223: How to repurpose your content (Repurposing Queen) | Emma Wolno

We call it content repurposing...

The gateway to more reach from your content and more time in your day!

As content marketers, we know all the strategies to not just help us get out client content out there, but to also save us hours and hours of time.

Episode 223 of The Content Queen podcast is sharing with you all you need to know to be the content repurposing QUEEN (or King) in your business!

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  • A go-to repurposing strategy 

  • What is a repurposing strategy 

  • How repurposing can help you grow 

  • When to start repurposing 

  • How to get started repurposing your content 


If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ @contentqueenmariah⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠!

Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕


Emma is the founder of Content By Em, a boutique content studio that helps entrepreneurs grow through streamlined marketing systems & done-for-you content repurposing. She’s also the creator of The Content Powerhouse Academy, an online group coaching program dedicated to helping VAs and freelancers uplevel into content repurposing experts. 


This is episode 223, and we're talking all things, being the repurposing queen of your content with the incredible repurposing queen, Emma. Welcome to the Content Queen Podcast. I'm your host, Mariah, entrepreneur, storyteller, digital nomad, creator of music. Content Bootcamp and founder of Content Queen.

I'm here to teach you how to share your unique story, create content, and market your business with strategy through the channels that work for you. Each week, I'll deliver a story to help you connect to a powerful strategy around marketing, business, and content creation. I'll also be joined by amazing souls and entrepreneurs who are here to share their own journey along with actual steps to help you take your business to a whole new level.

Through amazing storytelling, powerful aligned marketing and content strategy. Let's do it. Hello gang. Okay. Are you ready to be content queen, content king? I am. We are content queen campaign is back again. It was our first sort of marketing campaign that we launched last year and I'm bringing it back.

And obviously we, this is the amazing thing about running things like marketing campaigns. You learn more and more and more  as you sort of go through the journey and you, every time you launch a campaign, you can add to it. And that's what I love about it. So I am, we are content queen really started last year as this sort of brand awareness around content marketing around us as a business.

And that's what it is this time. But I have been able to plan dedicated podcast episodes and do, you know, a whole dedicated landing page to help, you know, you all with content marketing. That's what I'm here to do. So.  We have kicked off the campaign. Now, if you had listened to the episodes around, um, I am, we are content queen.

I'll put it in the show notes. Basically what it is is there's sort of these four elements to content marketing, in my opinion, to help you grow. So there's strategy, storytelling. Systems and repurposing  and also in the systems element. That's sort of like how can it work within your business. So we've got the Queen of Chess to represent strategy.

We've got Queen the band to represent this sort of uniqueness in our content is storytelling because they were super unique, right? And then we have the queen bee, which is about repurposing because the bee lays her eggs and, you know, spreads her assets, so to speak. And then we have the queen in cards who worked, working alongside different cards, you know, creates this sort of, Royal flush that helps you win poker.

So basically for this round of I am, we are content queen, I am diving into each of these and I've got dedicated episodes for each. We have a landing page. So every week the episode drops, you'll find it there. If you sign up to our email list every week, you'll get a resource to correspond with the episode.

So if you're not on our email list, I'll, you know, you'll see the landing page in the show notes and make sure you join so you can get this week's. resource if you join late at any stage, uh, and you know, as soon as you get the welcome email, hit reply and say, Hey, I've missed out on, you know, this week, or can you send me this resource?

And I'll let you know if it's been sent or not. Otherwise I will send it on to you. So it's really this campaign just to give back to you guys as, and it is really to expand our reach as a business. Um, so more people can see us and learn from us. And create content marketing that is not just easier and less time consuming, but it's more impactful  and more strategic and more meaningful and actually allows you to have long term sustainability and growth and what better way to kick off.

So we ended the campaign last time, which was in about September with the B and we're kicking off with her because I feel like repurposing is one of these elements that, you know,  Really does help you set things up, allows you to spread your wings, to be seen more, to be heard more. And there's a few things that Emma says in this podcast that'll give you sort of guidance in when is the right time to start.

And maybe, you know, as you go through this next four weeks of podcast episodes or five really, of different parts of the moving elements that make up content marketing, you might, you know, decide which one you're going to focus on after this. You know, most likely will be strategy or storytelling that you might need to start with.

Um, and then setting up the other two as you go.  But this is just a great episode to kick off because it's really helping you think smarter, not harder with your, Content marketing and really make it work for you and create this ecosystem that allows you to get all the touch points. You know, I went to the gym this morning, I got my program done.

