Content Queen Mariah

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233: Could your subconscious mind be holding you back online? | Gabby Pavlovic 

Ever blame yourself for procrastinating or having ‘no motivation’ to post content for your business? 

You might be pretty hard on yourself because you “just can’t do it”. 

There could be more to it than you think. There could be a lot of belief in your subconscious holding you back from posting and showing up online for your business. 

An underlying fear or trauma. It sounds deep, but it could be! On episode 233 of The Content Queen Podcast we are joined by Gabby Pavlovic an Emotion Release Technique (ERT) Practitioner and Naturopath (and content creator herself) to share with us what this all means and how we can potentially move forward from these emotions. 

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  • What is ERT  

  • How ERT can help you with your marketing mindset 

  • The difference between your conscious and subconscious mind

  • How your subconscious could be holding you back 


If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ @contentqueenmariah⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠!

Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕


Gabby Pavlovic is a Melbourne-based Emotion Release Technique (ERT) Practitioner and Naturopath, supporting high achievers in navigating the many aspects of perfectionism in their busy lives, so that they can stop burning out and start feeling energised, fulfilled, and aligned. 

Gabby’s evolutionary approach to health and well-being is informed by her studies in biology, naturopathy, her clinical experience supporting people to regulate their nervous systems in a busy modern world, as well as her own lived experience dealing with perfectionism.


This is episode 233. And I'm talking to the amazing Gabby all about something that might be holding you back from actually creating content and how to overcome it. Welcome to the content queen podcast. I'm your host, Mariah entrepreneur, storyteller, digital nomad. Creator of Content Bootcamp and founder of Content Queen.

I'm here to teach you how to share your unique story. Create content and market your business with strategy through the channels that work for you. Each week I'll deliver a story to help you connect to a powerful strategy around marketing, business and content creation. I'll also be joined by amazing souls and entrepreneurs who are here to share their own journey along with actionable steps to help you take your business to a whole new level through amazing storytelling, powerful online marketing and content strategy.

Let's do it. Hello, gang. All right. I want to talk about  an interesting technique that I have been introduced to, I don't know, in the last, maybe six months. months, maybe a little bit more.  And basically when I had this conversation with our guest, Gabby, she's in the DIY content marketing club. We set the scene, we were doing marketing numbers and we will talk about this in the podcast.

And she sort of said to me, I've got an interesting concept because  a lot of, um, sub things in the subconscious mind can hold us back from actually doing the things in our business. and things like looking at our marketing data, obviously creating content, all the things. She's like, I'd love to come on the pod and talk about it.

So we're going to talk about it today. And we're going to talk about, yeah, this subconscious mind and a technique called emotional release technique, which can help you clear a lot of the things that happen in your subconscious mind. And you can work with a practitioner and Gabby is a practitioner.  It's super interesting.

Obviously this, um, Last few weeks, we've really been diving into like the mindset stuff around marketing. We've had fear content with Jess. I spoke about social media pressure, and now we've got Gabby coming on and talking about these blockages that might be holding us back subconsciously, even if we're doing conscious work.

And it's very, very interesting to start noticing what's coming up for us. And it's, it is an interesting journey. Entrepreneurship. It isn't very much all about the doing. Um, a lot of it is about the connecting with ourselves and why we struggle with something or why this is happening. for us. Um, so yeah, let's talk.

It's super interesting and I'll come back and have a bit of chitty chat about it. But, um, I'm excited for you to hear this cause it's just something a little bit different. So let's introduce Gabby. Gabby Pavlovic is a Melbourne based emotional release technique practitioner ERT  and naturopath supporting high achievers in navigating the many aspects of perfectionism in their busy lives so that they can stop burning out, start feeling energized, fulfilled and aligned.

Gabby's evolutionary approach to health and well being is informed by her studies in biology, naturopathy, her clinical experience supporting people to regulate the nervous system in a busy modern world, as well as her own experience dealing with perfectionism. So let's jump straight into this episode because it's super interesting.

Welcome Gabby to the podcast. Thank you so much for joining me today. Can you please tell everyone a little bit more about who you are and what you do? Yeah, cool. Thanks for having me Mariah. I really appreciate it. I'm excited for our chat. Um, yeah, so I'm an emotion release technique or ERT Practitioner based in Melbourne.

I'm also a naturopath as well. So yeah, we do a lot of different things  Coming from the, the various fields of study that, um, I've engaged in, but at the moment focusing a lot on the ERT work because I'm finding it very profound working at the subconscious level for people. Cause it's very easy to support people, I guess, like, you know, with optimizing their sleep and their diet and all these kinds of lifestyle things and what have you.

But. Unless we kind of work on that underlying,  I guess, nervous system layer, a lot of that stuff isn't going to be anywhere near as effective. So I'm finding that I'm doing a lot of ERT in practice at the moment, and I am working a lot with perfectionism. So that's probably my, um, I guess most fulfilling work is working with people who have those kinds of tendencies.

Cause I find that it can be quite debilitating for a lot of people in daily life to, yeah, have these kinds of, uh, mindset patterns and thoughts and behaviors that can really just hold them back. And it almost makes you feel a little bit hopeless and powerless to, to change and to. Be fulfilled  and experience joy and fun in your life and that kind of thing.

