, which then translates into creativity and inspiration. Founder and CEO of Essential Shift, Laetitia Andrew is the QUEEN of rituals and has so much content in her FREE guide and blog content to help you! 


Rituals + Time away from the business + intention = creative flow (feminine energy) = action (masculine energy) .

How to make time expand in your business using spirituality?

When you fill-up your cup (do things for yourself), your energy will expand for you. Are you a huge procrastinator? Well, if you learn to fill up your cup, do things you love and take breaks and time away from your business, then your energy will kick into gear when you need it. 

You will get more done in less time and you will find the stress levels will decrease. One thing I always try to remember is, “it is fine, I will get it done. It is a marathon, not a sprint”. 

I ask you this, what is the point of killing yourself and not enjoying life for what it is because you need to work 24/7. Of course, when you love what you do, your energy expands. But when you add in a ritual, a “fill up your cup” activity, you will find things shift in your business and your inspiration will come in hot! 

Another thing you can do? Tap into your intuition and ask yourself “what do I need right now?” 

How can you do this? 

  1. Get a pen and paper

  2. Take three deep breaths to ground yourself 

  3. Write down “what do I need right now?” 

  4. Write without thinking

You can also do this with “what does my audience need right now?” For content inspiration etc. BUT you need to remember, fill up your cup first! Do things for you!

How to bring in downloads and inspiration into our business?

What is a download? It is an idea, a thought that comes to you and you have NO idea where it comes from. 

How do you get these downloads? By filling up your cup!! Taking time for your feminine energy! You can’t get them if your head is busy thinking of other things! 

Remember, you need to recharge, just like your phone or laptop needs to be recharged, so do you! When you can do this, all the inspiration will come. 

Get writer’s block a lot?? Go for a walk, go get a massage - do more things for YOU!! If you force ideas or inspiration without giving yourself anything in return, the creativity won’t come! 

Who has ever said this: “my best thoughts come in the shower”. Yep, because you are nourishing yourself! 

The one thing I’ve learned is, ‘you’ve got the strategy so leave it be” when I have done that in a launch or when creating my weekly content, I try to think this.  

When a thought comes, when something happens in your business you can’t explain, as Leatitia says “be curious and self-aware”.

How to create content with your heart not just your head?

How do we know when we are creating content from our hearts, not our heads? You know those times where you just write something AMAZING and have 0 ideas where it came from? That is from your heart, the type of content you don’t overthink. Ask yourself “what do I need to do today” then connect with your heart - the content you will create this way will be magical! 

How do you connect with your heart? Doing rituals, being present. Putting your hand on your heart and taking some deep breaths. 

The content you write from your heart flows, never force it. Inspiration comes when you give it time. Be patient and trust it!

Final thoughts  

Spirituality doesn’t have to be super woo woo. It can be simple, and it can be really powerful. 

Finding your own rituals and practices will have the most incredible benefits for your mind, body and soul. It can help you build a deeper connection with yourself, your audience and your business. 

Find a simple ritual that works for you. Practice it and allow the blend on masculine and feminine energy in your life. When you build trust, the creative flow comes and I can guarantee you, that type of content you create is SO powerful! 

Remember, whenever you get those “downloads” of content, you can use something like a content strategy template to house all these ideas do you can action them!

In episode 53 I am joined by spiritual guide Laetitia Andrac to talk about content creation, business and how developing rituals and blending in spirituality can help you! Laetitia has over 30 years of spirituality in her soul, she is a holistic business coach and is on this earth to teach us how to live an intentional life and how to run a business from soul!