Woo. Go Mariah in the gym. She's back. Um, I've not been to the gym in a long time, but I got my program done from the trainer and obviously she's a personal trainer. She has her own personal brands. And she was asking me about social media and she's like, you know, like, cause I know it's like, you know, five touch points or something or is it more and I'm like, it's, 19.

So like someone needs to see your things at least 19 times before they'll make a purchasing decision with you on average. It might not be exactly that, but that's how, you know, like being able to repurpose your content in different ways, not just direct repurposing, but indirect repurposing by like taking a topic and it's, you know, something Emma's going to talk about with repurposing strategy.

It allows you to get those touch points. It allows you to be seen and it creates this ecosystem of content that's working for you. And, you know, I've got a post going out, um, about this exact thing. It's like as a content marketer, we could have like 50, probably even more now pieces of content going on out at any given day.

Obviously that's our job, but  it doesn't mean that we have to work really hard for every piece and we really make it work for us. Um, I've had lots of chats with other marketers, other business owners that are looking to kind of. Gets the support and help and, you know, explaining what I do and how I do that.

Oh my God, that is what I need. That's amazing. And it really is about bringing the business owner along the journey, like getting them to create one piece of content that means something to them. And then us coming in and being able to utilize it and get those touch points and get it seen and heard. And, you know, you don't want to spend all these hours creating one piece of content, whether it's a video, um, Um, a podcast, a blog, and then it just doesn't get seen by anyone.

So the point is to get those eyeballs on that piece of content. So anyway, I'm going to introduce Emma cause she's going to share a lot more about this. Uh, Emma and I actually  met, uh, whilst we were traveling. Uh, well, we met on social media, but we, we caught up in person. We both are with Columbians. So it was a really cool experience to be able to do some coworking with her in Meijin, which is currently there now.

And it was just, yeah, a really fun, um, experience to be able to catch up with someone and do some coworking with them. And, um, yeah, so I'm super excited for you to hear from Emma. So she's the founder of content by Em, a boutique content studio that helps entrepreneurs grow through streamlined marketing systems and done for you content repurposing.

She's also the creator of the content powerhouse Academy and online group coaching program dedicated to helping VAs and freelancers up level into content repurposing experts. Emma's amazing. I can't wait for you to hear all of her repurposing and content marketing knowledge. Welcome Emma to the podcast.

I'm so excited to have you on. Can you please tell everyone a little bit more about who you are and what you do?  Yeah, for sure. I'm so excited to be here too. So my name is Emma and I have a done for you content repurposing studio for entrepreneurs. So essentially I help them repurpose their content, whether that's their podcast, YouTube channel, whatever it might be.

And I also have a coaching program for virtual assistants who want to become content repurposers. So that's a little bit about me.  I love this and we, we actually met in person, which was amazing when we were in Columbia. So that was super fun. So I'd love to know. Yeah. So you're a digital nomad at the moment.

Um, and I would really love for you to share how you got into this, how you got started and yeah, what is your story? How did you get to where you are right now?  Yeah, for sure. So I started off back when I was living in Europe, like, it's like five or six years ago now, I've been an entrepreneur for a really long time.

And I was living in Europe at the time, and I wanted to stay there. So I applied for like a work visa, I was working as a content writer at the time, and it actually got denied. So I was super bummed about that. And they essentially said, like, You know, content writing isn't a specialized enough role to actually hire you and like sponsor you for this visa.

So I was really bummed and I was just thinking like, okay, you know, I really don't want to be, if I'm traveling around or, you know, living this digital nomad lifestyle or being an expat, I don't want to always have to be like changing my job every single time I moved to a new place, like I'd love to just have something flexible.

And that's online and I can travel with it at the same time. So I just kind of took the plunge to start a freelance business and I started as a virtual assistant, um, just kind of doing like whatever anyone needed help with, I was not very picky about the type of work I would take on. Like someone needed help.

I'm like, yep, I'll help you with it. Essentially.  Um, And after doing that for a while, I just kind of noticed that one of the things that entrepreneurs tended to struggle with the most was content. And even if they had this huge like vault of content, maybe they had a Facebook group where they go live, they really struggled to still show up in all the places.

And so I started doing some repurposing tasks for one client. And then I was just like, I feel like this. Is something that a lot of people need. So I made my content repurposing service and really made that my niche. And yeah, since then, that's pretty much exclusively what I offer. I do a little bit of other content marketing, but mostly content repurposing for entrepreneurs.

