215: What I learnt from my marketing campaign: around the world in 90 days

Have you been stuck before on a “launch” of your product or service? 

You have followed a recipe or formula of someone online (you either bought it or you learnt about it in a free webinar). You follow it. 

And yes it can work. 

But you are exhausted. 

You feel like a selling machine “buy my product”. Get it now before the doors close. 

Anyway - if you are over the launching formulas. Really, what you can do (and you would already be doing it in some way), is a marketing campaign. 

I have been lucky enough to be given chances to up-skill my knowledge in marketing. I share some of this with you now in episode 215 of The Content Queen Podcast! 

If you LOVED the episode, make sure you share this on your Instagram stories and tag us @contentqueenmariah.



  • What is a marketing campaign 

  • How to execute a marketing campaign

  • The 3 steps to the marketing campaign 

  • How you can get more support 

  • How our last marketing campaign went 


If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ @contentqueenmariah⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠!

Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕


This is episode 215 and I'm talking all about marketing campaigns, specifically what I did in my round the world in 90 days campaign and how it can help you with your future marketing campaigns. Welcome to the content queen podcast. I'm your host, Mariah entrepreneur, storyteller, digital nomad, creator of content bootcamp and founder of content queen.

I'm here to teach you how to share your unique story, create content and market your business with strategy through the channels that work for you.  Each week I'll deliver a story to help you connect to a powerful strategy around marketing, business, and content creation. I'll also be joined by amazing souls and entrepreneurs who are here to share their own journey along with actual steps to help you take your business to a whole new level through amazing storytelling.

Powerful aligned marketing and content strategy. Let's do it.  Hello gang. Happy Tuesday. If you're listening to this live or happy, whatever day it is, wherever you're listening  today, we're talking marketing campaigns. I want to share a little bit of behind the scenes into the current.  The last marketing campaign I did around the world in 90 days, which was a 90 day campaign.

I want to share some things I've learned from other expert industries around marketing campaigns. And if you are the type of person that does these launches where you follow launch formulas that you've been given from  people online courses that you've done and you're exhausted of them, then this episode is 100 percent for you.

Before we dive into that, I just want to give you a little update on the travel front. We are still in Peru and we have in fact booked a lot of our travels for the next  just over, just under 50 days that we're here. We're going to be in the desert this week, which if you didn't know Peru had a desert, neither did I.

So you can follow along for the content, but  We also kicked off content bootcamp, our first live call, call one. If you're getting a bit of FOMO and you're like, well, I really wanted to join that and I didn't, you still can join, you can absorb some of the content and information. And then when I run it live again, you'll get an invite.

And I'm thinking I'm going to run it another time, another few times this year, because actually I have quite a few people that have purchased bootcamp in the past that have wanted to do other rounds and I love it so much. So stay tuned for that. And if you.  Really want to get off the hot content hamster wheel.

You're sick of just creating, creating, creating and your content and your marketing not working for you, you working for it. Content strategy is what you need and you can check out more in the show notes. But here we go. Let's chat.  So basically when I first started my business in 2019, I hired a business coach the end of 2019.

And I actually worked with  a woman who  It teaches people how to do launches for mainly, specifically products.  So I learned a lot from the business coach that I had from the client I was working with and these launch strategies or launch plans, you know, seemed like they worked really well for them. And you know, it's the whole cart open, cart closed, very like lots of lots and lots of sales type content.

But I actually was really struggled with them. I energetically wasn't in them. And of course when you're not energetically in something, It doesn't work now. I'm not saying these  Processes don't work because they obviously work for people. But when I started to feel into how I market and sell, because obviously launching is a massive sales strategy as well.

But there's marketing elements that you need of course to get your name out there.  And as you know, algorithms started changing and content started changing and we sort of fell into this space of sick of being sold to and really just wanted to connect with people and consume like quality content was when I started to feel like, you know, launching wasn't for me.

