The email subject line is your HOOK, your headline to encourage people to open the email and get the value. While some of us give SO much energy to our email newsletter, the subject line is actually the most important part!
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Mariah MacInnes
The Content Podcast - Content Marketing, marketing and business!
Hey everyone, I'm Mariah the founder of Content Queen - a content agency and coaching business for entrepreneurs and online businesses!
My purpose is to inform and educate so I started this podcast to help more people on all things content creation, marketing and business to help you build a more profitable brand using content marketing as a strategy!
Join me as I share top tips, my struggles and my triumphs to help inspire or just entertain! Remember, content is king - that's why I love being the Content Queen!
The email subject line is your HOOK, your headline to encourage people to open the email and get the value. While some of us give SO much energy to our email newsletter, the subject line is actually the most important part!
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