And I just, I love it so much. I love helping people share their story and show up in all the places and just nurture and grow their communities.  I love it. So good. And I love that. Yeah. You took a, you know, kind of shitty moment, uh, in your travel journey and turned it into your own empire, which is super inspiring.

I think, you know, if, if you can't work for someone else, work for yourself, why not? It gives you a lot more flexibility. So yes, we, we really want to talk about, um, content and, and repurposing because, um, as I mentioned, we're doing a campaign, uh, called I am, we are content queen. And it's really about. You know, showing different sides to content marketing and how it can really work for your business and repurposing is a massive one.

Um, it, as you said, it allows people to show up in so many different spaces, but a lot of people struggle with it because there's a, there's a mindset blocks, but there's also that strategy block and then the kind of execution block of actually setting up a system to allow you to do that. So.  Yeah, this is one element that makes up content marketing.

It's a massive one. Can you explain what repurposing means to you and how you actually use it in your business? Because you, while you're creating content for other people, you're showing up very actively on social media and you're traveling. So I imagine without this repurposing strategy or structure, you wouldn't be able to be serving, traveling and growing your business at the same time.

Yes, that is for sure.  Um, so for me, I really see content repurposing as transforming one piece of content into a new piece of content. And I think there's a lot of, I don't know, I'm going to say like misinformation about what content repurposing is online, because I think some people just think that it's posting one piece of content to another platform.

So like, for example, if you have a TikTok, downloading that TikTok without the watermark and then just reposting it to Instagram, which in my mind is kind of like a bit of an oversimplification of the repurposing process. Um, because I really see it again, it's like transforming. So you're finding either a fresh angle to cover that content from, or you're totally changing the medium.

So maybe you have a blog post and then you Take that blog post and like turn it into an actual carousel post. So it's the same ideas and you're giving the same value but you're changing the format and You know, you're allowing it to be native to that platform. Um, so there's so many different ways that you could do it.

Um, a lot of what I focus on in my agency is sort of long to short repurposing.  Um, so, you know, either starting with a blog post and then turning that into micro content for social media, and then also the process of. Maybe taking audio or video content, again, like a podcast or a video and turning that into written content.

So turning that into blog or turning that into like an email sequence or email newsletters. But there's honestly so many ways that you could do it. Some people really like to go from like, you know, shorter content and then expand on that and make it long form content. Um, so that's a little bit about my philosophy and what I believe.

You know what I believe repurposing is and how I use it in my business is, um,  I really like to just create a content bank of everything I've created because now, as I said, I've been an entrepreneur for a long time, almost five years. Um, so I've built up. a really big content bank over the years, and as we talked about being content marketers, working for other people, producing content for our clients, it can be a lot to also create unique content for yourself, and being digital nomads, so I repurpose a lot, I go into my content bank, and I take what I've done in the past, and I refresh it, and I find new angles and new formats to share it.

I love that. And it's so true. Like there's so many elements of repurposing, right? There's that direct, you know, one channel to the other repurposing, which is a lot of what we think of repurposing, as you mentioned, but there's sort of this indirect repurposing, right? Like taking something and then there's like repurposing, actually reposting old content, which, um, TikTokers are really good at.

And, um, I've been doing it. here and there over the years. And it's interesting how it can perform on one day and not on the other or not on the other. And then again, or, you know, you're getting new people coming through your ecosystem all the time. So it's not a matter of like, oh, well, I can't post that.

And I think we forget what we see every 200 and something days. So our, it's probably less, it's probably like, um, less now because there's so much content online, but I love that. And I think, um,  You know, there's so many elements in this is allowing your, you know, your customer and your client to just create something, one thing based off, you know, a strategy and then.

You can go and work your magic to support them. And then they don't have to worry about, you know, trying to get it on all the platforms because I find the execution is one of the hardest things of, um, content creation for a lot of entrepreneurs. And then, you know, there's also this other element for yourself being able to show up because you're not just having to think of new ideas all the time.

And even like, um, podcast episodes I've done in the early days, I can take that topic and, you know, we're learning new things about it all the time, right? So we can take it and. And, and piece it together. So I absolutely love that. And now I just want to go through, you know, some steps of just this, this concept of repurposing and, you know, there's repurposing strategies.

So you've mentioned it briefly, you know, taking a long form piece of content, but I'd love to know like a simple repurposing strategy for anyone listening, they might have a long form channel, or they might be thinking about having it and how, you know, if you were working with them or if you were guiding and supporting them, what would you recommend they do to make sure that that.