So I didn't really launch anything. I used my social media as more of a part of the funnel, um, and funneled people to my podcast where I talked about products and services. I did a lot more selling, you know, via connection, just talking to people and not. Selling with intention to sell, just connection and serving people, right, which worked okay and you know it, but at some point you have to share what you are doing, right?

And last year I was gifted a chance to do this awesome program  on campaigns.  One of my clients was purchasing it and she asked if she could purchase, you know, an extra space for her marketer to do it. And this campaign program was run by Mia Fahlman called, and her business is called Campaign Del Mar and it's, uh, the, the campaign classroom and I can share it in the show notes if you want to check it out.

And it was a really good chance for me to understand campaigns. Now you can follow her and consume a lot of content on campaigns. I think she's launching something else at the moment, but I'm sure she'll be talking about it at some point. And really it helped me understand more from a corporate marketing campaign, which I used to do  in marketing and, but you know, for small business owners.

And it was just such like a light bulb moment that I didn't need to do these like. Um, card open cart close, very masculine launches. And I could decide through really fun and creative campaigns, how to market what I was doing, whether it's a brand awareness campaign, just getting eyes on what I'm doing  lead generation, which is obviously generating leads or conversion.

And basically, uh, I ran my first campaign in September, which was, I am content queen, purely a brand awareness campaign to step into this authority of, I am.  We are Content Queen. We know what we're talking about. We really stand for sustainable marketing, holistic marketing. We're not, um, you know,  sharing you secrets to success and all this stuff.

We are putting our crown on our head and telling you we know what we're doing. And it actually worked really well for me. I, it was kind of just a, it wasn't. You know, a lot of budget put into it. It was more just, uh, me doing a weekly video with like this throne background, and then each queen that I had coined, and I've done a podcast episode on this, I'll put it in the show notes, was basically what I talked about that week, and I, you know, had guests come on the podcast and everything like that.

I did run ads, um, just more to the podcast.  And it worked really well. I actually ended up becoming a conversion campaign because I got quite a few, um, leads and, and, uh, retainer clients out of it, which wasn't the goal, but it was amazing to see that happen. Lots of opportunities came, and it was that energy I was putting in.

You could see the confidence in what I was doing, and it was absolutely like, amazing for me to, yeah, put that crown on my head and say I'm an expert in this space. So,  what I did was Um, then I was in the background of planning a campaign called around the world in 90 days. And this sort of came together.

Um, when I was in my, uh, mastermind, the goddess embodiment, sisterhood, and I was talking about it just came to me when we were in Morocco and I was like, Oh, I really want to do this like travel concept campaign. You know, we had been to the Sahara and I could have like, I could, I put my phone on airplane mode.

Like I knew content was going out there. Things were scheduled. Obviously I have a team that supports me as well.  So there was this like thing brewing inside of me and, um, you know, I thought.  Well, it's fine because I have a strategy and that's how I've been able to work with my clients. That's how I've been able to do all of these things that I do is because we have the strategy.

And I really wanted to convey that it's okay to do what you wanted to do while you're starting your business. Freedom. Spend time with your family. Travel. Because you have the strategy. You're not becoming a content mule. You're not becoming, you know, a slave to your content. You are just. You've got a strategy.

Everything's in play. It's not about like being reactive. It's about being sustainable So that's what I wanted to create and I wanted to break it up into like a few different levels so I wanted to for people to be introduced to the concept create a little brand awareness and then do some sort of Workshop and then of course have a conversion campaign around content bootcamp where all the videos and everything came out  So basically that's how it was birthed and around the world in 90 days came to me Um, because, you know, there's this like concept around the world in 90 days, um, I think it's a movie or someone did it, like it was, it's a story in, and I probably should have, uh, researched that, but yeah,  around the world in 90 days was born.

So basically what I really want to share is that process, but when you have a plan and the strategy that is aligned to you,  that is when it's easier to keep up the momentum and the habit. And with that comes. It's the results with that comes the learnings and I want to share a little bit of my learnings.

But basically what it's about is when you have an aligned plan, when you're doing, whether it's a marketing campaign or some kind of launch that is aligned to you, you have this momentum, you show up, but you don't, you don't become this content mule that's always creating and not serving.  So this is broken up into three steps.

