Content Queen Mariah

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237: How to connect with consistent creative flow for your marketing | Joanne Makas

“I am not creative”. 

How many times have you said that in your lifetime? 

Well - think again. We are all creative and our ability to connect to creative flow is always accessible to us. 

Whether it is for creating content or building a new product in your business, you can harness the energy of the month to build on consistent creative flow. 

Join me as I chat with Creative Flow Catalyst, Joanne Makas all about creativity! 

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  • What creative flow is

  • How to connect to creative flow 

  • How to create content based on the time of the month 


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Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕


Joanne Makas is a beacon for creative souls seeking to step into their fullest creative potential. With a rich tapestry of roles as an artist, intuitive energy healer, feminine embodiment coach, creativity mentor, and sound healing facilitator, her life’s work is dedicated to nurturing the creative spark within heart-led visionary women.

Joanne’s passion lies in guiding you to connect deeply with your creative power. Through her unique blend of energetic embodiment practices and creative mentoring, she weaves together a curated collection of methodologies, drawing from the arts, the healing resonance of sound, self-care rituals, elemental alchemy, and the mystical cycles of the moon. This rich mosaic is designed to awaken your creative energy and tap into your innate wisdom, inspiring you to cultivate a consistent creative flow.


This is episode 237 and I'm talking to Creative Flow Catalyst, Joanne Makas, all about how to stay creative when you are creating content for your business. Welcome to the Content Queen podcast. I'm your host, Mariah, entrepreneur, storyteller, digital nomad, creator of Content Bootcamp and founder of Content Queen.

I'm here to teach you how to share your unique story, create content and market your business with strategy through the channels that work for you. Each week I'll deliver a story to help you connect to a powerful strategy around marketing, business and content creation. I'll also be joined by amazing souls and entrepreneurs who are here to share their own journey along with actual steps to help you take your business to a whole new level through amazing storytelling, powerful and marketing and content strategy.

Let's do it. Hello gang. All right. You are in for an absolute treat. Doggy about being creative.  Now the saying goes, I'm not creative. I can't create content because I feel I don't have, you know, a level of creativity, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, you know, and we always associate creativity with like drawing, painting, art, essentially.

And I know this because I've had the same thing. I've said, I'm not creative. And actually, in fact, that is a lie. We are all creative and consistent creative flow is something that we feel we don't always have, but it is also not true. And, um, you know, you are a business learner, you're an entrepreneur, you are creative, trust me.

So I'm getting the expert to come in and share with you, uh, consistent creative flow, how to tap into creative flow. And all things creativity to help you, you know, tap into that resource that you have to not just help you with marketing, but to help you in lots of areas of your business and to really step into a power of being creative.

So let's introduce Joe Joanne Marcus. She is incredible and she is a beacon for creative souls seeking to step into their full creative potential.  She has a. Rich tapestry of roles as an artist, intuitive, energy healer, an embodiment coach, creative mentor, and sound healing facilitator. Her life's work is dedicated to nurturing the creative spark within heart led visionary women.

Joanne's passion is guiding you to connect deeply with your creative power  through her unique blend of energetic embodiment practices and creative mentoring. She weaves together a love story. curated collection of modalities, drawing from the arts, the healing resonance of sound, self care rituals, elemental alchemy and mystical cycles of the moon, which we're going to talk about today.

This rich mosaic is designed to awaken your creative energy and tap into your innate wisdom, inspiring you to cultivate consistent creative flow.  So let's hear from Jo and her own. Amazing wisdom around creativity. Okay. Welcome Jo to the podcast. I've been talking about you coming on the podcast in a few of my episodes.

And so I would love for you to first tell everyone who you are and what you do.  Hi, Mariah. Thanks so much for inviting me and talking about me a few times. I'm really excited to be here as well. I am an artist and I also am a. Energy healer and sound healer, intuitive guide. Um, I do so many, many different things.

It's almost so hard  to really sort of make it into some sort of succinct little  package, I think. Um, but that's, um,  I think because of my creativity, I am, you know, I've seen myself as a, well, I am a creative. I've been a creative my whole life. I really identify with,  um, term and, um, I'm the founder of the embodied approach, which is actually, um, um, modalities that I've brought together  to really help  women in particular access that creativity and that intuitive wisdom that our body holds.