Long form or even that short form turns into long form. Um, yeah, and create a bit of a strategy for them. I'd love to know, you know, your magic in this and how you would support someone.  Yeah, for sure. So I think one of the best places to start when you're thinking about executing a repurposing strategy is really think about what kind of content comes the most naturally to you.

Um, This, I like to refer to it as your pillar content. Some people call it hero content or your core content. There's a bunch of different words, but essentially, you know, what is the most natural? What feels the most effortless? I think for a lot of people is podcast because you don't necessarily need as much production as, you know, say YouTube or something, but some people really like face to camera.

Maybe they're You know, getting on TikTok feels really easy and recording like a three minute video. So I would say, you know, think about all of the different content formats. Are you more of a writer? Do you just really like to have conversations? Are you really good in front of the camera and really natural?

Um, and think about which one makes the most sense for you. And that's going to be kind of your starting point. So  It's kind of a shift in mindset. I think a lot of the time on social media, we have this idea of like, okay, it's the start of the month, and we need to come up with 30 post ideas, and it's super overwhelming, right so it's shifting your mindset from like, okay, instead of thinking, okay, what are my 25 ideas for the full month.

What are maybe my four ideas for the week of like a weekly newsletter or weekly blog or weekly podcast, and then how can I break those topics down from there. So that's a really good starting point, I would say, is thinking about your core content, and then from there, thinking about A frequency, you know, how often are you going to do that?

And then thirdly is really thinking about what's that transformation process going to look like. And it might not be executed perfectly every week. You know, maybe you're a podcaster and every week you want to do like. Three different social media posts from your podcast, one newsletter, kind of promoting it and a couple of Instagram stories.

Maybe that doesn't happen every single week, but even if in your mind, you have this ideal list of like in a perfect world, you know, what that repurposing workflow would be just writing that down and then adding that to wherever you manage your content, whether that's something like a sauna or cello or air table notion, like just having your actual workflow written down.

Um, so you have it. And you can execute it every week.  That I love that sort of reframe from 30 social media posts, what this look like. And it's like, okay, it could potentially just be four podcasts episodes, which is what I do. I have like the 15th of each month. I'm thinking about the month ahead, um, planning out my episodes for my podcast.

And then I already know on a given day, what each day is looking like Monday, this type of post Tuesday, that type of post. And then I just have to slide in that topic. And whilst I'm editing the episode, that content's coming really naturally to me because, you know, it's like, oh yeah, that would, that part would make a good post or that part.

So I, I love that. I think that's a really simple way of breaking it down. And it's like, Yeah, we're, if we're always like in this really reactive social media mode, it is really hard to build something for ourselves in terms of like an ecosystem of content. So  what I would love to know is, yeah, how this, and I'm sure everyone's like, all right, what does this mean for my business long term?

How does this help me long term and how does this help me create this kind of ecosystem for my business? Because I know,  you know, in the beginning when we're first starting out, maybe we're on. One social media channel, maybe a long form, but we want to grow and expand that, right? We want to make sure that we're getting this digital footprint.

So how can this help us long term in our business and create this sort of ecosystem of content?  Yeah, I love the word ecosystem. I think that's such a great way to describe it. I feel like sometimes people have this idea or a hesitation about repurposing. Oh, well, you know, what if I'm repeating the same idea on multiple platforms, or, you know, if it sounds repetitive, but I think what people don't realize is that being repetitive is actually very good for your brand.

And it takes people so long to really remember things and to really start associating you with those ideas that you're putting forth. So, It doesn't mean that you're having the exact same content or like copy and pasted, but if you are repeating those same messages across all the different platforms, it's actually going to help you establish your authority in your niche and be seen as this thought leader.

Um, so I think shifting your mindset, first of all, of like being scared to repeat on the platforms and then actually realizing that it's a good thing. Um, and then I would say just the sustainability aspect. Like if you are a small business owner, try to create content, maybe you have a family as well.

Maybe you're a digital nomad traveling, like whatever it looks like, you're probably juggling a lot of different things. And if you have to have a podcast strategy and an email strategy and an Instagram strategy and a Tik TOK strategy and a thread strategy, and like all of these things, it's just, Not sustainable in my opinion for small businesses, maybe if you're like a large organization, and you have like a massive team, then that's doable.