Plan, create, execute. And this is no different to what I teach when I do my, um, strategies. But I wanted to take you through what elements came up when I was obviously researching this, doing the course, but then also adapting it to what worked for me. Um, and yeah, it was planning, creating and executing, right?

So the first part is plan. And what you want to identify is. Yeah, what are you going to create? And as I said, you can totally check out Mia, do her course, like I totally recommend it. Um, I'm just going to share with you what I learned from it briefly. Um, but to really get the magic out of it, obviously doing it is  gold.

But basically what I had to do is understand what the pain was for the person. And through massive research, it was just that it's very time consuming to.  create content. And since I've actually learned a little bit more about what time is and time saving and how to actually, you know, we all know where time poor, but how can I share that?

This is like a really hands on experience to help you. So I have learned a lot along this journey as well. So I had to identify what this pain point was. I identified things like, you know, we quit our nine to fives to work like, you know, nearly. Double the amount of hours we worked or not quite like, you know, 1.

5 of the hours that we were working in our nine to fives. So, you know, that was, that's massive. Like, and I know a lot of it is content creation or that really creative process or the marketing because.  That's why I'm here. That's why, you know, I have inquiries all the time. I know it's a need. Someone's like, oh my god, you're on my wishlist.

Oh my god, I can't wait till I can outsource my social media or my content. So I knew that.  Then I wanted to identify what was the transformation and what did that look like? Um,  what was I trying to show them? There was a few things in this. How to get off the content hamster wheel, but also how to create good content.

Like I didn't want to just like. You know, right? Purpose this into 40 million different captions and or use AI and I wanted it to be good Content marketing not just content for the sake of posting. So that's why it was your ticket to good content marketing So it's around the world in 90 days your ticket to good content marketing Because I wanted to tick off a few boxes that I think doesn't happen with you know  social media gurus or Marketing coaches  They sort of teach a lot of, um, shortcuts and things like that, which there totally is, but I wanted it like the easiest content to create is the stuff that's super aligned to you and that you're energetically in and understanding a bit of strategy, understanding planning and understanding goals and things like that.

And metrics and stuff in marketing will then just help you elevate that. Right? So, yeah.  I had to understand what the transformation would look like. And it was this concept of with a strategy, you can create good content marketing, but it doesn't have to take you double the amount of time.  And then I had to create the creative idea.

So what made sense to my brand? I was traveling at the time. I really wanted to incorporate all the amazing content that we had gotten and that we were going to get because I knew this campaign was going to be ran. And I'll go through time frame in a second was going to be ran over sort of yet the Christmas time, which is not an easy time to launch a campaign.

Actually, in hindsight, I think it's going to be a lot better when I do it in the non holiday period. Um, I think it's still performed. incredibly well considering, and I'll share some results at the end, but basically I need to understand what was that creative idea, what was that creative concept, and I've seen clients do some amazing concepts around this, you know, I have one client that talked, um, to being present, and she had this concept of Wonder Woman versus the present woman, I had another client that did a campaign around her book, and it was all about intuition, and before and after, like, and I've seen these creative ideas really come to life beautifully with other campaigns.

And it's amazing how these things come up. And of course, that's why it's really good to do, you know, whether it's a course on this or be in a group to be able to brainstorm, because that's what helped me as well as being in this, being in a mastermind, I could, and then also watching back the course content, I could see other people's ideas come to life.

And I think that's what really helps us is having that support. To bring to life our vision and you have to write down a lot of creative ideas to come up with one  And some just come naturally right some concepts some ideas based off What is the pain point of your client and what is the transformation and then yeah What's part of your brand?

Like are you a fan of something or? You know, is there something you talk about a lot on social media? Is there something you bring into your brand? You know, we've had Jen  B come on and talk about branding, you know,  2020 and she talked about, you know, Flamingos being part of her brand. So it was always part of her campaign.