So yeah, that's a little bit of a snapshot at the moment.  I love it. Okay. Well, I'm sure at some stage people will know all about ERT by the end of this episode, they'll be like, Oh, okay. So if you're intrigued, keep listening. Um, and how it can relate to what we do in our business, because there is a very, um, strong relationship here.

So first, let's, you've done quite a few different things, as you said, you've got different areas of study. So we all have an origin story and how we got to where we are in business or in life. So what is your story and how did you get to where you are now?  Yeah, it's really, um, I guess the, the cliff notes version is that, so I was studying biological science and, um, I did that at Deakin University and I went on a bit of a, a break to Canada, working holiday.

Uh, and, uh,  I was, I'm trying to remember the dates now, but I was doing like an honors project. Like, um, I think this must've been,  I can't remember, like, this is really testing me now cause it's now 2024 and I did that study like 2014. So anyway, I, I took a bit of a break and went to Canada, worked on a ski mountain, learned how to ski.

It was heaps of fun. Uh, yeah. But then I kind of had this realization. I like woke up one morning. I like looked out the window. I was like this beautiful Lake, Lake Windermere, frozen Lake. I'm working, living in a foreign country. I'm having the best time, but I feel nothing when I have all this right at my doorstep.

Like I feel nothing. And that was a wake up call to me to be like, investigate my health and my wellness and my mental health and it kind of just opened the door of curiosity  to like, you know, what are the underlying drivers of how I'm feeling? Because Um, you know, there's gotta be a reason for this. And so that spurred me down the path of nutrition.

How does nutrition impact my, my mental health? How does, you know, the things I do on a day to day basis impact that? And  I also then kind of delved into naturopathy. I hadn't even really known what a naturopath was like, Oh, what's that? You know, a lot of people actually still don't know what, what a naturopath does.

And. Uh, I was one of those people and then I looked into it, went to a couple of open days here in Melbourne. Uh, and I kind of just was like, wow, this is the way that I want to look at health. This, this makes the most sense to me to look at the human organism in this way as like not just, you know, nuts and bolts and, you know, a robot with various moving parts.

It's like, wow. You've got all these different aspects in your environment that make up who you are. Your spiritual connections, your emotions, all these aspects are actually going to feed into your health. And so I. I went from studying biology and I did an honors project studying bird behavior. And I published research there to all the way becoming a health practitioner after studying naturopathic medicine.

And then very recently I incorporated the emotion release work. And that has been, I guess, the next chapter of  the trajectory of whatever's happened over my life is the, is the emotional work because as a naturopath, even though it is a lot more of a holistic way of looking at health.  It still misses, I guess, in the modern day education of naturopathy, it still doesn't quite hit the mark on addressing things on that subconscious level.

They talk about the importance of, yep, nourish the nervous system, help people adapt to stress.  There's only so much you can do in terms of. Encouraging people to do deep breathing or do some meditation or, you know, make sure you have a wind down routine at the end of the day, all that stuff's helpful for sure.

And I always recommend that anyway. However, there's another layer of this stuff that wasn't taught in my naturopathic education, which I found in studying emotion release technique. And so I feel like all of these, Things that I've picked up along the way really feed into how I practice today, having that evolutionary biology mindset of how the human body has evolved over time and its mechanisms that it uses for survival.

And then also having that holistic mindset and looking at health in that integrative way, tying in specifically that underlying mental emotional piece that kind of is the foundation for all of it.  Yeah. Oh my gosh. This is amazing. People are probably like, okay, what does this mean for me in my business?

So we're going to talk about that because this is, um, and I just love also like not love, but isn't it just crazy how there's always this like turning point in our life and sometimes it's not always a good one. And it's like, what is going on here? Why am I just not feeling any emotion whilst in this beautiful part of the world?

Or why? Does this not happen? But then it's what happens to spark change, right? And you've done like a complete 180 on what you were doing before, which is really cool. And I think that that happens in business, right? Like people start out in one job and then when you start a business, you just turn in, like, it just evolves you, which is pretty wild as well.

So we had a conversation.  Um, you were at the quarterly planning session we do, and you were sort of sharing with me something that I thought was quite interesting about our reactions to certain tasks that we do on the day to day, whether you're a business owner or not. And Um,  how understanding this could help us, you know, moving forward.

And of course the stuff with ERT, it would be interesting for you to share what you shared with me then. And of course, a little bit of a debrief on ERT is in the most simple way possible. We can talk about it. I can share more about it if people want to know in different parts of this podcast, but I think it's just interesting to get just a general definition, but then sort of what you told me about.

You know, looking at data, um, posting on social media, like all these things that we do in our business that we're resisting, but there might be an underlying reason, not just I'm procrastinating it. So I would love for you to share sort of what we talked about and we even chatted about it this morning when we had a call.

Yeah. And you'll have to forgive me. I think I don't fully remember all the details of the conversation at the quarterly planning. Um, but just talking on the topic that. That you're saying about the resistance that people can have to doing certain things in their business now, just for another, um, little bit of extra, um, context, uh, I, when I started to be a naturopath signed up to be a naturopath, right?

They don't really teach you how to run your business. They teach you how to become a clinician. And then they're kind of like, boom, there's your degree. Off on your way. And if you don't want to work in someone else's clinic, you've got to start your own business. So with the one business subject that I did here, I was starting my own business, had no bloody idea what the hell I was doing.

