236: The business owners who FOUND their idea channel and now thrive  

Have you ever seen people “killing” it online with their content and wondered “what do they do differently”?? 

You want to know one thing? 

They found the channel they LOVE and they found the type of content they LOVE. Sounds simple, but that is the starting point. 

I have some classic examples I want to share with you in this episode of The Content Queen Podcast. It will leave you feeling motivated and inspired. 

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⁠⁠⁠Work out what channel is best for you - take our QUIZ⁠


  • How to work out what channel is right for your business 

  • What business owners found the right channel for them and how 

  • How business owners get “results” on content channels 


WHAT channel SHOULD you be on? Take our quiz - https://sales.contentqueenmariah.com/content-quiz  

LISTEN to a story of a business owner who grew online from listening to the channel she WANTED to be on - https://www.contentqueenmariah.com/podcast/114 

LISTEN to a story of a business owner who left social media to be on the channels they LOVE - https://www.contentqueenmariah.com/podcast/160 

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Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕


This is episode 236  and I'm talking all about or sharing stories of people who have found channels they've loved and found quote unquote success in their marketing.  Welcome to the Content Queen podcast. I'm your host, Mariah, entrepreneur, storyteller, digital nomad, creator of Content Bootcamp and founder of Content Queen.

I'm here to teach you how to share your unique story, create content and market your business with strategy through the channels that work for you.  Each week I'll deliver a story to help you connect to a powerful strategy around marketing. Business and content creation. I'll also be joined by amazing souls and entrepreneurs who will share their own journey along with actual steps to help you take your business to a whole new level.

Through amazing storytelling, powerful lines marketing, content strategy.  Let's do it.  All right,  let's talk finding the right channel for us. And to do that, I'm going to share some examples to,  I guess, get you motivated, get you inspired to find what will work for you. And I'm going to use that sharing  some incredible stories.

Basically, if you want to find the right channel for you, you're not sure where to begin, we have a quiz. I'll put the link in the show notes. Check out the quiz, see what answer you get, tell me. I've had some amazing messages since, I guess, sharing more about this quiz  and, you know, people saying, oh my god, that resonated with me so much, um, and they were really excited about taking on this quiz.

the next step.  So  this definitely has come off the back of my own journey with content.  When I first started, I was on lots of different channels, arguably all channels. I'm on a lot now, but it's because I've learned what I love, how I love to create, and then I can expand.  And that's the key message too.

It's not that,  Oh, you, you can't be on all the channels because you can Absolutely.  But if you're really struggling to find your feet and you're really struggling to find energy,  then it is about finding where you enjoy creating.  So for me, I was on all these channels and I was, you know, creating a YouTube blog,  podcast,  Twitter.

Um, I remember specifically posting tweets whilst I went, you know, on a little break from my desk job, my nine to five job. We used to have, Uh, auctions every Wednesday and I'd go down to kind of check out what was going on.  And I would post a tweet while I was like walking down there to like save me time.

And it was just posting for the sake of posting. There was no energy into it, no love and care. And I didn't really care for Twitter.  Um, and then it wasn't until I realized that it was time to find a strategy and platforms that I loved  that I went to the channels that I enjoyed. Podcasting being one of them.

But really the key one for me was long form content and writing.  And it's really evident every time I look at my stats that blogging is my core channel because I get.  most of my traffic through my blog.  So  when you are feeling into a certain channel and you try it and you build on it and you find how you can enjoy it,  then you will start to see the results,  but then you can also expand and grow.

So I'm going to share three really evident stories that I've seen in this space.  And then I guess  the core, sort of core theme that wraps up these people, you know, what they've kind of done to get there, and then also you can take the quiz to find out where to begin, where to start.  So the first person in this journey is someone I've had on the podcast.

I'll put the episode in the show notes.  Her name is Lisette, and basically she was my, uh, fitness coach.  Um, she did a lot of support with me as I was going through my own health journey and helped me with gym and all those things. And it was very interesting because when I got sick and I was in hospital, I didn't, um,  you know, use her services.

