What to do if you find your educational content gets the least amount of engagement

A statement/comment, I have come across while talking with my audience. “It is so frustrating, I create these really great educational content for my audience and my photos with my family always gets better engagement.”

Look, I understand - I get it!! Why should you post if your engagement is lower? Of course, also - if your engagement is lower, what else can you do to make these educational pieces more engaging. 

Here is what I am here to do! 

If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!

Have you noticed your content of your travels or your family gets more engagement than the educational content you post? Don't worry - you aren't alone. So, does that mean we no longer have to create that content? Does it mean it is a waste of our energy or time?


Why you need to create educational content 

First of all, let me explain why before we have some actionable steps. There are many reasons why we should create educational content, so let’s have a look at the KEY reasons. 

You want to be seen as the subject matter expert 

Of course, when you start a business, you want to show you are the subject matter expert. If you have photos of your fam all the time, how will people see you are good at what you do! This is why educational content is so important and key. Being the subject matter expert gives you credibility. 

It helps show your audience what you can teach them 

When you create educational content, you are educating your audience. They can then see what it is like to have you as an educator, which of course is an amazing first-hand experience. It also allows them to make more educated choices. 

It helps to narrow down your followers and niche 

When you start educating your audience, you show them your niche and from that, people who are more aligned will follow and interact with your content. 

You can become a resource hub 

Over time, as you create more educational content, you start to become a resource hub, People then go to you to find out what they need to know on the back of their problem with the solution you provide. 

It is just ONE part of the pillars there is other content

Remember, it is just one piece of the pie. You also have the engaging, informative, and fun side of content. All of this content works together.


What you can do to try to increase engagement with educational content 

Okay well, this is great right, but what can you do to look at increasing the level of engagement on your content? Well, of course, once you understand how important it is, you can now look at making it more engaging. 

  • Try infographics for the educational content (make it shareable): do a tutorial on reels or create some cool infographics for your audience. This content is easy to digest and can be great for saveable and shareable content! 

  • Try to have CTA's (share, comment, save): Ask your audience to action something off the back of your content! When you continually do this, you are forming a habit with your audience.  

  • Play around with your posts and make them fun and educational: Had a fun twist or personal story: make an educational post fun by sharing your own lessons or story around that educational content.  

  • Try carousels and actionable tips: Always remember, actionable steps give people something to try leaning forward.

  • Do mini-videos instead of loads of text: ASK your audience what they want!! If it is blogs, do blogs - if it is a video well YouTube baby! But make sure you 

  • Start a podcast for education: Use another content platform for education (podcast, blog, etc): maybe social media isn't the place for educational content for you? Use a podcast or a blog instead! 

  • Look at the insights, not just likes/followers: Have a look at the insights on Instagram (not just followers). Have a look outside the box on statistics and look at the website traffic. 

  • Energy: look at where your energy goes. If you are spending HOURS creating educational content for 0 engagement. Have a look at what you can do to still provide the value without putting in SO much effort. Maybe you have one really detailed and long educational post a week instead of everyday education.  

Remember, this is all trial and error. Try and see what works and always ASK your audience what they want from you! The more you know, the better it will be for you in the long run. It isn’t too much to ask.


Final thoughts

Okay, so the key message here is. The educational content is just one piece of your content strategy. If you implement the four pillars (inform, educate, engage AND fun) you will have more variety in the content you will create. 

All of these play an important role in how your aligned audience interacts, engages and of course buys from you. Yes, your “fun” content might get the most likes, but it will be your educational, informative and engaging content that will also help you to gain more clients. 

It all comes down to balance. 

If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!

Have you noticed your content of your travels or your family gets more engagement than the educational content you post? Don't worry - you aren't alone. So, does that mean we no longer have to create that content? Does it mean it is a waste of our energy or time?

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