Hmm. That's well, that sums it because I have experienced your magic and you've really helped me tap into creative living, being very present, connecting with my intuition. And it's just such a beautiful thing that you offer. And it is very, very unique. So I want to go down the path of, you know, what got you into business and a little bit of your origin story.

And sometimes this can go, Oh, how far back do we have to go? But what got you into, um, you know, where you are now, obviously being an artist, um, that was sort of your starting point, but what led you into, I guess, the embodied approach and supporting women with creative living and, and intuition.  Um, yeah, like you said, it's like how far back do you go?

Because I think it's my whole life has been a journey journey to here. Um, I think one of the most important aspects of my journey has been I was born with a birthmark and that  really shaped how I approach the world, how I see the world.  And which is what I think is creative. It's how you put things together, how you think, how you, um, bring different patterns of behavior or thoughts or ways of doing things together, um, how you might dress or all that sort of stuff.

So that. initially has had a huge impact on me. And then  I was, um, you know, I went to uni to study fine arts. Before that I was in fashion for a really long time. Um, so I worked in creative industry, my whole adult life. And then I went back to uni when I was 40 to study fine arts and.  Then, um, you know, by the time I sort of did my undergrad, I was, um, working in a, um, artist run gallery with a other group of friends.

And then I wasn't being creative or making art enough, so I went back to uni to do my master's. And during my master's, I, um, was also diagnosed with a, um, Neurological condition. And that's when all of a sudden I was really faced with what does my future look like? How will Joanne be at 60, at 70, the person who I thought I would be, all of a sudden changed.

Um, my identity really changed and I explored that. In my master's degree through my, um, practice and, um, it was the thinking, feeling, knowing body. And at the same time, I was, um, doing a lot of healing work, which then when I finished my master's just sort of continued, I fell into breath work.  Sound healing, feminine embodiment, all the stuff that I'm doing now and that I've been training myself in, um, so it was just a very natural, organic flow into, into this, um, because for many years I was,  Yeah, working on myself.

Um, and one, I think one of the key things for me was I had a, I had been doing a lot of talk therapy for years, but then realized that, um, the body does keep the score. There was so much memory in the body that was had come up and that I needed to resolve and process and allow my body to, um, yeah, process and  sort of, that's when I fell into.

How is my nervous system feeling? What's, what's, what's happening with my nervous system rather than trying to fix myself? It was more like how do I make my nervous system happy? How do I bring, you know, calmness and so that I could live that creative life.  Hmm. Oh, I love that. And I think how you describe your journey is just how you go about life.

You never force anything and you always really, um, work towards your in, within your own energy. And that sounds like that's what you've done to get to where you are, and that's just so beautiful.  Thanks, Mariah. Yeah, it is very much so working with my energy and I didn't realize how much of, how much of that I did throughout my life on and off.

I think there were very definite times where I was very disconnected with myself, um, being a young mom working full time, um, having, you know, Being, you know, a passionate Greek woman with lots of desires and ideas and, and being that creative with always new ideas sort of popping in. So, there's definitely been a rollercoaster ride of, of, of disconnection.

Um,  since my, um, you know, probably in the last, um, Seven years, that's when there's been a very massive shift and a very intentional approach to, um, self care, but also an energetics as a self, as a self care sort of lens.  Oh, it's so beautiful. I could listen to Joe talk all day.  So, um, yeah, we really want to tap into, I guess, your strength, which is this energy, and you really talk a lot about creative flow being a creative, um,  Being an artist, but you know, there's so many, I guess, misconceptions around creativity and what it means to be creative.

I mean, we've had so many chats about just general creative living, like how we cook, how we go about our day, how we run our business, all those things. Like, obviously there's the creative, you know, what you help artists with in terms of creative, creative living and being creative, but you do help all of us be creative.

And there's that difference between. artists and creatives, right? Which you've talked about, you know, artists are, that's a profession, but we are, we all have creative energy within us. And, um, so what is your take on creative flow? What does that mean?  Yeah, I think I love how you just said that because I, um,  you know, often hear people say,  uh, respond to me when I say, Oh, I'm an artist and say, Oh, I'm not creative.