And then I remember connecting, you know, her checking in and stuff. And all of a sudden I saw her.  really blow up on TikTok. Like, and you'll hear more about her story. And I know she's sort of altered things in her business since, but  basically she wasn't really feeling the energy on Instagram.  And she really liked consuming on TikTok and she really liked video  and helping people and sharing.

So she's like, Oh, you know what? I'm going to give TikTok a go. And she did. And yeah, she grew really quickly and was able to, you know, edit her business a little bit, find what she really enjoyed and yeah, I guess change the direction to where she is now.  She  was like, well, Instagram is this channel we all seem to just want to be on or want to be quote unquote, you know, successful or have results on, but it's not necessarily one that I enjoy or a channel that I'm personally seeing the results.

So where do I feel called to go? And that was TikTok. And I see many instances of this where people, TikTok creators, grow a lot faster on TikTok than they do Instagram and they openly say how they prefer that platform for consumption, they prefer that platform, you know, for the types of videos they create, and they just don't quite get the same result on Instagram.

And it is definitely an energy thing. So as I said, there's a whole podcast on this journey. So I will share it in the show notes if you want to hear it.  But that is one core example of just going, you know what? It's not resonating. I'm going to move on  and try something new.  And a lot of you listening would actually be creating content on, on a channel.

So if that's the case and you generally love it, maybe it is the type of content, you know, that you're creating or have a little play around. And as I said, I'll give you some few, um, little pointers at the end of what makes these people, I guess,  see the success or the results. The second person was a client of mine.

and for the purpose of their identity, I will keep them anonymous.  But basically I worked with them in 2021 and  they wanted to, they wanted help repurposing bits and pieces from their podcast. And they wanted help creating some social media stuff,  Instagram specifically, LinkedIn.  And if you look at the niche, LinkedIn was kind of that core social channel.

But there was always this push to just like, be on Instagram, because again, people, it's a shiny object and everyone wants to be quote unquote, you know, yeah, as I said before, successful on Instagram and we see a lot of content of how to blow up on Instagram, how to do this, how to do that. We don't necessarily see it that often on other social channels, so I think that's why we kind of, not get gaslit, but sometimes it feels like maybe we are, to like, you know, be on that channel all the time.

It's just something we automatically go to, like the amount of clients that say, Oh my God, I'm so over Instagram,  but we generally go there  and that's okay. I love Instagram. I love the platform and, you know, but it's not my core channel to see the results.  So basically this client, we would have multiple conversations about, you know, I just don't know what to do with Instagram.

I'm not really sure what to do with some of my content. So I said, all right, well. Obviously, let's look at the data. It was really interesting because what it showed us that YouTube was actually her top performing channel.  And I was like, well, it's YouTube, like there's so much traffic going  to your website from your YouTube.

And it was generally downloads to their email list.  Um, and they could see that and they're like, Oh my God,  light bulb moment. Um, I love YouTube. I love creating video for my YouTube. And if all these old videos are getting, you know, traction, well, maybe I should create more on there.  And then what we could do from that is we could repurpose a lot of those YouTube video content that you can't always generally do for a podcast unless you film it.

And we're able to use some of that across her Instagram. So then she felt the.  Less pressure to be on Instagram and then she kind of go on stories and DM connect with people in the DMs Which is  kind of I guess where you do see a lot more results on Instagram it can be a very selling platform or like nurturing or  Yeah, just this connection space rather than just always content and that is  made her feel more empowered by all the channels in the end and the energy that she was having on  showing up on all of them too.

So basically we could shift her strategy and see more results that way. And  since I don't work with that client anymore, I have seen that the consistency in the YouTube has increased. And in fact, Instagram is not really a channel they use at all.  Um, they have kind of just stopped using it and, um, use more LinkedIn.

So there can be a lot of, you know, knowledge that comes out of just, just understanding, like, I do not vibe with this channel and that is okay. You know, I used to listen to this podcast, it was called Happier by Gretchen Rubin.  And basically it was about being happier. I searched it when I was in a really dark time, uh, in 2017 and I just, I just needed to lie at the end of the tunnel and that podcast  found me and I listened to it religiously.

But basically she spoke about, you know, just because something makes someone else happy doesn't mean it makes you happy. And this is the same analogy with creating content.  And the analogy she used was the beach. Everyone loves going to the beach. And so you're just expected to like the beach, but what if you don't like going to the beach?

