245: Why you can't be consistent online

Do you have this massive content pain point? 


I have a lot of clients who come to me for this exact reason. 

Let me share with you how I keep clients consistent as I work with them 1:1 (and how I still manage to show up myself). 

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  • How to overcome the pain of not being consistent with your marketing 

  • How to build a habit 

  • How to identify why you aren’t consistent 

  • How to build a process 


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Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕


This is episode 245 and I'm talking all about why you can't be consistent online with your content. Welcome to the content queen podcast. I'm your host Mariah entrepreneur, storyteller, digital nomad, creative content bootcamp and founder of content queen. I'm here to teach you how to share your unique story, create content and market your business with strategy through the channels that work for you.

Each week I'll deliver a story to help you connect to a powerful strategy around marketing, business, and content creation. I'll also be joined by amazing souls and entrepreneurs who need to share their own journey along with actual steps to help you take your business to a whole new level through amazing storytelling, powerful aligned marketing, and content strategy.

Let's do it. Hello gang. Okay. Why can't you be consistent online? Let's talk about it. So  I have seen a rise in clients to help. with their content marketing. Why is this?  They want to execute it. This is the number one thing that stops us from posting our content. I've had clients that have posted like a whole month's worth of content and they never posted it.

That's why they've then come to work with me because they, the execution is one of those blockers for a lot of us.  So I'm going to share this that is holding us back, why it's holding us back and what we can do. Because when you build yourself a process and a system, then you have the accountability and organization to be more consistent.

This is what's going to help you with the execution. So the first thing that we're going to do, we're going to get straight into it is identify where you struggle. What is the thing you struggle with the most? Is it executing your videos? Is it sitting down to record the podcast?  Is it actually physically scheduling it?

What is that thing that you struggle with? Identify it. You might need to spend some time just being aware, thinking about it. Okay. Oh, I'm putting this off. Why?  Just identify why. And it's so interesting. I listened to this awesome podcast around destruction and procrastination. And basically what he talks about in this podcast was The reason that we do procrastinate or distract is because there's an underlying trigger.

So when you identify that trigger, you can then understand it. So for example, all right, you are not scheduling your content because it means that I'm going to put myself out there in front of the world. It means I'm hitting send.  Interesting, right? Is there a fear around being seen, being heard?  It's an amazing podcast that one of my clients, Sally Prosser did, I'm going to put it in the show notes for you to listen to, because actually she talks about.

It's not the fear of public speaking, for example, it's the fear of being seen. So identify this trigger. What is it that's happening now? This is mindset stuff and I am not qualified to talk about it, but.  I know from my own personal experience, it's understanding, what does that mean? Okay, I'm not, I'm not executing the video.

Why?  So, when he talks about, in this podcast, identifying the trigger, it's, okay, you're procrastinating or distracted, distracted on this project. Why?  Oh, because I'm stressed because I want to give a good output.  Interesting thing to think about. So that is identifying where you struggle the most and why,  right?

And of course, that is a whole other mindset piece that you can then go down, maybe, um, explore that a little bit more, do some coaching with. someone that's qualified or some therapy. So we're going to move on to like the marketing side of things. So the second thing that you want to do is build the system and the process to help you execute and get the things out there so you can be more consistent.

For example, when I first  Um, started building out the systems. I created processes or what the coach I was working with at the time called super tool kits. I know everything that needs to be done as soon as I click on my ClickUp app. I know everything that needs to be done that day. I know I need to write a newsletter for this, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah.

And then it reschedules for the next week. So I know what needs to be done. It's like, for example, putting your gym bag at the door before you leave, like before you go to bed. So in the morning your gym bags there, you have no excuse. Not to go to the gym, right? It's putting like the success there and I'm gonna talk about the habit in the step three But basically build a process for yourself So, you know everything that needs to happen so that to execute the content to write that blog to film that video you know what needs to happen and You can have certain days that you do it.

Certain days you feel more energetic. What days are you less distracted? What days are you less likely to procrastinate? We have a beautiful podcast episode with Joanne Makas, who talks about this on a monthly scale, related to women's cycles and the moon cycle. So if you actually find that it's not certain days, but actually certain weeks in the month, you can use this and harness this energy.

I'm going to put the link in the show notes so you can check that out. If you really struggle to understand what days am I more creative.  So for me,  Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays are my most creative content days. So I'm not going to force myself to do something on the other days if it's just not going to work for me energetically as well, but build a system and a process to set you up for success.

If you've got a project management tool, start using it. Select the days that you're going to do the certain jobs and then observe if it's not working for you, make changes, right? The amount of changes I've made in the way I work in even the last two weeks is massive. So I work on client work and content queen work.

It is sometimes hard to juggle that in a day. So I've decided to now go Mondays and Tuesdays for Content Queen and Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays is more content, uh, client heavy days. And I have built my system around that. Now it doesn't mean I can't do client work on a Monday, Tuesday. It's just different jobs and tasks, more light work.