And I'm not even at the time of recording three years into it. So I'm still quite. In a new kind of growing stage. Right? And so part of the, I guess, transition from going from working for somebody else and then starting your own business is there's, you've gotta have income while you're working that. So the other thing that I have been doing and I still do, is helping other health practitioners with their social media content.

And so this is where this conversation comes in more, more relevant for that kind of thing too, because I'm not just creating my own social media content and other like podcasts and whatever, but I'm actually helping other people to do it as well. So  it's great that the ERT has come in. At the time that it has, because when I'm working with these health practitioners and we meet once a month, so actually, you know, ask like, what do you want to talk about?

Like, what are the things you want to share? And then I'll give them my two cents about how we can best share that on the socials and whatever. Um,  Being able to actually give them the option of saying, Hey, do you also want to add some ERT to the planning call? Um, it's really exciting to see how more productive and efficient we are in our collaborative relationship, working together.

Once we work on the subconscious stuff, and like you were saying with the resistance to looking at the data, doing your analytics or actually doing anything at all, like this is not just related to contents related to anything in your business, right? If there's some level of resistance,  it's good to be curious as to why that is.

Cause a lot of the time we might say, Oh, I just don't have the time. I don't have the energy. I'm not interested. I'd rather outsource it to someone else. And those are all valid things.  It, it is worth asking and having that additional curiosity as to, okay, is there a reason maybe why I'm avoiding this?

And could I potentially actually do this myself or even have a go at doing it myself? Uh, and then you'll find that as we actually start to maybe shift some of these, underlying thought patterns, which we didn't even know we had, it becomes so much easier to actually prioritize the tasks in the day to day and say, you know what, I am going to look at my analytics and maybe I'm not going to have a really detailed look, but I'm just going to jump in there and see what content's performing well, what isn't, and, you know, maybe tweak the strategy from there.

So it's, it's a big conversation, but I guess I want to ask you, is there any particular kind of  like.  Um,  thing in that content sphere that you think that people struggle with, and then maybe we could.  No, no, I shouldn't say that, but they're, no, everyone is, it's very, very different depending like, you know, there's people that  don't want to look at the numbers because yeah, maybe the numbers freak them out and then they don't know what's working.

There's people that resist actually having a strategy because they think that they're not ready for one or it's not in there. There's people that don't want to show their face on camera because maybe they have, oh, that's a good one.  Um, maybe they're worried about actually sharing their true authentic self online because, um, they're worried about what people would think about them.

So there's, yeah, there's quite a lot of different areas, I guess. Everyone has their own, but, um. The last one you said is very prevalent. Yeah. And it, I don't just see it in my content clients, but I see it in my ERT Perfectionism type clients as well, or even just my naturopathic clients. I actually, it's the ability to step out into the world and show who you are and be confident about that and feel safe doing that.

Uh, it's a really common fear that people have. Is actually stepping out there and obviously, you know, if you're talking like personal brands and stuff, then you kind of want to get your face out. They don't have to, but sometimes people kind of get sick of seeing graphics and stuff, or you can have the best graphic designer in the world, but if they don't see the person behind the product or the service, then there's not going to be that personal connection, which I think personally is the big, for me anyway, like when I'm looking at, you know, if I want to work with someone, I want to get to know who they are.

I want to know what their values are. And if you can just get out there and share that kind of stuff, it makes it a lot easier for you to connect to your ideal audience, I think.  Yeah, absolutely. And I think, um,  you know, there's also this element of, I've got nothing important to say, or who would want to listen to me, or this has been said a lot of times, what makes me different?

Or, you know, we talk storytelling and people are like, well, I don't have a good story to share. Like, I don't have anything like Of course you do. groundbreaking. Exactly. So there's, there's so many different mindsets, I guess, that hold people back, but then there's also the people that still do it. But I guess.

The actual, and you spoke about this, this morning of, you know, your own, um, way of scheduling your content or planning out and for clients and everything, like how you noticed a pattern in how you work. And I think a lot of us don't understand that, like, or don't see it when we're doing things like, Oh, why am I resisting that until I absolutely have to, or why am I procrastinating on Just filming that video, you know, I make the excuses like my hair's not done or I don't have makeup on.

So I think what you mentioned to me in that, the call that we had and talking about coming on the podcast was really about understanding  like that subcon there's a sub there could be some kind of trigger in that that's stopping you. From doing it's not always like, Oh, I'm just being lazy or I'm just procrastinating it.

But there could be something underlying trigger, which you talked about is what ERT can help with. So I guess it would be interesting to hear how, like this kind of experience with triggers that happen and how ERT or going into the subconscious and maybe even explaining the difference between the conscious and the subconscious for people that don't know would be good.

Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for reminding me about that. Cause we had a really good chat this morning and I guess you and I, that's a good case study. Yeah. Cause we've done a lot of work together. You're you sit down, gab, let's do this for your strategy. This would be helpful. And  so often I know it's sitting there, but I don't actually do anything with it.

Right. Yeah. Um, um. But then I was like, no, I need to do some ERT on myself for this stuff, because this is impacting my business. Cause I want more people to see, you know, this stuff so that I can help more people because I'm seeing how impactful  it is. And then, you know, as I start to make these subconscious shifts, I'm starting to notice, like you said, with the content creation work, I'm working more efficiently.