But I think. As small business owners, we have to consider, like, how are we going to do this without burning out? So, content repurposing helps with that.  Absolutely. And, you know, when I first started, even though I had, like, the marketing and the, you know, the PR, and I actually used to do internal comm strategies, which was all about repurposing, because, like, one team member's not going to see an email, they might say, Oh, yeah, that's a reminder, I have to Do that because we're forgetting things all the time.

And then when I went to my own business, I had a YouTube video. I had like, I had a blog that was different. I had, so, and I was like, Hey, what are you doing? This is just not sustainable. I remember my mom on a Sunday night, like helping me film some B roll for my YouTube video. And I was like, what am I doing?

This is just ridiculous. Like, you know, like sort yourself out because this is just not helping. And like, Even, you know, people with the marketing skills that do it for other businesses,  you know, even we forget. So, you know, don't, if everyone's like, Oh my God, cause it happens to me all the time when I'm doing strategy with people and they already have a podcast or something and we built, they're like, why didn't I think of this?

It's like, it's fine. We all don't think it's just like, it happens to the best of us. Like even we're often like, Oh my God, like I need to do all these different things. Cause there's a few elements, right? There's that mindset of like repetitiveness, as you said, but  You know, that's where how like Nike just do it has been their slogan for like however many years, right?

That's the point of it. Unfortunately, with content creation that you have to really love what you do because you've got to keep beating it's like you it's like you're banging your head against the wall trying to share the same message, but it takes a while to get through people forget. And you know, that's consistency of branding.

And it's so true. I think we forget that a lot. We feel like we have to always be thinking of something new in our industry and being like at the forefront, but nothing's ever new, unfortunately, either, like, unless you're inventing a whole new thing, like we're talking the same things. What, you know, and, and even like two people could say the same thing, but one person resonates with the other person more than, you know, it's just, that's just what happens.

Like my coach says it all the time. Like I tell you something and then six months later you hear it on a podcast and you come to me. I've heard this, I've been telling you that thing, I've got to hear it a few times and I've got to hear it from a few different people before  I don't see clearly. It takes a while to stick.

Yeah, and like touch points in marketing now are ridiculous, they're like 18 touch points or something before someone will take action.  It's crazy, you know, I feel like it just keeps getting bigger because I feel like I saw the statistics from like years ago and it was like what seven or eight or something and now it's like 27 or I feel like I've even seen some say 57 and I think it also really depends on what the product is.

I mean, I think You know, probably both of us have served a lot of people in the online business space. And it's like, if you're selling a 47 product, you know, that might only be a few touch points, but if you're selling like a 6, 000 coaching program, that's going to be a lot of touch points. That's going to maybe be months of building trust, you know, through, different platforms, like, you know, through getting your weekly emails and binging your podcast and watching your stories, like you have to be hitting people in all of those places and really maximize those touch points.

If you are selling something high ticket, in my opinion.  Yeah. Oh, it's so true. And it's funny as I was like sort of planning this, the questions and everything, I was planning my social media content based off this topic. Um, and I was looking at a video that I did at a workshop. I feel myself. And it was like, I said, like, you know, unless someone's your number one fan, it's unlikely that they're going to see all your content anyway.

So like, you just kind of have to push through that mindset. And as you said, like, it can take people depending. And like, I think it's interesting to know as well, like the life cycle of a client from when they like find you to when they buy from you. Cause then that can kind of help you as well. Be like, I remember my first coach, it took me 12 months to invest in her.

So like, you know, I was listening to a podcast every week. Like, as you said, I was doing all those things.  It takes, unfortunately it takes time, and I think understanding those numbers is really important to help with the mind, like, and it helps you just keep going, right, and keep, um, going through the motions, because, you know, sometimes there's, there's weeks where, and you probably feel the same, you're like, oh, sick of talking about this, or I feel like I've talked about that a hundred, two hundred times, and then sometimes it just hits that, but you're like, okay, that makes sense, that's why I have to keep, you know, Keep talking about it.

So, all right. So we want to start repurposing. We're thinking of our like, yeah, our core channel, what that is going to look like, what sort of, um, tools or programs or things can help us. in this journey make it a little bit easier for us? I know there's like AI, you know, is on the forefront. So even like we've been using AI for years, right?

We're talking about this in, you know, AI isn't just chat TPT. It's like all the platforms that make sure your posts get scheduled and all of these things. Like there's so many different AI tools and things that we can use, but what do you recommend people use to get like sort of a, you know, a machine happening where there's just content going out that I was actually calculating it, you know, it's amazing.