And it really actually saddens me when I hear people say that, because like you said, we are all creative. Um, and artists, like you said, it's a, it's a profession. We spend many hours, um, a lot of energy. We, a lot of time, um, developing a skill and developing, you know, Developing this and, um, yeah, we can also get blocked our energy field, our energy can get blocked and really sort of, um, hold us, hold the project back or the body of work back or whatever we're working on, just like a creative, like not even a creative entrepreneur, just as someone in work, in business, in life, it's, you know, we're dealing with the same sort of, um, energetic, um, Yeah.

Sabotage like perfectionism or procrastination or self doubt or all that sort of stuff. So, um, you know, going back to what you were saying about creative flow,  if we accept that we're all creative, then we can accept that we're always in that creative flow. And the creative flow for me looks different  each, you know,  over a month.

We're not in the same, you know, Energy  from one day to the next day. Or this week we may have high energy and next week our energy is a little bit lower.  At times in the month we may be more sensitive and emotional and we may feel  something more intensely and then the following week We're able to be a lot more focused and not, and not take things so personally.

Um, so, and that's what I attribute creative flow to having, so we're always in this creative flow, but it's actually working with the different, um, energies and how we can align ourselves with them so that we're not going into the negative self talk. Oh, I did it last week and why can't I do it today?

This is very, um, obvious reason why we can't do it today because energetically we're at different times.  physically, emotionally, mentally.  Oh, I love that. And, you know, we mentioned just before, you know, a lot of people might connect flow state. So being in a deep connection with, you know, working, getting stuff done, being really productive and creative flow.

So we, Like, I feel like that's how I thought of creativity is like, we're just, you know, where we're always up, we're always got these big ideas. We're actioning, like it's all just flowing, but that's actually flow state, right? Like that's being in that creative, like not in creative flow, it's being in flow state, it's being in that deep work.

But I love how you talk about us always being creative, just depending on where we're at. At that time of the month and we'll talk about that because it's so cool and how we go, Oh my God, I totally resonate with that because I've felt on top of the world one day like I can conquer anything and these ideas come naturally.

And the next day I feel like.  I don't know what I'm doing.

Yes. Yeah. And I, you know, and, um, yeah, I loved how we were talking, um, about flow state and creative flow. And again, as I'm going on this journey and really stepping more fully into it, um,  understanding more about it as well. Um, yeah, I loved how you brought that up and it's so true because when you Being in that flow state, it's very different to the creative flow that I'm talking about.

Um, when you are tapped into your creative flow and you're allowing that to, um,  to, to, to be present, then you, that's when you can go into the flow state, but you need to believe that you're, In creative flow and that your creative flow looks different and rather than trying and pushing to try to get it to do something in particular, you're not going to get into that flow state.

It just won't happen. And that's when you become stuck and The negativity sort of, sort of seeps in or the, um, habits that we may have that aren't so great may seep in as a defense mechanism. So, yeah, the creative flow is not being in flow state. Flow state is when you're in the zone, you're,  um, you lose track of time, you, even time and space.

Yeah.  One hour could have gone by and it felt like five minutes. Um,  these amazing downloads or ideas might pop, pop in. Um, so yeah, the flow state is quite different to creative flow, whereas creative flow is, is saying I'm a creative, I am creative. It's how we're thinking. It's how we're putting things together.

It's being very connected to your intuition  and being open so that you can, um, access your intuition. And, um, and that's where I see intuition and creative flow  interact, or be sort of,  it's like, which one came first? Like a lot of, um, research that I read or, um, and literature and podcasts that I hear and everything on intuition,  it says that creativity is a, is an offset of it.

But I'm sort of like, well, if you're in creative flow, then you can be in touch with your intuition as well.  Yeah, and I've seen that with, you know, practices I've done with you, you know, feeling very disconnected from myself and then joining one of your, uh, whether it was your online program with Sonic or your workshops with Enchant, and then, you know, going into that practice that is really creative, then going, Oh my God.

All of these things have just naturally come. So it is true. It's like, which one started first, but you, they do work so beautifully together. And I've never, never seen it work like that before. And for anyone that is, yeah, like really stuck in their business, I think trying to look outside of what they're doing and looking at it from a creative approach or going away and doing a creative, you know, some sort of creative, project or exercise can really help.

I mean, even I'm writing my book at the moment, which is so far from business, or even when I travel, cause I travel, you know, we're really creative with how we travel, you know, we've lived in a car and that really does help me. You know, with things and decisions I make in my business, because  it allows me to be more creative, like getting outside and doing things rather than just being at my desk all the time.