Because I'm deciding, Oh, I don't have to do it the way I've always done it. I'm doing it the way that is the most efficient and frees up more time for me to focus on my own health related business stuff. So the ERP, the naturopathic stuff, whatever. So.  Let's talk about subconscious versus conscious, just for those people who maybe like need a bit of clarity on that.

So, the conscious mind is like what you and I are engaging with right now. So, our conscious thinking brain, so we're talking, we're engaging our conscious brain, and then that's, you know, the very human side of us, like we're very, Um, you know, gifted with the ability to intellectualize and have engaged with complex concepts in conversation and all that kind of thing.

But then we've also got the subconscious brain, which is that more kind of deeper autonomic  nervous system level. And this is the part of us that also governs really basic bodily functions, like your heart rate, your breathing rate, that kind of thing. That subconscious aspect of yourself actually runs the show.

95 percent of the time. And so we think we lay a lot of, I guess, weight on this conscious mind and all these ideas that we have and things like willpower and all that.  They come from that 5 percent of the time. The situation, whereas the autopilot, which is the, or the computer that's kind of running everything is the subconscious.

So I like to use the example of like a computer program because people can understand it.  If you have programs running on in the background, like for example,  I've, we've got zoom running right now, but we've also got things, I'm just looking at all of mine. You've got all your tabs and all that. Yeah. So you can have all these things running just to keep like the CPU going and like, whatever.

I'm not a computer person, but you've got things going on in the background. Yeah. There's all these things like going on in the background to keep the computer on and functioning. But you don't actually not actually aware of them. But if you were to open your task manager, you'd say, Oh, this is gone. This is going, this is going, that's your autopilot, your subconscious.

And that's, what's actually keeping everything running. And it's what's keeping your thought patterns and behavior  the way it is. The conscious mind is like that. I'm choosing to do this. A good example is also saying, let's do some affirmations. Like you look at yourself in the mirror and you say, I am an awesome business owner.

And, and you do that every day and then you, you feel like.  Oh, like it feels weird saying that because I feel like, I don't know if I'm there yet. I don't know if I'm super successful, but then after a while it starts to sink in because it starts to penetrate the subconscious mind. And  that's really awesome to do stuff with the conscious mind.

Do intention setting, have your affirmations, have your strategy, like you support people with. You have to have this stuff. Yeah. But it's a part of the conversation. It's not the entire part. The subconscious is the other part. So if you jump in there and see that there's actually a fear of public speaking, there's actually a fear of being seen because maybe in, you know, school you actually had to, you know, you were bullied and you were like singled out and I don't want to be seen.

I want to hide away. There could be something from your childhood like that, which is impacting whether you want to show up on socials. So yeah. Your body holds on to everything in it, that autonomic nervous system, the subconscious holds on to everything you've ever experienced ever since you were created in utero, you know, in your mom's womb, you remember all this stuff.

And then the conscious mind is what helps us actually kind of steer what we're doing every day. The decisions we make in moment by moment. So you kind of have to have them both working together and ART is just simply one of those tools of many, which you can access to get into that subconscious state and actually  move through and process some of the stuff that's getting in the way of doing what you want to do.

And. Being who you want to be.  Yeah, it's super interesting, isn't it? Because like you spoke about this morning, you know,  we work so much in the conscious mind that we often don't realize. So,  okay, someone's listening like, all right, well, I have a fear of, you know, Like, I feel like there's something blocking me from sharing what I really want to share on social media.

I find I just like post whatever's going or post a trend or post something and I don't really feel great about it. And even my strategy probably isn't  super aligned to where I even want to go because I'm stuck in this like holding place of  like moving forward. How can they start to look at that and bring awareness to potentially what could be happening in their subconscious?

Sometimes it's tricky because like.  It's stuff that you don't even realize is there,  but the first place to start is just to maintain some sense of curiosity. Yeah. And this is like any kind of,  if you, if you want to become more self aware and therefore engage in more self discovery and figure out like what you really value and what's important to you and how you want to show that in the world or whatever, that's kind of like number one is facilitate some sense of curiosity.

So it's like, okay. I noticed that I have resistance to getting that camera on and doing a little story on Instagram.  I feel,  you know,  like certain emotions might come up with that, like, Ooh, like nervousness fluttery in the heart, in the chest, whatever you might have, you know, clammy hands and then you put the phone down and then you think, okay, I'm just not going to do that.

This isn't for me.  Those physiological responses are that autonomic nervous system, that fight flight kicking in. And that can actually have. emotional origins. So, and this is something that I probably need to talk more about on my own podcast and in my own content is the relationship between physiological presentations and how we are physically and how emotions can actually Be the underlying drivers of those particular symptoms.

So that is something that I work with in clinic. So  with the naturopathic clients in particular, we're often supporting people with diet and, uh, lifestyle stuff and nutrient deficiencies. Um, you know, sometimes we have a look at what their blood tests say and all this kind of stuff, all the things that are going to inform, give me an understanding of a holistic picture of their health.

