182: The journey of a content creator now business owner | Emma Lagerlow

This one is for the solo-entreprenuers, the ones who manage their own social media, content channels! 

You want to love it. You are the creator. The content creator. 

Find what you love, outsource what you don’t. 

But this is an important thing to remember - this is your journey. The content marketing, the creation and the path in your business is yours. 

Find what works for you! This week’s episode is SO refreshing to have Emma Lagerlow share her experience. From blogger to business owner, Emma has been navigating content marketing as her core business strategy! 

You will love hearing Emma’s experience and the biggest lessons she has learnt on this journey! 

If you LOVED the episode, make sure you share this on your Instagram stories and tag us @contentqueenmariah and @emmalagerlow. 

✨BUILD THE STRATEGY! To help you get there. ⁠⁠⁠⁠Learn more here!⁠⁠⁠ ⁠✨⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  1. What to know when it comes to using content marketing as a strategy 

  2. What content can lead to in business 

  3. Top tips for being a business owner and content creator 

  4. How to get the right blend of using social media and content in business 



Emma Lagerlow is a Wealth and Mindset coach; founder of the blog Mummaste and mum to 4 teenagers.

After a 25-year corporate career, including over ten years in finance and banking, Emma now guides women to transform their worth, wealth, and well-being and ultimately reclaim their innate brilliance.

Emma supports women through her life coaching program, Become the Butterfly and guides women to Break the Busy Cycle and Claim their Worth by prioritising self-care and purpose to create fulfilling and abundant lives.

Emma also mentors women to shift their mindset to one of empowerment, so they create true wealth in all areas of their life in her wealth mastery coaching program.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @contentqueenmariah!

Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