It's not, ideas are not going to come from there.  No, no. And it's like you said, it's for me, it's these, um, practices that I, um, that I do and that I offer to other people and women in particular. It's, um, it's a, it's creative. Coming in, into it from a creative perspective, like how can it be creative? How can I make it fun and playful, enjoyable, so that there's no real heaviness around it, um, but it's intentional.

It's there, it's designed to go deep and deal with some of those, um, You know, heavy wounds or challenges that can be, um,  difficult at times, but it's coming into it from a lighter, sort of more creative perspective so that you can feel more of your joy and more of your, um, I think true essence and be playful.

And that's the other thing that I talk a lot about is playfulness. Like going back to that playful approach as well, which is what you can do with which. Yeah, which is what creativity does and being, um,  And improvising, you know, um, that whole idea of improvisation is such a great sort of tool as well to help you get out of that sort of linear thinking and be stuck in, um, what you perceive you should be doing or how you should be doing it.

Um, when you do open yourself up to this sort of creative sort of approach,  all of a sudden you can see new ways Different things, different perspectives.  Hmm. Yeah. A hundred percent. And I've really experienced it recently with you and like even something so small of, yeah, trying to connect to a small practice daily that I can, you know, tap into that creative flow.

And one of the things I've been doing is I bought my content queen iPad and I've just been drawing things in between working on clients and I think it's just a really nice reset. And I. We're always just trying to go all the time that we never, and then realize like, oh, why is that not happening? Why am I not getting the answer?

Or why can't I think of a social media post or a blog idea? It's because we're really trapped in that. And one of the things that can keep us stuck, as you mentioned, is depending on the energy. So I'd really like to hear a little bit about, you know,  how this energy comes into play with creative flow, how the moon, I mean, spoiler alert, how you talk about the moon, um, is connected with creative flow and how at different times there's different energy.

So there might be one week where we feel like we're, you know, really getting things done. And then the next week we might feel a little bit slower. So I'd love for you to share that because I think that's a game changer for a lot of people.  Yes. I was, it's, Been a game changer from, for me, from when I really started to adopt it as a framework, um, which, and I, and I use the moon, um,  as, as a framework and as, as, as, and looking at the cycle of the moon, um, which then you can bring back to your, for, you know, your menstrual cycle or your hormones.

But I think the moon is a really great way. for women who, um, and for women who may be perimenopausal or menopausal, but also for men, you know, this is where the moon is a really great way to, um,  help bring that, um, energy sort of, um,  uh, methodology through, through the moon. But also, um,  what it also does is, is, is, um, it's a collective energy.

So you, if you aren't,  you know, bleeding with the moon or, you know, as the moon cycle is going for a woman beneath, she's not menstruating on the new moon. She can actually understand why she's feeling a little bit different.  Um, but that's a whole nother big, huge topic. Um, but based on the moon energies, I do follow the moon energy because like we were talking before, like  new moon is all about reflection, um, taking it easy.

setting new intentions, whereas the full moon is really about illumination, what's happening, you really can sort of  look at what's working, what's not working, be a little bit more flexible.  And so  If you're wanting to be reflective during a full moon, it's going to be quite hard.  And then the time between a new moon and a full moon is when you have a lot of energy and you really get things done.

And that's a really great time to be starting, um, A new habit or a new hobby and you project, um, because that's when all the brainstorming can happen and you're very focused. It's that real yang energy. Um, so trying to do that when it's moving from a  full moon to a new moon, when you're starting to slow down, when you're going more into the back down into that yin energy, feminine flow, um, Which is, many people call it the creative time.

That's when you will find you'll get most into your zone, into that flow state. That's a good time to be, um,  planning projects,  to be in that time of flow state, rather than strategizing and brainstorming. So, when you understand all these different moon phases, you can actually approach a project better.

And whether it's a huge project or a small project, or whether it's a big project and then you break it down into smaller ones, you can actually approach it and strategize it and plan it according to these different energies. And so the expectations are more realistic. And I think that's what it is. We have, we're always putting expectations on ourselves.