When do you get to the point where you just accept the fact that, that doesn't work for me, and I don't want to do that? And it's hard. That could happen with a content channel, a marketing strategy, a type of offering that you do in your business, anything. It's like,  you know what? I don't want to do that.

It doesn't resonate with me.  And  just, you know, you can learn to accept that. And that's a perfect example of, you know, the whole Instagram thing. Just,  it's not for me  and that's okay. I guess that leads into my third story, which is a podcast episode. We did with Tara who joined the podcast to talk about being an introvert, uh, content creator.

You know, creating content and being on socials.  And it was really interesting that episode, cause it took a real turn that I didn't know it was going to. And in fact, she let me know that she no longer used social media because it didn't resonate with her. And in fact, she put in some measures in place that showed her that she could kind of  be on social media, but doesn't have to be active, like can have a presence  and use those pages to direct people to where she wanted to be, which was her email listener podcast.

I love this story. You use it all the time. I've got videos I've done on it. That podcast is great.  And I've told this story to many of clients or potential clients or mentoring, you know, students of Content Bootcamp. It doesn't have to be social media that you gravitate towards.  The tiny part of your funnel doesn't have to be a big part of some of these, a big part, and that's okay too.

But I loved how she just went, you know what? Not doing it anymore. But of course she, she had built up her audience on that platform as well, but  it's okay to just go, you know what, let's just try something new. And I had this exact conversation with a client that, um,  had been doing a similar marketing strategy for a long time.

And he's now sort of at the point, he's like, why is it not working anymore? Why do I have to do something different? And they didn't normally do a lot of content.  Unfortunately, it's like the gym. Um,  what worked before might not work now in muscle building or fitness. It's the same with your marketing.

Like, what worked even a year ago,  may not work now.  And I think when you learn to accept that things are always going to change and evolve, the happier you will be in just enjoying the process. So, you know, obviously that goes the same with Yuck Your Mindset, a channel that you really enjoy now, you might get sick of.

It's okay. But understanding it now and using your energy that way is. way better use of your time than forcing yourself to be somewhere or do a type of content that doesn't resonate with you. So there are three really great examples. And in terms of  What does success look like for them? Um, of course their energy is a big one, but I've seen, you know, these people,  businesses grow faster, more clients,  and they've got more time.

And like all of these examples, their businesses didn't decline. Some of the businesses shifted in niche, but they grew and they feel at a better place now because of those decisions they made.  Um, and a lot of times when we're scrolling on socials or we're consuming content in general, there's someone that's always going to tell us where we should be or what we should be doing.

And I think  when you decide what's going to work for you and you implement from that space,  you're just going to be generally a lot happier.  So  yeah, where all these people are at now is in very different positions, but from a growth point of view, they're  way more aligned than they were before.  And what I think they do to get there and anyone, any content creator,  anyone that can see results across their marketing, they found the type of channel that they like to create and consume on.

They discover the types of things that are passionate about. So what they want to be known for specifically and a hill they will die on type of vibe and the types of things that make them really passionate in that moment. Of course it can change.  They create the type of content that energizes them, specifically them.

You know, I know some people that love writing. I know some that love video. And when you learn to tap into that, you can potentially outsource things that don't align to you or work out a way to repurpose so you can do the type of content you love and then repurpose it into a different type of format, which we spoke about with Chloe last week in the podcast.

Then a key thing. They measure what works and what doesn't and they edit from there. So all those people that I spoke about  and included my own story with the blogging,  I wasn't actively focusing on my blog until I realized the numbers.  And that's what happens with clients and anyone when you realize that's actually working.

And that's generally what I like to do. You'll find correlation between what works and what you enjoy.  Um, it's also why  posting photos and videos of the things you love to do that are more top of funnel content performs the best. That's why when you post a photo of yourself or your family or, you know.

Your friends or you are traveling generally performs better. Um, but it's interesting because I've read lots of things about, obviously the things that convert are when you're making that sale or that offer, but it might not necessarily get all the engagement. So, you know, it goes both ways too. If you are really confident in what you offer and you put energy into putting it out there, that's when you'll see, you might not see all the likes, but you'll see that level of conversion  and then.