And then I might just for curiosity's sake, use a bit of ERT to see if there's an emotional origin to that particular issue that they're coming in with. And it's very rare that.  An emotion doesn't show up. Sometimes there's actually layers of emotions within that, and it could be something that's, you know, unprocessed grief being held in the body.

Yeah, that's a really common one that I see. Unprocessed grief from miscarriages, from, uh, you know, people who have died in their life that are important to them. Grieving relationships, grieving the loss of, you know, jobs, even like.  That's a really big one. So like, and that's probably the most relatable for people because they know, yeah, when you experience grief, it feels like it never leaves you.

And so.  Being able to learn how to process emotions, because  I think in this culture, I'm referring to like urbanized Western capitalist culture, we're not really taught how to process emotions  because we just learn how to suppress them or repress them because it's inappropriate to cry. It's inappropriate to chuck a tantee.

Um, outside, you know, in the supermarket, whatever, but that's just somebody expressing their emotion. So being able to understand what those behaviors are, they're actually emotions being, you know, expressed in the body, uh, that is something that doesn't come naturally to us in this current day and age. So a tool like ERT is just simply something to go in there and process those emotions that were, I guess, just there.

left inside because they didn't process. And so whether they are supporting, sorry, whether they're causing people like a  physical symptom or a mental or emotional kind of pattern.  That is maybe fueling a fear, such as turning on that Instagram and whatever.  There are so many layers that could be underneath that, but you just don't know till you go in there and kind of have a little bit of a look.

One thing I want to say is  it's really cool with ERT that you can actually figure out or process, like whatever emotion is underlying that fear or behavior that's not ideal  without actually having to explore the inside. Which is useful in cases of trauma, for example, where people maybe have repressed memories or they do remember what happened, but they don't want to talk about it.

Good thing is you don't have to. Yeah. And I know that we're talking about content and it's like, Gab, you've jumped to trauma, but you'd be surprised how much of the stuff we've experienced in our life can like actually show itself in very, I guess, what you might consider very benign everyday actions.

Yeah.  Oh, yeah, for sure. And I think, um, you know, I don't know if you're happy to share what you shared with me this morning about your own, you know, batching the content for your client and this like last minute sort of deadline kind of personality you took on. Yeah. Yeah, it would be interesting because I guess that will show people kind of how that would work and how you, so you obviously performed it on yourself.

Yeah. So I do EIT almost every day. It's like part of my meditation practice now, uh, cause it's just, it's. Yeah, once you kind of start on this bag, you're like, Oh, there's more and more layers. We're just emotional onions. And the more you sift through it, the more you're like, Oh gosh, it's so much easier not to carry that stuff around.

So like what, what you were saying, yeah, this morning we had this conversation about, um, I've just started doing content matching for my YouTube channel. you know, my few clients that I support with their content, health practitioners started doing things differently. So when I started this work, I was doing things, I was help like batching, cause I found it was useful, uh, to do that.

And then I kind of just fell off the bandwagon and just was doing it like week by week. And so each week I'd be like, Oh, your drafts are ready for next week. Let me know if they're good. Da da da da. Uh, and.  Time went on and I got more and more like stressed and just like, Oh, I just, I'm spending so much time on other people's content.

I just don't have the energy to do my own stuff for, you know, talking about, you know, my services and what I'm offering and the stuff that I'm passionate about. Cause I'm also passionate about a whole bunch of different things, like research stuff that like I want to delve into and write blogs about and whatever, but  I was just don't have time because I'm too busy doing the stuff.

Which is other people's stuff, because it's, it's the most reliable income, you know, as you're building a business, that's the thing that I was relying on. And I still am, but something has changed within me. Okay. I actually have a decreased workload with that work because I've reduced the number of clients that I'm working with, but I realized that I felt like it was the same.

Level of workload. So I was like, okay, that's clearly showing me that it's an internal shift that needs to happen. I'm creating the level of stress. And for a little bit of context  in all the uni degrees and whatever that I've done, I've always submitted my assignments like the night before, like midnight last minute, because I thrived off the rush that I got getting it done last minute.

And what I notice is a lot of people who kind of work in that way.  Uh, kind of getting a bit of a, go on a bit of a high when they work under pressure, when they're, when that pressure is applied, because there's, the nervous system feels safe there.  So learning about like, you know, the different parts of the nervous system and what different behaviors mean, you start to piece together.

Okay. So you feel comfortable with stress.  Why, why does it feel comfortable to do things under a level of stress? And so I explored it with ERT, found so much stuff and I was like, of course, you know, like it makes a lot of sense. And then it wasn't like all of a sudden, but it was like, that's the thing with this stuff.

It usually is something that you start to notice things don't trigger you as much. And as you kind of go through every day, you're like, Oh, actually, when I look back, things weren't actually, you know. They're not as hard as they were. Uh, so that's what I noticed with this, but this was almost a bit sudden.

Like it was like, literally like last week when I did all this ART, I had a really heavy week the week before emotionally. So I did a lot of processing. So all the processing I'd done up until that point, and then that particular week, which was quite intense, um, the week after I'm like, okay, I'm just going to start doing things.

And I had all these things in my schedule that I was like always putting off each week, but bang, I just started doing them. And then, like I was saying to you this morning, I just started batching again, like I used to do for my content clients. And all of a sudden I've got all this time because I've worked more efficiently.