And when we can't perform, Or deliver, we start to doubt ourselves or all that negative self talk comes in. And what happens for me is I go, Oh yeah, that's okay. That's right. And it's, it's never perfect, but I'm human. So I'm going to always try to do something that is out of that energetic sort of feel.

But. I'm like, that's okay, I understand it, I get it. Um, it's actually, I'm going to wait till next week to do this. And then I reshuffle things and, but I am getting better at planning myself because I work with those moon energies.  Yeah, it's, it's so cool. Like, it's so cool. And as you say, like, it takes time to, I guess, align yourself with the moon, um, cycle, because also some people, you know, schedule a meeting at a time where it's like, because they don't understand it.

But I think it's that self compassion that you have for yourself when you understand. Well, no wonder I feel like this. So what can I do instead? And I see this a lot with, um, clients that I've worked with in the past or people, you know, that come to me for content help is they're always trying to force it at times and force creativity when like, well, we're always creative, but force a certain task when it's not the right time.

And, um,  When I was talking to a client recently, I said, I've been working with this amazing woman. She does creative flow and she shared this, you know, around when is like, you know, with the energies and things. And she's like, Oh my God, that makes so much sense is why, you know, I might not feel like doing a task here or there.

So, um, in terms of, you know, Content creation, because it is something we all as business owners are doing, um, unless we are, but in any way, shape or form, even if people are outsourcing it, you're still doing some kind of creative work in content marketing and content creation. So what advice would you give to people that are, cause marketing is that kind of really creative and content marketing, I find is the creative part of marketing.

So how do you, um,  I guess what advice do you give to people that are like, Oh, well, you know, I always put off, you know, filming things or doing these or doing that. And, um, how can they best, I guess, use that energy to help them, you know, whether it is, you know, starting on a new channel, starting a new creative project, things like that, because that comes up in marketing, you know, redoing my website.

Do not start it here and here. But, um, what advice do you, can you give to people to help them really harness their, you know, different types of creative flow in alignment with the moon?  Yeah. And, and it, I mean, all that depends on what your strengths and, and what your challenges are. And for me, one of my challenges is, um,  Talking on camera, filming reveals and all that.

So I know that I need to batch during, you know, when around the full moon, because that's when I'm the most confident, I'm less critical of myself. I'm not, um, watching myself or overthinking  either. Um, so that, that's, that's one tip is, um, looking at where your challenges are and. Finding the time of the month when they're best to be to be done so that you feel comfortable and you're kind to yourself because at the end of the day, this is what I always say to that being kind to yourself.

And we can't always control,  we can't control, we can never control the environment. And if you are working for someone else, it is even a lot more challenging to try and align yourself with these energies. But the different, but the thing that. You can do is be kind to yourself and say, well, I'm not performing really to that standard or to in that way at the moment, but I know I can next week.

This is where I'm at this week, or even, you know, being able to have the conversation with people around you and say, hey, Now's not a great time for me. You don't need to go into why, but you can easily say now it's not a great time for me. It will be, I'll be able to do this next week really efficiently, really, you know, quickly, so you can trust me.

And I think that's what this is really all about.  But going back to the, the The content creation, the reels for me, it's a big thing like that, you know, um, reflective writing. If, if writing isn't a strength for you, um, for me, I love to write and I the world of writing forever. Um, so writing during, if you're wanting, you know, ideas and reflecting, you know, that new main stage, but being really creative  between the new moon and So going from the full moon to the new moon is the best time to have that real sort of creative writing if you want to do a bit of storytelling.

Um,  not be too sensitive, but yeah, the storytelling I think is when you would do it, but from the going from the full moon to the new moon, the new moon is a great time for that reflective time, what your aspirations are. Um,  so in, you could reach out and talk in different ways at each time of that moon energy, that moon cycle, and then going between, you know, the going back around from the new moon to the full moon.

For me, that's when you would be, um,  you know, the, how to do things that, you know, like right educational stuff do you do, you know, and it's also a great time to get onto Canberra  and batch some of those, um, carousels  and. You know, things like that. So yeah, definitely in terms of content, use it for moon for the different types of content that you want to post when you would do them and batch them.

So batching, as you always say Mariah, batching is, is key.  Yeah, definitely. And it's interesting because like, I love what you say, like batching to your energy. Cause I know some people that just get like a month's worth of content up and they schedule it and then they're not aligned to it when it comes out.