And then I do a lot more content production for them on those days. Otherwise, it's so hard to juggle tasks all the time. So I'm building processes and systems. This is something that you're going to learn and develop. You might go, you know what? I think Wednesdays is really good for filming. I'm going to put that in the calendar.

It doesn't work out. That's okay. You can change and you can adapt and you can iterate that.  And then the third one is all about building the habit. Now if you have read atomic habits, you know this, I'm going to read through some of the things in that book that I think is very powerful to help us. So a few things like making it obvious.

Make it obvious that that is something that you want to do. For example, this is my habit was going to bed, um, at a reasonable hour. So I implemented the intention. That's the first thing you do. So I wrote, I will go to bed at 9 45. It's between 11 15. That is my dedicated time to get to my bedroom.  And then I did habit stacking.

So after this was when I was traveling full time and well we still traveling full time. This is when I was traveling in South America and the time zones were not working out. So I would work too late. That's basically why I implemented this. So then what I did was I had an alarm that went off when it was time to finish work and that meant I had to say goodbye to my clients.

So that was stacking a habit. Finishing work, alarm goes off,  I say goodnight to my clients.  And then it was designing my environment. So no working from the bed. The bed was for sleep, getting my pajamas ready, getting my book ready for my night routine. So designing your environment for success.  And then we need to make it attractive.

So, you know, this is things like giving yourself a  reward for doing the action. This was about getting people to support you. So for example, pairing it with something that you want to do. So for example, me going to bed was I got to read and I really like reading. Then I had my partner, Mitch, my mum and my dad, all rallying me to go to bed.

Like, Mitch would be like, come on, it's time to go to bed. You said you wanted to go to bed at this time. And then it was about creating a ritual. So I had, um, I tried to set it up, it didn't always work, but a shortcut that when that alarm went off, a song played. That meant it was calming, it was nice, it was like a little ritual to motivate me to go to bed.

So how can you make content creation attractive? How can you make it obvious so that you actually go and execute it? And then the last one is really, or the last two is making it easy and making it satisfying. So making it easy is small steps rather than I've got to create a month's worth of social media content, really breaking it up.

That's what I did to myself. Like it wasn't like, Oh, you've got to go to bed at this time. It was like setting it up. So it was easy, small action steps. It wasn't going to bed straight away. It was. The alarm went off, saying goodnight to my client, wrapping things up, going and brushing my teeth. Like all those things that were small actions that prepped me for bedtime, right?

So it's making it easy, putting things into bite sized pieces. It's not like, yes, I've got to do all my content creation on Tuesdays. It's okay. I've got to film these videos. I've got to do that. That was, that's creating a process, smaller actions that help you. Do the thing, right? And then it's really trying to automate it as well.

So, um, automating habits is a big one too. So how can you outsource that or how can you make it easier for yourself? For example, we've got scheduling tools that, you know, push the content out there as soon as we put it into the platform, there's so many tools now that can help automate up the content creation process and then, yeah, making it satisfying, you know, ticking off a box to say I'm done or giving yourself a reward after you've done it, seeing the benefits.

of it, you know, looking at the metrics from you being more consistent. And then the last one that he talks about is in this book is never missing twice. So, I mean, content posts you can miss here and there, but just trying to keep that consistent habit. So if you haven't read Atomic Habits, I highly recommend it, but this is a really good way to build these habits.

And what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a blog Helping you, using this Atomic Habit, create your own Habit Tracker for being more consistent with your content. Because you will see results if you are more consistent. So, I will put that blog in the show notes and you can check that out. But basically, we'll be going through using my Bedtime, um, Habit thing that I just mentioned.

And then making one for you that you can put together for your content. And that is what's going to help you be consistent. Once it's a habit, it's super easy, right? And this leads back to, I guess, James Clear's story around blogging and habits. He did a blog every week or every day, I think. Look at him now.

He's like a famous writer. There's another person similar to him, James Smith, who is a PT, started creating content consistently. He's now got millions of followers and is running a very successful business. He talks about exponential growth, which is time and consistency, doing something consistently over a period of time.

So how can you do that to really create impact in your business? You will see growth if you actually implement it consistently. And also if you have a content strategy, and if you don't, we have a workshop, I'll put it in the show notes and you can check it out, but that's it. It's pretty simple, but it just takes energy and time and you got to keep yourself going with it, right?

Like consistency is one of those things that it does take work, but it's not  hard. But be a content queen or king and remember that developing your strategy and story develops your business. Thank you so much for joining me today and please don't forget to share this with all your business and entrepreneurial friends.

You can do this by adding it to your Insta stories and tagging me at contentqueenmariah or just tell them about it. If you do rate and review on whatever platform you're listening to this on, it will help me get this podcast out there and share my message and also bring on amazing guests. So follow me on TikTok or Instagram and let me know if there's any topics you want me to talk about in the future.

I would absolutely love to, but I will talk to you soon. Bye!