And it was because I actually went in and said,  well, firstly, I acknowledged, yes, this is not an external thing. This is an internal thing with the way that I'm functioning.  It's not working for me, I'm going to shift whatever's there, found some stuff, shifted that emotional baggage. And then all of a sudden, here I am, content batching, feeling great, having way more energy and time because I'm more efficient with my time.

So I don't know if that is something that people are probably like, what, how can you do that? But it's kind of just one of those things, unless you  experience, you know, what it's like to jump into the subconscious and actually like,  tweak it and make it work for you, then it's probably not something you can really understand, I guess.

It's, it's one of those things, ART is still tricky for me to explain, and I think I'll get better at it as I, you know, life goes on and as I talk about it more,  it's just, it's. Very,  I'm going to say life changing, to be honest, because that's true. That's what it is.  Oh, it's so interesting, isn't it? Like just, and it is that level of self awareness to understand like, oh, okay, why is this happening?

And I guess that is that first step. And then there's only a certain amount that your conscious thinking can answer for you, right? And the rest is done in the subconscious. And you know what? I'm a very intellectual person. Like I over intellectualize everything. Well, I don't want to identify with that because that's what I, you know, used to do.

Like, Oh, I, I'm this, I do this, I think like this, but now I'm starting to see, like, when I learned this tool, ERT  ever since training in that technique and then using it with myself and with clients, I'm just like, goodness me, these are all stories I'm telling myself. All of these things I say that are traits that I exhibit, I'm saying that they are me, but they're actually not, they are just things that my body has, they're adaptations essentially, to, uh, all the experiences that I've had in my life.

My body is saying, yep, it's safe for you to do things last minute under pressure because that's what we know. You go in there until you say, you know what, I don't like how stressed I feel, and it's not doing my health any favors. You go in there, you find whatever is lying beneath, and  you process that, you integrate that.

You help your nervous system to feel safe  with calm and with stillness and then you start to say, okay, I can do things without being  so stressed. I can do things without having 10 things on the go because we know multitasking doesn't actually work and task switching is such a problem for people with their content, isn't it?

You know, well, this is loading. I'll just go do this. And then it's like, Oh, what was I doing?  Uh, I feel so heard. Um, yes, multitasking, task switching, it does not save time at all. Um, being present does, it's really nice when you're present, when you're doing, especially something creative like content, um, which is, yeah, it's also very interesting.

And I think  what, I mean, obviously people listening that are like, okay, well, what, what can I do?  What is the next step? Because I guess, um, yeah, you mentioned, you know, under identifying what it is that's like, you're not doing, you know,  Oh yeah, I'm not like I struggle or I'm not good at filming videos of myself or I'm, you know, this I'm story, like you just said, making these stories.

So  ERT is one way that you can tap into. The subconscious mind. So  is that the next step you would recommend people do, or is there something they should be doing first before they engage in ERT? And obviously that is needed to be done by a practitioner, I'm assuming. I think I know this because I know.

But if you could share that with people, how if they wanted to, yeah, explore it a little bit more, what could they do? What's next? Yeah. And before we mentioned about like, How it's important to engage the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. So you don't have to use ERT to address the subconscious aspects, but I do highly recommend you don't ignore the subconscious.

And, you know, if you're a get stuff done, like, you know, practical, pragmatic kind of person, you'll get it. Kind of maybe bypass that and just do the conscious stuff, you know, which is like, I was saying, facilitate curiosity. That's still conscious. Yeah. Facilitating curiosity. That's still conscious. Um, there was something else that came into my mind and I've just totally forgotten it, but it might come back to me.

Um,  and so that's like one of the conscious things is being like, all right, I'm curious about it. Um, and then. Um, other things you can do is like journaling, like your thoughts that come up when you actually are facilitating that curiosity. Okay. I'm interested that, um, I do this and I actually am going to write down my thoughts on this, you know, and again, intellectualizing very cognitive, uh, but having that subconscious understanding comes from whatever tools you like.

So there are things like emotional freedom technique, EFT tapping, which we incorporate into. Okay. E R T in an in person context, online it's different. You could do things like kinesiology, things like hypnotherapy. There are so many different things that you can use to actually support your body. I even also say to people, acupuncture is fantastic because you're accessing the energy flow, which within the body.

So energy in motion. That's what emotions are. That's where that word comes from. So when you're able to help move that energy through the body, I love the really Eastern philosophies of medicine because they actually acknowledge that they acknowledge that emotions are a huge part of our either health or disease picture, just depending where we are on the spectrum.

So it's like being able to help move and shift things. If you're feeling really stressed, if you're feeling really like, I don't know what to do.  Your body Can actually like, cause it's holding onto stuff. You can do so many things to actually shift that without going and booking an ERT. Like you can get up and go for a walk.

You can go for, you know, put on your favorite song and have a bit of a dance, you know, actually get your body physically moving. You know, you can do those things like some deep breathing exercises, focusing on the diaphragm, having to engage your vagus nerve, which you can do through deep breathing, through humming and singing and.

You know, temperature, like hot, cold, so many different things you can do. Um, it would be, yeah, probably a lot of things that I could list, but I don't want to overwhelm people, but those are, yeah, like the conscious things you can do, like those practices, but first step is just understanding or even just acknowledging, okay, maybe there is something underlying here and then the next step would be, okay, if I want to explore something like ERT, then you just look for a practitioner who can help you.