But batching the styles of content in the times aligned with the moon, I think is really, really cool. And do you know what could be super interesting is kind of posting in those times and seeing if the collective respond more in that time. Just had an idea for us, Jo, as I was talking.  But, um, because we're all a collective, you know, we all kind of feel the same.

We know this when we get on.  Zoom sessions in like a group coaching setting and everyone feels the same thing. And it's like, yeah, the collective always feels the same, um, you know, give or take, maybe some people are at different stages of their cycle as well. But I just think this is so fascinating because rather than just pushing through, because  content is a very energetic thing.

And if you're not in the right energy, when you create, and that's why I never force any of my clients, if they're not in a creative space to create. But like, in that type of ready for that sort of creative flow, I would rather them understand this and go, you know what, right now I'm not in a creative space to film videos, but I could do this instead.

It's like, awesome work to that. Because I think, um, if you're, if, you know, I forced you, Jo, to create a video and you weren't energetically there. People know, people know when you're not in it energetically. And that's why I think I talk about this a lot, but it's so good to hear it from you. That is like actual, you know, we see this in a 28 day cycle that the moon cycle or our, um, menstrual cycle that yes, that literally is.

And, and it's a beautiful self compassion piece to have because we're always looking for like evidence to be compassionate to ourselves. And this is evidence. And it's like. Yeah, you might not feel like doing that in the new moon cycle. So that, like in that phase, um, so that, you know, is, that's okay. I'm okay with that.

And you have a really beautiful blog post on this that I will put in the show notes for people to read and learn a bit more about the different cycles. Um, cause I'm sure this, some of this is really new to a lot of people. I mean, to us, it's not, cause we have, um, done lots of, you know, Work in it or learned about it.

You've done an extraordinary amount of work, and I've learned a lot from you and other other sources, so I just love it. I think this is just a real game changer. And as you said, it's been a game changer in your business. And for a bit of context for Joe, like she actually has it in her calendar, what phase it's in.

And I think that's so cool because then you go, Oh, yes, it's this. And I think at the beginning of anything we're doing, right? Yeah. we need to be reminded of certain times because, you know, then we go, Oh, that's why I feel like this. Cause it's this for you, you live it and breathe it. So, you know, it every day, but sometimes I have to connect back back.

Oh, okay. That's why I'm feeling this.  Oh, no, I still sometimes forget. Because we're, we're human and um, and also I'll get, I'll get caught up in, you know, my husband's life, my kid's life, what's going on around us, you know, I've, um,  socially what's happening. So we do get caught up in life and it's just a, it's a really great way to recenter myself and come back to myself and go, Oh, okay.

How do I, um, come back to the, this way of living because it's normal to. Um, the difference is I don't get swept away so much anymore, or, and, and actually I don't come crashing down. That's the biggest thing because I'm really looking at after my nervous system and I'm really aware of what my nervous system means.

And so the crash isn't happening, whereas in the past, I used to have massive highs So, yeah. be swept away with the, you know, what was going on around me and then come crashing down. And so I'm not having the massive crashes anymore. Um, I'm having, you know,  yeah, I don't think I'm having any crashes. But something you did say earlier that got me thinking as well.

Also, if you do love  filming and being on camera, but you want to have that different tone and different approach and have those nuances filming at different times of the month in that way, saying, you know, Newman or reflective.  So you're bringing in those different tones and those different ideas and approaches that would actually really make your content quite interesting rather than like, said batching it all in one hit and trying to be reflective when you're actually in one of those dynamic moods.

Um, if you want to be storytelling, for example, doing it, you know, Speaking at saying it during that time as well. So I think it actually would work for someone who will also what you loved. If you do love to be on camera using the cycle of the moon to batch, how, what type of content you would be filming.

Um, yeah. So that came up just before. Yeah, it'd be a cool experiment, but, um, I think, yeah, if anyone does it, let us know, because I think it'd just be interesting to see how the, like, people respond during those times to different types of content, because, you know, we're all on the same cycle. So, you know, in one way or another, so it'd be interesting where the engagement goes with that.