You'd be the same like how much pieces of content you get out for your clients each day and there's so many tools that support us in this journey.  Yes, yes, for sure I could not run my content repurposing business without some of these tools. I think one of my favorite tools is air table, and I really use that for content planning creating almost like a content database and a content calendar.

And what I love about Airtable, you can also do this in Notion if you're more of a Notion person, but it's a little bit different than just a Google Sheet because it's actually a database. You can link, uh, in Airtable they call them records, maybe in Notion they're called fields, but you can link different things together.

So, for example, you could have a column for blog posts, you could have a column for podcasts, you could have a column for social posts, and then what you could do is you could like You know, pull up a blog post and then you would have a related field. So at a glance, you could quickly see all of the social media posts that you repurposed from that blog post, or whether it's related to your  podcast.

So it really kind of gives you this nice bird's eye view when you're content planning and keeping track of a, of a content database, because after many years of creating content, it really does turn into this, like, pretty bulky database. So Airtable allows you to kind of categorize that so you could categorize content by content pillars, for example, or the type of content.

So if you're like, okay, let me let me see all the storytelling posts I've done over the past year. You know, you could just pull that up at a glance. Um, or there's so many different ways that you could like view that information. So. That is one I really, really love. And then another one for the actual, like, technical repurposing is Descript.

I don't know if you've ever used that for podcast  stuff.  really great for podcasters. Um, also like any kind of video editing. So essentially you can, you know, upload your video or your podcast, and you can really easily get a transcript from that. You can edit clips from your podcast or video, almost like a Google doc.

So, you know, you just highlight. the section where let's say you have a really good gem or a really good nugget of wisdom, you just highlight that like you're highlighting a google doc and just copy it to a new file essentially. So you don't have to be a professional video editor.  And you go put the captions, you can put like a progress bar, all those different things.

So I find it's a really good cloud based software for getting those transcriptions for written content, making the clips,  all the things essentially repurposing and they do have some cool AI features in there as well, now that they recently added like where they can try to scan your content and find those good moments for you, or, you know, Even do like a blog post.

I will say that like, for anything written, I feel like AI is very much just going to be a starting point and you will need like either yourself to edit it, or if you, you know, have someone helping you with content repurposing. Um, but sometimes it can just be good to see at a glance, like, Oh, okay. This is like, you know, everything that's covered, um, you know, creating chapters for your podcast, things like that.

So it's kind of an all in one solution for content repurposing.  Yeah, that's good. I actually have recently started using Descript for my transcriptions because, um, you know, I think having a transcription for your podcast is, is always helpful for, I remember when I used to listen and I'd be driving.  Oh, I really want to know like that bit to have like a transcript of that.

So, um, but yes, Airtable is fantastic for keeping everything organized. It is definitely a. Glorified, um, Google sheet with added bonuses and features. But, um, I think it is. And I had a conversation with someone recently, like, you know, what systems do you use? Like, what does it, and it really does come down to how you work as well, right?

Like everyone, every time I start working with the clients, these are the platforms I use, but let's, you know, usually they don't have one. So like, yeah, cool, happy to use, but I know some people  have their own way of working and their brains work very different. Some people are very visual, some people are very analytical.

So. It is really discovering what works for you. But yeah, AI can really make our lives easier, but I definitely agree with the written stuff. Um, you know, in, what is it in the digital landscape is, is, uh, please, I do not want to hear any more about the digital landscape  or dive delve into anything. I don't want to do anything either.

Thank you very much. But yeah, it's, it's, but it is really good, you know, to chuck in a, like a transcript of a podcast and be like, Hey, can you, you know,  Make a shell of a blog. Like I think those things are super easy for repurposing. And it is just really about, um, you know, as you mentioned, seeing the workflow of what you do and what needs to be done, and then how can these, the, these bigger pits of content support that journey.

But I have the same thing, you know, there's people that have been creating content for years and have never repurposed and they're like, Oh my God, I've got so much content. I don't think. A lot of times it is, I don't have enough, it's, I've got a lot and I don't know what to do with it. And it's super overwhelming.

So I love that you mentioned having some kind of database of your content.  And we had a woman come on the podcast last year, talk about like, yeah, content libraries, like having something because you just, you know, how hard is it to check, try and find all your bits and pieces to put together a post. Oh, I think I did something on that years ago.