And, you know, I support people all over the world because we can work online or if you're in Moonee Ponds in Victoria, you can come down here for a, for a session as well. Or there's online programs as well. So you can jump onto one of my perfectionist programs or there's kind of, I do seasonal ones too.

So I do like a one at the end of the year. Uh, cause it's such a chaotic time. I feel like that mainly is for like stress. The nervous system is crazy. Yeah. And then there's one at the start of the year to help you with like setting goals, you know, with any like, you know, uh, things you're going to do for the upcoming year.

That's just one thing. Like you obviously like ERT, it's the thing that I recommend because it's the thing that I know. It's also the thing that I found most efficient because there's so many different I guess tools and stuff I've explored through my own health journey and through my own studies. ERT is just so efficient at getting it done.

And because I am a very pragmatic person, like, like that, get stuff done, tick it off the list. Uh, ERT really appealed to me because I was just like, wow.  I didn't know you could have processed emotions in like 10 seconds sometimes, sometimes that's all it takes for people. And it's very different depending on the person, you know, how, how they process, but the process is the same, you know, the way we do it is the same.

And it's such a great way to, communicate directly with that person's body without having to engage the conscious mind, if they don't want to, or if they're just like, you know, like in our session this morning, you know, we had emotions come up and one of my, one of my clients in that group is like at a point where she's like, I don't even know what that is.

Let's just process it. So she's like, all right, let's just process, put my hands on the meridians, whatever. And then we just process. Um, Um, you don't actually have to, to understand where it's coming from. You can actually just have that direct communication with the body and remember that our body is full of energy, in motion, emotions, and to integrate them and to process them is going to be a great step alongside those conscious tools and  all that kind of stuff that you can do to support yourself with your content or anything else.

Yeah. It's so like, it's just interesting because I think. You know, as business owners, I feel like on the daily so much, like, I mean, everyone, but I just feel because it's such a personal thing when you start a business, like it's a big personal development journey and you open yourself up and all these things, because, you know, instead of if you're working for a company, you know, you have a lot of backing and insurance and all these things.

And like, even with, um, like if someone makes you redundant, like there's all these things that are like safe and then when you start a business, you kind of. I didn't realize how many different triggers and emotions I had until I started a business because I think it just opened you up. Oh my gosh. I always say to people, it's like,  like, I don't know, and I'm, I'm 32 at this point.

So there's probably a lot more for me to learn because I'm  fairly young in this side journey of life. But I feel like two of the biggest kickers for like personal growth in your life are  relationships. And starting a business. Yeah. And you know what? I feel like so many people who start a business end up, uh, pulling it, pulling the plug because they don't have the.

I guess that they don't back themselves, they don't have the confidence and that's a massive thing we see like clinically is like most of the time, like everything that's underlying, no matter whether we're talking about physical stuff or, you know, confident stuff with the, you know, content, it's always like this underlying feeling like  I'm not good enough.

I can't back myself, I can't be confident in myself because I'm just, I'm just not the person for this because they can go and see so and so or they can go and see this business or buy this product. Yeah, sure they can.  Are you doing the world a disservice by leaving your idea on the table and not doing anything with it?

That's something I want to ask you today. If I know not everyone's built for business yet, but  you don't know if you are until you really get like, get quite clear on your values and what, what you're here for. Yeah. But this is also coming from me, who is a person who finds my purpose from the work that I do.

Uh, but I fully understand that there's also a lot of people out there who are quite happy to go nine to five clock in clock out and they find their purpose and fulfillment outside of that. So just also remembering that we're all different and finding your thing. Like finding your unique path and your unique understanding of the world and yourself is the most, I think the most important thing is really understanding who you are so that you can actually channel that in your business, in your life, in whatever way you want that to be.

And when you are able to channel that in your content, if you're a content creator, It feels amazing. It feels so amazing to be able to say, I am so excited to share this stuff to the world rather than,  Oh, I'm too scared to open the story and click record, you know, you can go from that to feeling like, yep, this is the message I'm going to share.

But by doing this subconscious work, you definitely can, because that's where I've come from. I was so scared to start a podcast.  And if you went back five years and said, Gab, you're going to start a podcast in a few years, I would have just laughed and just walked away and said, you're an idiot.  It's  so interesting because even like a lot of the things that we're like, Oh, I want to start this.

I want to do this. I want to do that. And even going like, Oh. Why, why am I not, or what's holding me back? And I think that's the biggest question that I want everyone to ask themselves from listening to this episode. Like, it might not just be like, don't think you're lazy cause you're not, you haven't started something like a podcast, a blog, a video.

And that's what really spoke to me when you said it, or, you know, doing the strategy, you know, even if people like you're like, Oh, I've looked at bootcamp or I've looked at other people's things and I want to buy it, but I just, I don't know, there's something resisting and holding me back. It's not because you're lazy or.

you're procrastinating it or they could be something that's blocking you from doing that. And I think, you know, you might not know what that is. So something like ERT can really help you, you know, pass through those emotions or, um, and even what you said with like energy, like where energy goes, energy flows.