Like, I feel like it's a, it's a very cool,  excuse me, thing to think about.  Yeah. And I think it's not only that we're all on the same cycle, it's the authenticity comes through. It's not forced. You're not trying to make it happen. It's actually the truth. You know, your true self is coming through. And that authenticity.

is really evident. Um, and I think that's what's key because people are connecting to your authentic self to you  and they don't want to see someone that's on show. They want to see you as you are. And, and I feel I know myself when I'm creating, um, because like I said, my challenge is getting on film and filming myself and talking  and trying to talk in a way That is not in line with where my energy is, is so hard and I, and I just put it off and I keep putting it off.

So what I am starting to do because I need, I would like to do it more and I'd love to be doing it more. Um, I'm going to do exactly what we just talked about. But okay, where am I at right now energetically?  Thinking I should be creating this type of content in this time in this way because I'm launching this or because I'm talking about that and I want it all to align.

What I'm going to really start doing is actually saying where am I energetically at and speak from there.  Yeah, well, everyone go and follow Joe because that's the experiment that's going to happen and you'll see it come to life because yeah, it's true. Like the penny is dropping for us here. And that's what happens, you know, and even launching things or how we speak about them and you're so right with what you say, it's always not necessarily how the audience is feeling, but how they see it.

See you online connected authentically to you. I think that is so cool. So, um, my last question that I have before we wrap up, uh, this amazing interview, we could talk about this for days, um, is okay. So we're working with our creative flow. We're kind of understanding the certain times where we feel different energies, but are there ways that we can.

Connect to our own creativity, you know, while we're sort of in this space, what are, what are some of the beautiful, um, tools that you have that help you connect to, you know, your own creativity?  Um, some of the practices that I have, um, well, one of them is breath, work and meditation. Uh, I'm, you know, I think every day.

Morning practices that I have visualization. A lot of my meditation is visualization as well. I like listening to visual sort of some shamanic style meditations, which I also  facilitate myself. So I love going on. I love being taken on a journey. I like taking people on the journey as well. So I think it's that  journey is what keeps me feeling creative.

And that's when I really step into that creativity.  Breath work  is just an amazing practice and having different types of  breath work for the different energies is really important when I'm feeling a little bit more sluggish and slow, and I've got a big day ahead. Yeah.  I will do a more dynamic breastwork, get me going, get me moving, get that creativity flowing.

But then if I'm in that too fiery and too inspired, really scattery because I've got a lot of ideas and there's a lot of stuff going on around me and I'm feeling super creative,  a slower breastwork practice to ground me and bring me back. And I think one thing that I've probably not said, but keep.

Refer thinking about. It's bringing me back to my body. It's always coming back to the body. How is your body feeling? What is the body telling you? Um, and if I'm feeling overactive in the mind in my, I can feel my heat coming out of my body and all these ideas and I can't focus and I do need to get something done.

It's. You know, coming back down through breath work so that then I can step into my creative flow and make the decisions that I need to make creatively and intuitively.  Oh, that's so cool. And I think people are starting to see how it all connects, right? Like how, you know, and. You know, there's times where, yes, we are overstimulated and really, really creative, but we do have to ground.

So we actually take action on them. And that was really cool that you said that, because I think, you know, often when we are really feeling that heightened level of ideas coming through, sometimes that's when we don't action actually, rather than thinking we're going to get it done, you know, sometimes on like a, um, Yeah, like during the week I've got so much ideas it's going to be a really great week and then I just,  I really struggle to do it because I've got like an idea here and an idea there and things like that.

And then what you said about visualization, I've always been a really imaginative person, like I had the imaginary friend, I always had like real, you know, Visuals. And sometimes I actually visual content ideas in my head or things that I've got to do from just like sitting in the shower, like, yes, sometimes I sit in the bottom of the shower and like, those ideas come to me through like a visual or in the mornings before I kind of get up, like doing a little bit of like a meditation and a visualization.

So I love that you share that because it made me realize, I think I do that too, but I don't really realize it. And I'm sure we all have some. Something we just need to connect to it and bring that level of awareness. So that is so cool. Thank you so much, Joe, for sharing your amazing wisdom. We'll put more links in the show notes so people can connect with you and all that.

But yeah, how can people find you and connect with you? See your, uh, different types of filming come to life in the, the moon phases. Yeah. How can people find you?  Well, there's, I do have an Instagram account, the embodied approach, and that's the main place you can sort of see what I'm doing and, um, Yeah, listen to me, like we said, we're going to start the experiment.