And then you can never find it. Never to be returned. Yeah. It's so annoying to like if it's Instagram and you're scrolling through I was doing that with one of my clients because it was like before I was looking for a post from before we started working together so there was no content bang and I was just scrolling I was like oh my goodness if this was all an air table I would have found it in like two seconds you know so yeah you don't think about those things like  they really do add up as a business owner.

Like all of that, those inefficiencies of like, you know, trying to find something, it might just be 10 minutes, but if it's 10 minutes frequently, it does add up and waste your time. So,  yes. Oh my God. I, I, so I don't know that because yeah, that happens to me sometimes like trying to find something for a while ago or, and I, I remember hiring this woman like in 2021, like I did her group program of systems and she's like, you need to have everything, like, say, for example, you're working on one task, here are all the links to that one task in one space.

So you're not like, because you waste time. And then I remember doing like some time efficiency thing when I worked in corporate and I was like, you,  you waste 20 minutes task switching.  And like, and I think it's how you get distracted too, right? So you go, okay, I've gotta find this post on Instagram. You go on Instagram,  oh, that person did a story.

Oh, and then, then you're like, hang on, what should I come here for?  Wait, why am I even here again?  , I've done that. It happens to me all the time working in social media. I know I like TikTok is my weakness if I ever have to go on TikTok to do any kind of thing.  I might as well carve out the hour because I'm done.

Yeah. Yeah. No, I want to like, I mean, I've already started doing it a bit, but I want to create almost like a marketing wiki because it was like, you've been filling out the form for your podcast. It's like, that should all just be in one spot of like, here's your bio for applying to podcast. Here's your, you know, so I'm trying to build out, I'm going to do it in notion, I think just all those little bits that you need for marketing, whether it's like linked to your brand photos, you know, your bio, um, your brand mission, your ideal, like just having it all in one spot.

So you're never like looking for random Google Docs, like, Oh, where did I, you know, maybe it's my email. So yeah, I'm doing the same thing actually. Cause I had the same,  it's like, Oh, I need every, and also it helps people when you hire someone like you or I, like, if you have something to give to someone, like, Here's everything you need, like I have one client who has like a file of all of her images, a file of all of her videos and it's like, Oh, this is heaven, right?

Because you can then just like, you've got access to everything. And I think like when you do eventually want to, it doesn't just make your life easier, it makes transitioning to a new team member or something so much easier because you're just like, here is everything you need. And, and, you know, like.

It's just like makes life easy for everyone. So I'm doing the same thing. Actually. I was doing the other week, like in look up, like, here are all the things like here's my bio here because we can say we can save so much time. And especially with like the repurposing stuff, like  here's all the, you know, photos I've ever put on social media or here's all the videos that we've ever used and that's where air table's great.

Right. Because if you're loading all the videos that you're going to post for that certain social media post. You could just go back through, like the other day I was doing a podcast on storytelling. I did this really good  carousel on this and I remember the episode. So I just went, because I do mine in years.

So I went back to that 2022  one and I found, and I just copied it, pasted it for Mitch and he created the carousel. And I was like, Oh. Done easy. Like he redid it with my branding, but I'm like, here's the carousel if you want it. But here's like the, and that's also too, like having all of your Canva stuff somewhere as well.

Like my canva's a bit of a mess, wanting to clean it up. Oh, me too. But like, you know, having stuff in places,  it's such a mess. And because Mitch does a lot of it as well, it's on his, like he's in my team, but he hasn't shared it with the team. I'm like, we need to this, that's probably a, you know, an admin task, but like having everything in places of like, here's the link to the Canva doc.

So that you can use that Canva doc and you just have to, you know, update the branding and, you know, things like that from years ago, it makes life so much easier. So I think having the tools to support the repurposing is really important, but finding, you know, what works, as you said, like there's so many out there as well.

I think it is overwhelming how many, but if you find one you like, don't worry, just stick to that for now until maybe you're introduced to something better in the future. But I always find If someone gives me a new tool, I'm like, Oh my God. And I like spend too much time learning it. And then I'm like,  this is sort of the same thing that I already have.

Like, I don't, yeah. Anyway, it's very easy to get shiny object syndrome with tools, but I agree. It's like the best system is the one that you'll actually use. So if you find air table too complicated, I'm like, you know, maybe Trello. Maybe for me, it's too basic, but you know, maybe for you, it works perfectly.

Right. So it's like, don't force yourself to use something if it doesn't work for you. Just use the one you'll be the most consistent with. I totally agree with that.  Yeah, that is, that's really important. So thank you so much. Before we wrap up, is there anything else that you want to add about repurposing?