So, you know,  you can start to bring in these creative ideas, but they also have to align with the goals. So what do you want to achieve in this campaign? I imagine it's sales. If you're doing just a lead generation, is it the amount of leads you get? If it's brand awareness, is it, you know, new followers or eyes on your website, you know, you have to understand what the goals are.

To also understand what that creative idea is going to be and then like what channels you're going to execute on, right? What channels are you going to show up on to deliver? Whether it's paid ads, whether it's you need some PR, whether it is, um, yeah, some PR being collaborations as well, whether it's social media,  podcasting, you know, and for me, my goals were spread across, you know, a few different and I'm still sort of, um,  evaluating the success and things like that.

And I'll do that. Um, now that's end of month, but you know, I had some brand awareness goals. I had some leads for my workshop. I do know I hit that. I had some purchasing goals, which I got to about 80%, which I was pretty happy with. Um, and as I said, definitely we'll be running it at a different time next time.

But from the top of my head, there were a lot of goals that ticked off and there were. There were some that weren't, and I will go back and reflect and review and see what I can do better next time. So, based off your goals, then you can understand what channels that you want to execute on. You know, if you need a big number of traffic, and as we had Nikki last week talk about traffic strategy, maybe it is paid advertising if you need a lot of numbers because of your goals and things like that.

So, that's where, you know, the goals will help you decide what channels.  And then the time frame, like,  how long are you going to deliver this? And, you know, With if you look at the stats how long does it take for someone to know you and purchase from you and On average it can be anywhere from eight to six weeks So if you can give yourself eight to six weeks to warm up your audience To sell to them doesn't mean that your campaign has to be brand awareness lead gen conversion  It could just be a lead can read lead gen It could just be a conversion campaign, but of course you need have audience to run these things So you want to make sure that you're continuingly nurturing your audience in any way In between these sort of campaign periods.

So basically, you want to work out, okay, when is this campaign going to start, how long do I have between now and that campaign, starting to get everything organized. So, for context, I started thinking of my idea in around September, started executing it more around October, and it launched in November. I would have liked a little bit more time in the October space because I kind of didn't start pulling together some of the collateral until a little bit last minute, but, um, I mean,  we have, you know, It depends on how you create content, how quick you are, and obviously I have a team that supports me as well.

So that's the planning phase. Understanding  who you're serving, why you're serving them, what's the issue, and what creative idea will make sense with your brand, and then your goals, the channels you're going to show up on, and the time frame that you have.  And there's, as I said, there's always more to this, but this is just going to help you get a rough idea on, yep, what you could.

And of course, deciding if you're going to do a brand awareness campaign, a lead generation campaign, or a conversion campaign. Um, you know, if you've never done anything, it might be good to do something brand awareness. Um, lead generation, if you don't have a mailing list, probably be a great place to start.

Um, but if you know your audience buys off whatever channels you're currently on, can also be done.  And with the creative idea, it can be like a question you're solving, like a problem you're solving through a question. It could be an issue you're seeing in your industry. Maybe you want to be a little bit controversial.

Maybe you want to be entertaining, funny. You know, there's no, um, rules. You just want it to make sense. to yeah, what you're doing and your audience to understand it. Mine was my content queen one and travel one is obviously really linked to my brand, but I could do something controversial in the future. I want to run one around my quiz, what channel, you know, the perfect channel for you.

I don't know what that's going to look like and I'll have a think about it, but you know, those two, I am content queen and the around the world in nine days are going to be campaigns that I'm going to rinse and repeat and use again with the lessons that I've learned, optimizing the content. And I can repurpose.

So this is something that's amazing about these sorts of anything when you're launching and running campaigns, you want to reuse the content and just improve it and make it better. So then the next part is obviously create. You need to create the stuff.  So you want to project manage it. You want to work out all the things that need to be done to make this come to life.

You know, um, what people do I potentially need to outsource things to? So what stakeholders should I be working with? Um, what content needs to be created? What other marketing efforts need to be set up? Is there ads that go into this? Is there some email marketing? Um, what can I be doing now to warm up my audience?