Um, and then also I have a website, um, The Embodied Approach, where you  go in and see everything I offer, and I do one on one work as well. So, you know, from group programs, to live, sort of, in person events, uh, and, um, one on one work.  And you can find all that information on my website.  Amazing. Thank you so much, Joe.

We'll link that, uh, in the, in the show notes and you have some amazing, you know, um, ways that people can connect with you, join your list. You have a beautiful shamanic meditation, so we'll pop that in there as well, so people can experience that type of journey. Cause I think, um, you know, sometimes we need to get.

Into our body to, you know, get out of our heads and I think that's something that you share beautifully and really guide people with and I've seen it before. Literally saw it last night. I was so in my head and, um, we, I joined in chant, which you'll still have some sessions left when this episode comes out so people can join.

And I was so in my head and you helped me connect to my body and connect to my intuition, which is obviously you can hear me today. I've got energy. So it really did help me, um, get through that. So thank you for joining and sharing your wisdom. And, um, yeah, I can't wait to see more of it come to life in your content.

Thanks, Maya. I've loved chatting with you. Like you said, we can chat forever. This has been great.  We definitely could. Thanks so much. Thank you. It's been so much fun.  Jo is amazing and I love learning from her. Now I have been working with Jo to really help me tap into my own creativity.  Because I too have felt like maybe I'm not a creative, even though everything I do is very creative.

And I wanted to tap into that. And in fact, what it's led me to do is helps me tap into my intuition. It's helped me with a lot of self trust and because what I do is very creative, um, I have to trust that as well, but everything we do is creative and it's helped me see things differently. Like even the way I do things in my everyday life to be creative.

So I hope that's inspired you to tap into your own creative flow. And if it's something you really want to explore, you know, like, um, Joe has worked with people who've wanted to write their own book, who just want to tap into more of a creative hobby that maybe they haven't done in years. And I think the work she does is very powerful.

And there's a lot of energy healing in it too. So I've experienced firsthand the amazing work of Joe. And if you have been struggling a little bit with creativity, And you want to live a more like creative life and be connected to your intuition. I highly recommend you check her out.  So yeah, creativity is something, as I said, I've been working on and, um,  I have loved stepping into different creative practices.

You know, Mitch and I.  I'm currently creating our blanket from all of our patches from when we traveled and we've been sewing them by hand to the blanket and it's such, like, it's so rewarding seeing it come together. We're four down, as I record this, we have like, 36 to go or something like that. But, um, yeah, it's been awesome to kind of go on that journey.

And then I've been doing more drawing as I've been working with Jo on, um, create like on mark making and that's what she calls it when you're like intuitively drawing. So it's been fun. And, um, also I bought our new iPad that I use for content queen work and, you know, just downloading a few apps to doodle or to color.

Um, Um, it's just so fun to tap into our creativity and it brings in a sense of play, which I think has been super fun. And of course it's helped me a lot in the content creation process and really enjoying it and making it this really creative practice rather than, Oh, you know, you've got to get this done.

You've got to do that. Like just really thinking through it, obviously strategically, but then with this like level of creativity, which makes things super magical and energetic and it resonates with more people when we're in that space. And I loved what Joe shared about. Connecting to the energy of the moon.

And we've created this really awesome infographic that's going up on social sort of showing you what content you can create during that cycle time. So be a content queen or King, and remember that developing your strategy and story develops your business. Thank you so much for joining me today. And please don't forget to share this with all your business and entrepreneurial friends.

You can do this by adding it to your Instagram stories and tagging us at content queen Mariah. Or you can tell them about it. You can share the link. If you do rate and review or pop a comment, if you're on Spotify on this episode, it gets this episode out there. Obviously helps promote Jo's amazing work and her awesome time that she gave us to share her wisdom.

And it allows more people to see this content, get help, but also see this content and, you know, pitch to be on the show and we can continue to get amazing guests on. So follow me on TikTok or Instagram.  And let me know if there are any topics you'd like me to cover. Of course, um,  August we've got awesome content coming up, but I'm always looking for September.

So let me know if you have any questions and next week I'm going to share a little bit more behind the scenes of my own creative process and my own creative journey of being a content creator and being in this really creative space of marketing. So I'm very excited to share a little bit more about my own creative practice and, uh, yeah, I'll talk to you then.


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