119: WRITER - what type of writer are you?

We are all writers. Doesn't matter if you got A's on your school writing assignments or not. We all write everyday.

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality content, holistic marketing, marketing channel, business market, instagram insights, google analytics, stats, marketing data, seo expert, marketing guru, social media channel, target audience, create podcast, create blog, start up marketing, marketing success, writers, writer, content writer, writing styles, writing style, self-discoveryComment
118: STOP procrastination - START marketing | Kristy Pask

Do you find yourself sitting at your computer struggling to write a social media post? Maybe you put off starting that blog or podcast because it seems "too hard".

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality content, holistic marketing, marketing channel, business market, instagram insights, google analytics, stats, marketing data, seo expert, marketing guru, social media channel, target audience, create podcast, create blog, start up marketing, marketing successComment
117: DON'T THINK, DO - How to take action and show up consistently for your audience online!

Are you feeling stuck? Wanting to show up consistently online? Wanting to build your online business? Wanting to create a podcast, blog, or start a new social media channel?

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality content, holistic marketing, marketing channel, business market, instagram insights, google analytics, stats, marketing data, seo expert, marketing guru, social media channel, target audience, create podcast, create blogComment
116 - BECOME EMPOWERED by your marketing data | Pri Kruijen

Are you ready to step into the CEO position of your business?

It comes down to this - knowing your marketing numbers. Looking at the data and really understanding what it is telling you! I know that can feel daunting and messy. That is why I have an expert SEO and data marketing guru - Pri will make you feel at ease!!! She has the knowledge and the tools to help you get started!

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality content, holistic marketing, marketing channel, business market, instagram insights, google analytics, stats, marketing data, seo expert, marketing guruComment
115: MY MEASUREMENT process for marketing in 2022

They say you can't know what you don't measure, right? It is almost this feeling of unknown. You might relate to this.

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality content, holistic marketing, marketing channel, business market, instagram insights, google analytics, statsComment
114: I WAS ON THE WRONG CHANNEL - Finding the right marketing channel for your business | Lizette Simmonds

Have you ever felt like you are creating content on a channel that doesn't light you up? You spend hours doing ALL the things you have been told to do but you don't get results? Maybe that channel just doesn't give you energy. Maybe it isn't the right channel for you.

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality content, holistic marketing, marketing channel, business marketComment
113: HOLISTIC MARKETING - All content channels to help with marketing

Holistic marketing... an approach to marketing that allows you to use multichannel to market your business.

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality content, holistic marketing, marketing channel, business marketComment
112: LIVED EXPERIENCE is the key to quality content and connection | Alexa Martinez

Your lived experiences are your expertise! So START sharing them online. People connect because of your energy, your experiences, and your personality. It is time to think about how your experiences and stories can level up the way you create content!

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PodcastMariah MacInnescontent, content marketing, marketing, business, consistency, consistent content, content creation, connection content, connection, business connections, confidence, authenticity, authentic, time management, productivity, success, freedom, followers, social media, business online, online business, mindset, content strategy, engagement, educational content, setting goals, content creator, content blog, blogger, brand, branding, visuals, storytelling, tiktok, business content, dry content, google ads, b2b, paid marketing, freelancer, freelancing, freelancing life, hiring, instagram reel, reels, instagram reels, marketing budget, business budget, fb ads, facebook ads, organic marketing, storyteller, market research, brand marketing, instragram metrics, instagram growth, instagram analytics, instagram reach, instagram impression, CTA, content queen, blogging, blog life, lessons, seo, backlinks, seo guide, seo strategy, search engine optimization, email list, list building, content marketing guide, content guide, marketing guide, content marketing plan, marketing plan, marketing techniques, marketing trends, marketing channels, content marketing channels, instagram, instagram guide, instagram tips, instagram tricks, 2021 wrapped, content marketing strategy, marketing strategy, pillars, content marketing pillars, engage, marketing engagement, influencers, influencer marketing, social media pressure, anxiety, businessstorytelling, lived experiences, quality contentComment
111: SHARING MY STORY changed my business

December 30, 2020, I saw my surgeon for the first time. He told me I would need major surgery - a Whipples operation.

I went to the beach straight after the appointment to ground myself. As I stared out to the ocean, I turned to my friend and said, “if I am going to lose a few organs, I have to share this story”.

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110: PRESSURE OF SOCIAL MEDIA how to handle the pressure and be authentic | Claire Elvera Wu

Have you felt the pressure of social media?

Felt anxious to show up and show your face but then also pressure because you haven't shown up "enough". Do you compare yourself online and think "I could do better".

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109 - INFLUENCERS: How to engage in influencers as part of your marketing strategy | Lauren Christian

The world of influencer marketing can feel daunting and unsure territory. Paying someone to promote your business? What does that even look like?

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108: Your guide to your BEST content marketing strategy yet, how to take it to the next level in 2022

Are you ready to start taking action in 2022? To create a content marketing strategy that works for YOU and engages/builds your audience? Of course you do! I am here, this week with a guide to help you create your best content marketing strategy!

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107: A NEW podcast format for 2022 at Content Queen

We are BACK in 2022 with a NEW podcast format and style (oh how exciting). It is going to be ALL about storytelling and strategy for 2022. Each episode will give you a memorable story AND actionable strategy you can take into 2022 and beyond for your business!

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106 - I served 51 clients in 2021 while battling 2 tumours

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe we are in ANOTHER year. There is no time like RIGHT now to reflect what 2021 brought. Although this is a reflection piece of Content Queen in 2021, I want it to help inspire your year ahead and give you a few exercises to reflect and review.

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105: Instagram in 2022 with Corey Walker

Are you looking to up your Instagram game in 2022? Want to start the year with a strategy that will help you create content that is engaging for your audience but also enjoyable for you to create?

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104: Content Marketing in 2022

We are WEEKS away from another year. So why does a simple date change impact the way our marketing strategy goes? Well, it is a reset. A chance to sit down and evaluate what is working and what isn't. After a relaxing Christmas break, it is always nice to come into a new year with new plans and ideas to implement.

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103: Finding the right systems for content creation with Nicole Smith

Do you have a process to help with your content creation and marketing? If someone started in your business tomorrow, how would you explain to them what you do?

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102: Nurturing and building your email with Kylie Lang

Do you currently have an email list? Whether you have one or not, you might be thinking "that seems like a silly question". BUT the email list is an important part of the marketing strategy. How do we get people to join our mailing list? Because we know now asking for an email is like asking for bank details, people are hesitant and rightly so. We can spend hours trying to clean that inbox.

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101: Guide to SEO Backlinks with Averi Melcher

Strategies to try. Things to do. There are always things we can implement into our business. We are not here to add MORE to your list, we are here to show you the possibilities and the things you can try for yourself.

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100: 50 lessons in 100 EPISODES!!!

WHOOOOP! Content Queen celebrates 100 episodes! Before I say any more, I just want to thank YOU for listening! Whether it has been all 100 or just a few, I am so grateful you have come to this corner of the podcasting world to listen to me talk each week!

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