You know, could I be on social media, kind of behind the scenes of making this campaign? Could I be, you know, for one of my clients at the book launch, we were sprinkling tiny little bits of content, you know, every now and then, just to kind of,  Introduce the theme. People knew that she was, um, creating a book.

Um, things like that. So  it wasn't a surprise when it was launched, right? So you want to write out all the things that you need to do, all the people you need to engage in and what needs to be created, and then just start chipping away at it. That's why it's good to know when you want it to start. So you can work backwards and go, okay, this is what I need to do week one, week two, week three, all the way up in the lead up to the launch.

And then there might be bits and pieces that you need to do while you are.  In the, in the process of this campaign, so yeah, project manager for me, I set up this kind of, um, space in ClickUp and I had like the overall details of the campaign, what, you know, the goals, the outline, everything. I had a column for, yeah, the types of people.

I was just lucky that the video editing and everything was done with me by Mitch. He could do a lot of the stuff, but I just needed to work out, okay, need visual aspects. I need video. We need to film these things. So I had to like plan out where we need to film things. And I needed to allocate dates when we were in certain places, when we're in the Sahara, when we were  Uh, at the airport where we were in Columbia, we incorporated one of Australia, but, um, actually the, the part of the footage was not filmed in Australia because we did it after the fact that I'd already traveled to Australia, but I needed to work out all that, all the videos.

And then I had to think about what I wanted the video to look like and discuss it with Mitch. And we started to, you know, storyboard it and work out what we wanted to create. So. There is a bit of work involved, but as I said, these videos will get reused, everything will get reused and repurposed, and now I'm running ads using those things.

So then you can start to work out, yeah, who you might need to hire, who you might need to engage in, and, um, yeah, so my, my ClickUp had, you know, a thing for suppliers or stakeholders, whatever you want to call them. Then I had a column for organic marketing. You know, I wanted some email marketing. I want to put, and I just blended it into my current content strategy.

So basically if you have a current content strategy, you have your business as usual or what you currently post on social media, to your blog, to your podcast. All I had to do was just. with a time in advance, plan out the topics in relation to the campaign. So for the last three months  from Feb, from November to the start of Feb was all about this campaign.

So all the topics were about that campaign. The podcast had a different intro. We had different collateral. Like we had, you know, the The certain podcast tile, things like that. So you can start to work that out based off. Yeah. How long your campaign is going to be what, and you know, my email marketing, I always did a weekly newsletter.

I didn't change that. I just, um,  changed the topics or what I, the structure of the email, how I would normally, what I would normally promote things like that. I created a dedicated landing page for around the world in 90 days. It depends on your campaign. You might not have to, you might be able to reuse stuff.

Like one client at the moment is running a campaign. We didn't need to create an extra landing page. We just need to direct them to the product because it was a conversion campaign. So it does really depend on what you're currently doing, what part of the campaign it is. But all I needed to do was kind of project manager, work out everything that needed to create it, and then set all the due dates and sort of worked backwards from there.

And that was how I was able to pull it all together. Use the people in my team that already had to help execute it. And that was the difference between my content strategy before BAU like business as usual content strategy and my campaign content strategy Had like, you know towards the end where it was more conversion.

I just had more selling content, right?  In the beginning, it was more top and middle funnel. So more brand awareness, entertaining, engaging content, more educational stuff. And then towards the end, it was more promotional. Um, you might decide that you need to create a little bit more content whilst you're in campaign.

If you're, you know, showing up three days, you might show up for in your feed on social media.  Um, I just, just changed what I currently had to tweak it towards the campaign, depending on where I was at in each stage of the campaign, but  brand awareness, lead gen and conversion campaign all in one is really done for market.

Like it's a lot easier for a marketer to do. So you might just choose one element. Like I'm just going to run a lead gen, just going to run a conversion campaign. You don't have to do all three at once. It was a big campaign. Like three months is massive. You know, a lot of the campaigns I'm working on at the moment are about six weeks, right?