The fifth thing they do is they talk with their audience and discover what is important to them  and what they want to know. It's a perfect example of Chloe last week when she spoke about her seven part Shade series. That was something her audience had asked for. So she took that information and she created it in a way that really resonated with her.

So  that's also what happens with listening to what our audience is asking us. And  We're listening to what's happening around us and what's important and then we're creating that into content.  It's why I created that quiz and have now done a couple of episodes  on this because I know it's something that people really struggle with.

It's because my clients are saying, oh such and such told me I should be doing this. What do you think?  It's because I have people saying I hate this platform  because people say to me creating content is overwhelming.  It's all these things that is why I create this type of content as well.  And then another thing that came up, which I thought was very interesting, is a person that took my quiz and really resonated with, I had a call with them, about how they could be supported because they really wanted some extra help.

And I was sort of explaining what content can be, you know, it can be anything from a social media post all the way through to a comment on a social media post or,  um, for example, I, a client that I serve, part of our retainer work is me going through their TripAdvisor, their Google reviews and replying to them.

And you then of course using them for content because  they, that is content people are, and then people are not only  posting their review. They're posting a picture. So that is user generated content. So like  posting in a forum or a Facebook group, having that in your strategy can be a type of content. So when we look at a content strategy, it's not just, what are we posting on socials?

What, you know, and it depends on the client, but it's like, where do we actively need to be  for the client with the Google reviews and TripAdvisor reviews? They're in the tourism space. They're in the, it makes sense for us to go in and update that profile and make sure it's active and because that's where people it's looking at where people are finding us and how can we be there and create content there as well.

So  that was a really great conversation that I had that came from that call because that client or potential client didn't Know that they're, and how do we know because all we see is the type of content that we should quote unquote should be creating from other people saying I had success here,  but not always thinking outside the box and what's going to work for our  business,  you know, webinars are content like every, there's so many things that become content and it's like working out what is going to work for us.

The first step is, and of course in this quiz, I've got four main. channels and there's lots of different and other channels, um, but the four main ones, but it's really about exploring that and  thinking about what that looks like for you in your business.  So if you haven't taken the quiz, give it a go.

It's free. It asks you a couple questions and it'll give you an answer on potentially what channel could work for you. And then it's up to you to find what resonates. It's a self discovery tool,  but  basically, It's the energy. We're energetic beings. I had a really another  amazing video I saw on social media the day about  skin care and the person that created the skincare product.

And they talked about the energy that goes into it because we are energetic beings, we know when someone's. upset we know, you know, when we spend enough time with them. I was like, it's the same with content. People know when, what level of energy you're at, especially when you're creating something. So  it is worth exploring what that looks like for you  and drowning out some of the noise of all the experts telling you where you should be.

It's great insights, great information,  but if you're finding yourself hesitant or reluctant and you ask yourself why, and the answer is because you. Don't feel like it resonates with you,  have your answer, you know, it's about trusting yourself too. And that's, again, another topic that's been coming up a lot about  what holds us back and generally it's us.

And, yeah.  We just need to learn to trust ourselves. And often we trust a lot more outside sources, yes, experts and gurus and things like, of course, experts, you know, know a lot more about marketing than the person that's, that's not their expertise, but you know, what lights you up and makes you feel energized and inspired.

And that is. Very powerful. So don't underestimate that either.  I think we get the point, but be a content queen or king, and remember that developing your strategy and story develops your business. Thank you so much for joining me today. And please don't forget to share this with all your business and entrepreneurial friends.

You could do this by adding it to your Instagram stories and tagging us at content queen Mariah, or just tell them about this episode, share the  Because if you do rate and review or share it with someone, it does  allow this podcast to move up in the charts, the higher it is in the charts. The more amazing guests I have that would like to join the show and the more  content and quality of content I can deliver.

So follow us on Instagram and TikTok, let me know if there's any topics you want me to talk about in the future. We have an amazing guest coming up. Next episode is such a good  quality podcast, I can't wait for you to and I will talk to you soon. Bye.