I, you've got me thinking about things that I need to implement to make the ship a bit more smoother. You know, I think with this. And that's the thing. There's always times where you've got to update things and make it work for you. But you know, that happens with time. But is there anything else about repurposing or starting to repurpose it, starting to get into the habit of repurposing that we should know?

Yeah, I guess one thing I just thought of when we were talking about like kind of what you need in place and different tools to use is to really make sure that before you start repurposing that you're really clear on your messaging because I think sometimes people really want to dive into something and 100 percent this is totally a strategy that I recommend but if you're like extremely new and you're still working out you know your brand messaging or your ideal client are really sort of those foundations it might not be The time to start.

So to really get clear on those foundations first, make sure that's all sorted. And then once you've really nailed that down to like amplify everything you're doing with repurposing would be one tip because I found my most successful clients over the years, they're always the ones that are super clear on their brand message.

You know, they have an offer where they know it works and they're excited to sell it. Um, and they kind of have those foundations in place and then they hire me to just, You know, amplify everything that they've already done that's working really well. So just one thing to keep in mind before you kind of go all out on repurposing.

Hmm. That is a good, good message. And um, definitely that strategy and the foundations is extremely important because, um, yeah, if you don't know those things, you can just start and then, and then you have to change it later. Right. Once you do know what it is. So I love that. That is a great tip. Uh, so thank you so much, Emma.

I love chatting with you. And, um, I love watching your journeys on socials. So how can people find you and connect with you? I'm sure they're curious to learn a little bit more about repurposing, but also your fun adventures, uh, especially around Columbia at the moment. So yeah, where do you hang out most and how can people connect?

I would say my main social platform is Instagram. So my name on there is content by M E M. So, you know, if you listen to this and want to connect or have any questions, I'd love to just chat in the DMS. And in terms of my website, it is the same. It's just content by m. com. Uh, and there I have more info about my done for you content repurposing services.

Um, and I. I gave a link to you, I think, for the show notes for the course as well. If you are like a virtual assistant or a freelancer and you're like, what is this content repurposing thing? It sounds cool. I'd love to do that for clients. I'm also happy to chat through that. So that's a little bit about where you can find me online.

Amazing. Thank you so much. Yes. We'll have all your details in the show notes, but enjoy the rest of your time in Meijin. Uh, enjoy the warmer weather. Um, and yeah, thank you so much. Yeah. Safe flight back to Australia and thank you for having me.  Thanks so much. Alright, I love all the things, and especially that sort of key message at the end that Emma said.

Like, if you don't have the strategy and, you know, the foundations laid out, repurposing is going to be, uh, and the messaging and all that is going to be a little bit pointless.  Let's keep tuning in to the episodes we have coming up about content strategy. We have a workshop. If you're not sure where to start, really get those foundations out there, really understand what you want to achieve in your business.

It's, it's interesting. You know, I still have conversations with business owners that have, um,  you know, worked on things, worked with other, um, content gurus or content social media people managers and it's really just about posting and there's no strategy and then they kind of don't really understand the vision or the goal.

So that's really important for you to understand as well and to lay that on when you ever want to outsource, um, or do get more support with your content marketing. And whilst it can take a little bit to get going and worked out, trust me, if you want to be in this long term, that's what it's about. It's not, we're not in it for the short term game.

Um, because it's just not possible. But um, I hope you enjoyed the episode. Stay tuned. We've got episodes, as I said, coming up about the other queens. So the Queen of Chess, Queen the Band, and Queen of Cards. So stay tuned for episodes dedicated to that. Check out the landing page, join the mailing list so you can just stay up to date.

And really just get a good grasp on content marketing, but be a content queen or King. And remember that developing your strategy and story develops your business. Thank you so much for joining me today. And please don't forget to share this with all of your business and entrepreneurial friends could do this by adding it to your Insta stories and tagging me at content queen Mariah, and also by tagging M as well, which is at content by M  or just tell them about it, share the episode, share the campaign with them.

If you know someone that's really struggling with content marketing, share the love. Because they, you know, will be super grateful to get the support. And if you do take some time to rate and review, it does really help me, you know, build up these amazing guests like Em, build up the content, keep giving these campaigns for free and, and giving these podcast episodes for free.

So  leave a rate and review. That is all I ever ask of you. I love you forever and just follow us. If you have any topics you want us to talk about in the future, if I have any questions, I always create a lot of content on the questions people ask me. So follow us on IG or TikTok and I will talk to you very soon.