Six weeks with pre and post launch, whereas mine was probably in total a little bit more than 90 days with the pre work and the post, you know, wrap up stuff. Um, and then in the creation, you know, we've done filming for marketing campaigns. We're going to be home in, in Melbourne in from, uh,  End of April, so let's just say May, all the way through to about October, November, if you are looking for someone to help you film your campaign and you, and you know, we're happy to travel.

Um, message me or email me because we have worked on a lot of these. We know the process of this sort of campaign work. Um, and yeah, we do day shooting and editing for, and bringing your vision to life. And I think it's a great strength of mine. Um, so we are looking to do some filming when we're home, if you are interested in, in Australia, just send me an email information at contentqueenmaria.

com. But yeah, the plan, the create process is all about  just taking your plan, bringing it to life in small steps.  Just chip away at it. Don't like that's why you want to have a good lead time. So you have time to put it all together. The clients I've worked with on this, we have, you know, over time brought it to life.

Some of them we've brought to life quickly, um, but the others it's been, you know, a process of planning, building up the audience and some of the campaigns, right, we have like a, if it's a conversion or a lead gen campaign,  we've done a lot less promotion. And then we go hard for two weeks on promotion, and then we kind of have like a, yeah, like a pre launch, launch, and like a softer post launch.

And this means that, you know, the feed  on Instagram or the content for six weeks is not just like mumble, like really a bit much. It is a gradual process.  And then the last stage is execute. So putting it out there. So once you've got all your assets and you, it's time to go,  it's, the work isn't done.

Unfortunately, you do have to track. You have to see what's working. Maybe make a few tweaks and changes as you go. I've been reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, and he talks about those 1 percent things. So, you know, he talked about, if you've read it, it's a brilliant book. But, um, the British cycling team and how they never won anything and then this guy come in and just made like tiny tweaks.

Like he changed the mattresses and the pillows of the, you know, the cyclist. But there were all 1 percent changes that made like a massive difference. He, um,  What else did he do? He did. They did some really interesting, just all these little 1 percent changes. And that's what part of your launch while you're doing it is about as well.

You know, like looking at, um, Um, what's working, what isn't, maybe make a few little tweaks to your sales page with buttons or your lead gen page. Maybe you make a few tweaks in the copy, you know, there's all these little tiny things that you can do that make a big difference. So if you've done all the content, it's scheduled or partially scheduled, or it's partially ready to go.

Um, all you have to do is post it or, you know, record film, whatever you have to do in the process. Um, Bits and pieces, but a lot of it's already done. Then you can go through and make little tweaks as you go. And the other thing is you have to sell it. Like, I mean, brand awareness is a little bit different.

It's purely marketing lead gen, you know, is a bit more marketing, but your sales page still has to sell that, you know, that workshop or that whatever it is that you are selling your work, like your sales page still has to do that. Right. Um, when you, if you're in a conversion, you still have to nurture warm leads or have abandoned car emails set up or  message them, email them, ask people to join.

You can't just sit back and do nothing. You still have to sell it. You still have to then put your sales cap on and do the selling. You've done a lot of the marketing.  Then it's time to do a bit of marketing of tracking and seeing what's working. And then the rest is selling.  You have to sell it. You can't just sit back and do nothing.

And to be honest, that's what I did for a long time. I will all the contents out so I can just sit back and do nothing. And it's like, no,  that is the marketing is done. You still have to sell.  And I think I really struggled with that element because selling is, is not easy. It's not comfortable. But at the end of the day, selling, serving, we've got episodes on selling.

I'll put them in the show notes to help you if sales something that you struggle with.  But that's what you got to do. The last part is once you've executed, you've got everything out there, you're reviewing it, you're looking at the data, you're making tweaks and changes from a marketing perspective, the next, if nothing's working after that, it's, and you're getting the traffic, people are coming, no one's buying, you've got to look at the sales, the sales page, how you're, you know, are you inviting anyone to join?

Have you got affiliates of people? Like this is for conversion, obviously, but even for lead gen, can you reach out to people and ask if they want to join? Can you use Facebook groups? Like what can you do to then sell it? Yeah.  Right? And then of course the last part is once it's all finished Going back, looking at your goals, reviewing it.