And I always find these, like, for example, if you have a bit of a crappy week, it's like, you know, when someone says like, Oh, when it,  when it, you know, bad luck comes in threes or all those things, it's because you're energetic. When it rains, it pours, all that kind of thing. You're energetic. Energy is in that.

So you consistently, and it's not because you're an unlucky person or  you attract it, like you're actually attracting it through your energy. And I've had this before. Like, I'll never forget after my surgery, I like went down to the beach and I was at the beach and one of my friends from Sydney, they were leaving.

So I was a little bit like, Oh, like one of my friends is leaving. And then a client messaged me and said, Hey, look, I'm like, I'll like, we weren't working together because I was sick. And then they said, Hey, look, um,  I like won't continue on, I'll leave it where we're at. Like, I've got some things going on at the moment and it just probably doesn't work at the moment for me, like financially, blah, blah, blah.

So I was bummed about that. I get my car and. I, like, hit the curb or something, like, literally, like, and it was my mum's car, so I scratched mum's car, you know what I mean, so I was like, it wasn't like, oh, unlucky, I was also, like, distracted, so that bad energy distracted me, and, like, one, two, three things, like, bad luck's coming in threes, it wasn't, it was just, like, energetically, I was, like, in a, um, and that's what happens, you attract the, and it's, like, you know, some people say, like, yeah, be careful with your words, but it's true, because, like, even when you feel, fear, feel a fear, um, yeah, You can attract like that fear if you just keep thinking, Oh, that's going to happen.

That's going to happen. Well, it might. So you have to be like, um, conscious of where you're really mindful of, of where your energy is. And sometimes it's not easy. Like we can't be amazing every day, but that's what I love about what you sort of share and stuff like that, because it just gives us this like, Oh, well, maybe I can.

Process this or unlock something within me that I actually can't do consciously. So that is like really cool. Um, so we best wrap up, cause we could talk for hours about this. Just everything you just said. I was like, there's about six things I want to say, but I won't, I will hold my tongue.  We might have to do a part two.

So how can people find you? Maybe all of these things you can note them down and make a podcast out of them. So how can people find you and connect with you?  Yeah. So I'm probably most active on Instagram. So my handle is revitalizing. health. That's revitalizing, revitalizing with an S not a Z.  Um, and my website is revitalizinghealth.

com. au. So if you want to send me a DM, if you're curious about ERT, um, I, yeah, I'm going to do more content on ERT. Just DM me. How it works and stuff, because people are curious, but it's one of those things, like you do kind of just have to give it a go to really understand it because it is a body practice is something that you feel in your body.

It's really hard for me to intellectualize explaining to you how it works, but at least we've kind of discussed on things today. Like it's. You know, the relevance of the subconscious mind and how I'm communicating with your body, your nervous system through the technique and how we can actually shift some unprocessed emotions in that way.

But yeah, best is probably Instagram or if you love podcasts, the revitalizing health podcast is out on a fortnightly basis. And we talk about all this stuff and many other things related to health and wellness. So we'd love to connect with you there. Amazing. Thank you so much, Gabby, for chatting. It was something, yeah, different that we talk mindset stuff, but this is like deep work and I think it's really cool to share different ways that we can, you know, optimize what we do in business and life.

Obviously, life is more important, but sometimes we prioritize business more than health.  Um, to notice a lot of us do even me and I should prioritize my health more, but it's cool to see that there's just different things out there that we could experiment with. And I think as entrepreneurs we'll give anything a go once, you know, we'll give it a try.

And I think that's the sort of thing you try it and you see the result and you want to try it even like even more. So thank you so much for sharing something different. Thank you. And I just want to say one more thing, like be compassionate towards yourselves because if you are a business owner, especially a young business owner, I feel like it's very easy to be self critical about like, like you were saying, I should be prioritizing my health.

Let's get rid of the word should. It's like, yeah, I could be, but guess what Mariah, you're doing the best you can with what you currently have. And so is everyone else listening. So thank you. That's a good parting message. The shoulds. I'm not a big fan on shoulds and I talk about that in marketing so, should take my own medicine in other, or I could take my own medicine in other places.

There you go.  Thank you Mariah. Thanks so much.  Pretty cool right? I think it's just,  to think, you know, there's a lot that goes on in our subconscious. And if that's all kind of a new concept to you, you know, doing the subconscious work, I've worked creating content for people like, um, those that work in the hypnosis space.

So, and those that do, um, yeah, have studied in psychology and things. So I'm super fascinated by this and. Yeah, why we, why things hold us back. And maybe it's not just that we don't know how to do it or, you know, we're procrastinating or there could be a lot of underlying things. So maybe ERT or exploring that is for you.

And you can check out Gabby's link in the show notes, but super cool concept. Wanted to introduce you to that and be a content cleaner king. And remember that developing your strategy and story develops your business. Thank you so much for joining me today and please don't forget to share this with all your business and entrepreneurial friends.

You can do this by adding it to your insta stories and tagging me at contentqueenmariah or just tell them about it. And if you rate and review it does help me get more amazing guests like Gabby on, people want to pitch and be on the show because they've seen me in the charts, If you love the content queen podcast, I would appreciate it so much and follow us on Instagram or Tik Tok.

Let me know any topics you want me to talk about in the future. Would absolutely love to cover them and I will talk to you very soon. Bye.

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