Did you hit your goals? And I'm in the process of that now. And, and seeing how you can then store all that stuff for later, that's why it's always good to have it documented down. You know, are you using ClickUp to store all your content? Are you using Airtable?  Are you using a Google Doc? You have everything there and you can go through when you want to relaunch it with alongside your review notes and then make the tweaks and changes.

And that's another part that I didn't put in here that I did say that I have Project Manager.  In the process, have a system where it's all documented. Have a ClickUp. Have a Google Doc. As I mentioned, have a space. I know lots of people use Notion. Have a space that everything is there, so that when you go back, it's  You know, in six months, when you want to rerun it, you've got all the content.

And then again, as I said, you can go back and make edits and changes based off your review process.  So, as I mentioned, we have one is to plan two is to create, and three is to execute.  And that's what I did to put together my around the world in 90 days, your ticket to good content marketing. Now, what were the results?

So I got new leads, obviously through the passport signup at the beginning, when I did the brand awareness element.  I did a paid workshop, which I'd never done before. I've always done them for free. And that was really hard mindset wise, but I had, you know, I could do a free workshop and get hundreds of people sign up and then a very minimal show up rate.

But I can say I had 50 percent of the people show up and do the work and get the results and I had a beautiful feedback. I hit my goal there for the paid workshop.  And it was amazing. And I loved it. And the energy was there. People showed up because they'd paid for it. It was a low touch point, but it was a really good chance for me to explore paid workshops over free ones.

Because I've always run them free.  So the brand awareness campaign was beautiful. I had amazing guests come on the podcast. I had really good listen rates. I had really good reviews and feedback and signups to my email list through that campaign. Then for my paid workshop, I have always run them free. I did it paid.

I had 50 percent of people show up and do the work and I, yeah, made some income from it. And the last one was the bootcamp and I got new signups to the bootcamp, new people into my world that I'd never served before. I didn't quite hit my number  from the selling thing, but I've learned a lot. I showed up, I feel more creative, more aligned, and I actually invited people in.

I did the things that I haven't normally done before. Um, because it always has been quite uncomfortable selling. And that is something that I'm continuing to work on. The marketing for me, easy. The selling is always, um, you know, been a struggle and I know it is for a lot of people as well.  So basically when I run this again, um, I'm going to.

Make some edits, make some changes. Um, have a look at my messaging. I'm going to, yeah. And I think with consistency, it's like an event. The more times you run an event, the more people hear about it, the more people want to be involved. Right. And actually I had people sign up to the event after the event had already been, I had, you know, like things happen after it already finished.

So now I know for next time that there's people there, you know, I have the leads and I can continue to move forward. So I'm still reviewing  the numbers, you know, the, the,  the details and everything, but running a campaign like this versus, you know, a launch and the launch formulas that I've seen before was so much more aligned to me.

And I totally recommend, you know, if it's something that resonates more with you that to definitely  explore it more, have a think about it more, you know, potentially consumes more content of Mia. Um, you know, you could use what I've shared and hopefully it can help you. But, uh, stay tuned for the next round the world in 90 days.

I'm super excited. And you know, with time comes more audience as well. So there'll be more people by then in my space. So that was a little behind the scenes, but also something to support you.  And yeah, as I mentioned, if you are running your own marketing campaign, need some. material, some content, and you're in Australia, and it's between May and October ish, November ish, uh, yeah, let us know, because we're, um, looking for some projects to do while we're home as well.

And be a content queen or king, and remember that developing your strategy and story  Thank you so much for joining me today and please don't forget to share this with all your business and entrepreneurial friends. You can do this by adding it to your Instagram stories and tagging me at contentqueenmariah or just tell them about it.

You know, word of mouth is brilliant. If you rate and review, it allows me to get more fabulous guests on like we've had this year already. And I've got more in the pipeline. So leave a rate and review if you love the content and follow me on Insta, TikTok, wherever. Any questions you have, please reach out and I will talk to you soon.
